Photo - EnRoute


We produce heroes, we reward them, we motivate them!

Market: Transport, Mobile applications
Stage of the project: Idea or something is already done

Date of last change: 26.06.2020
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EnRoute is a B2B2C platform that helps people to reduce the number of their CO2 emissions by chaining multiple activities into a single trip chain while fulfilling all activities. For every saved gram of carbon dioxide, people will get a point. Depending on the number of points earned, they can buy various prizes from EnRoute Online Shop. The main sources of income are in-app purchases, affiliate marketing, and monthly subscriptions. EnRoute gives an ability to save Planet Earth, and now to reward yourself twice!

Current Status

Our idea is at a stage of product development and launching the MVPs of different characteristics that the application has. Right now we are testing our idea via surveys and interviews, trying to perform a self-designed Lean Approach.


Composed of countries that have signed the Paris Agreement of the United Nations, the Balkan Region has a duty until 2030 to significantly reduce the level of carbon emissions, especially in the areas of industry and business. For the integration of this region in the Western world and fulfillment of this important mission, EnRoute is an important link in the system, which will play a role in the regulation of the companies with a special emphasis on transport, agricultural, catering, educational institutions, online retailers and other small retailers.
EnRoute targets companies that deliver supplies for the needs of businesses (groceries, office supplies, etc.) and the businesses themselves which receive the deliveries. Furthermore, EnRoute addresses all transport companies that want to expand online sales to their citizens, even those who have never been on such a market before. Most often these involve but are not limited to taxi companies, intercity buses, etc.
Finally, EnRoute targets a wide market of people, mostly aged 10-70 (who know how to manage a smartphone, computer, or another smart device) and perform various daily activities. It targets all those who want to be fighters and be the change in the world. Finally, EnRoute is for all the adventurers who want to be part of the EnRoute Online Shop where they will receive completely different prizes and need to save planet Earth for return.
As the EnRoute application is targeting a wider audience, we conducted several surveys to better understand the scope of our business. The first group of surveys aimed to find out if the application would be used if citizens had no personal gains other than the creation of a smaller amount of carbon emissions. It showed that about 30 percent of the number of respondents will be our potential users. The second group of surveys aimed to find out how the application would be accepted if the user will receive different types of material gifts to use EnRoute, and the number of potential users grew to 95 percent from those who participated in the survey. The surveys were conducted on about 3,000 people aged 15-60 from all over the Balkan Region.
As digital trends appear to spread rapidly through social media every day, EnRoute will have regular challenges for "followers" to reach a number of emissions (a smaller amount) and will reward the "most active" or those who have reduced the largest number of CO2 emissions. They will be placed on a weekly basis. Through them, we will be able to reach a large number of citizens. The group we want to tackle in this way is the group of young people aged 15-30 because they are regular followers of these trends.
The only restrictions or prerequisites for using EnRoute are the possession of a smartphone (phone, tablet, or computer) and the knowledge to handle and use the application. Because the idea itself is an application, easy to use, it has the potential to reach a large number of users.
To better understand the range of our users, we use s-curve which is a kind of market segmentation when presenting a completely new innovation never used before.
About 2.5 percent of our market is occupied by the innovators or people who want to try new things before they are available in the wider market. In our case, this includes the population of ecologists and people who have a strict lifestyle in order not to harm the environment. Although they do not cover much of the market, they are the first to use our solution and will be crucial to make a greater expansion of EnRoute in their communities. (They will be a kind of reference that will represent EnRoute)
The second key part of the market is represented by the early buyers who mark 13.5 percent of the market. They include people who, although not as passionate as the first group, want to reduce their CO2 carbon emissions and be conscientious citizens. Furthermore, there are companies (air, transport, etc.) that are obliged to reduce their number of carbon emissions in order to be competitive in their market, to be environmentally friendly (which will cause benefits for them in terms of licenses they will receive) and increase the number of customers - more and more people are worried about emissions from transportation, known as the Greta Thunberg effect. A great characteristic of these companies is that they are small companies that have to reach a certain number of emissions but they are not able to pay expensive consulting companies that will carry out their plans. Most often they are looking for a quick solution, suitable for their budget. During this period we will start night deliveries with those companies that face a number of problems (great congestion, poor communication between companies, delays in delivery, huge costs).
The third-largest part of the market is the early majority. This includes people who want to bring EnRoute into their lives because of the "gifts" they can get from the Online Store. In this section, we do not attract companies that want a quick and accessible solution. On the contrary, here our companies will demand a complete solution that will cover all their needs, and at the same time will be effective in reducing the number of emissions. We will manage to get to this level with good work and satisfied customers from the previous phase, as well as by upgrading the opportunities throughout the time.
The fourth and fifth parts are a group of citizens who accept the solution when they see that it works well and it is commonly used by their environment. They want complete security and do not want to go out of their comfort zone, so they usually accept this part because of their surroundings.

Problem or Opportunity

Due to the growing trend of the busy lifestyle, it is a fact that people should complete a greater than ever number of daily activities. According to researchers, more than 78% of the population is making on the spot decision to choose the method of transportation. As a result of not having activities planned ahead of time, people are choosing the means of transport that are the most accessible at the moment, without thinking about the impact caused on the environment and their financial situation. Because more than 50% of the population is not planning their activities ahead of time, they are not able to chain various activities into a single trip chain, and instead, they increase the level of CO2 emissions using various transportation elements.
Moreover, many companies are exceeding the limit of CO2 emissions that is set for them, and thereby they are harming the environment. One common reason for this behavior is that the employment of environmental advisers represents an additional burden which some of them would not be able to afford.
The third problem is the creation of CO2 emissions by freight and post/cargo deliveries. The greatest problem is that these deliveries are established by trunks that produce three times more carbon emissions compared to passenger cars. Plus that number increases when they get stuck in the daily hustle and bustle which is very common in the metropolitan area.
Furthermore, mail delivery errors happen to be very common in cases where the customer can not be found at home, and a re-delivery of the shipment will happen. Also, a lot of postmen are not able to find the right address or worse, transfer packages with incorrect markings. As a result, these faults are producing additional CO2 emissions.
This problem has not been solved yet because there is no quick way for companies to easily regulate their activities in terms of carbon emissions, shipments, and deliveries, as well as there, is not sufficient motivation for citizens to pay attention to their daily activities. This problem, due to the global pollution situation is crucial and has high market credibility. It is increasing daily due to the 2030 Paris Agreement of the United Nations.

Solution (product or service)

With the usage of a pull method (method of finding a solution based on the given problem), we have found EnRoute, a mobile application, and software that will change the everyday life and the composition of the air once and for all.
The first part of the solution is a mobile application for individuals. All that one has to do is enter the activities that he/she wants to do during the day. (E.g. bring the kid to school, get the delivery, go to work). For each activity, the user shall sel ect the means of transport that can and cannot be used for the selected activities (e.g. yes-bus, no-train), the place and time for finish and start, as well as the maximum and optimal price that the user wants to pay for the trip. In the end, the application will ask the user if a certain activity is flexible (able to be done at another period of the day). The application needs that information in order to process a combination which has the smallest use of CO2 emission that is possible. When a user launches the application for the first time, she/he should answer a certain amount of questions. The answers are saved in the system until the user decides to make a change. (the type of automobile, city, location of their home, weather conditions in which the user wants to drive and walk, as well as the min/max amount of kilometers she/he wants to walk.)
The software of EnRoute is connected to databases and mathematical models which give a specific number of combinations of the activities aligned to all information entered by the user. For each combination, EnRoute shows the number of CO2 emissions that will be used by its performance. A key tool of the application is that it gives a certain number of combinations of activities (depending on the number of activities in the day and open possibilities, but always more than one.)That gives an opportunity to the citizens to choose the one that is most favorable.
The application will incorporate in-app purchases. Through them, the user can book trips, such as taxis, bus tickets, and even air transportation. EnRoute allows all transport companies that do not have an online card purchase system to be incorporated into our system. By using the application itself, people will be able to become aware of the small things that make a big impact on the world.
According to the research performed, less than 30 percent of people would download this app "in order to help the Earth." But they would be more than happy to enter their 5 minutes in order to get something of material value. EnRoute, therefore, decides to motivate people. If one day the number of carbon emissions is less than the average (the average is calculated based on the number of trips in that day and kilometers traveled) the user gets one point. With a certain number of EnRoute points, they can shop at the EnRoute store: fr om a coffee to a plane ticket.
The second part of our solution is the EnRoute software for companies and businesses. The principle of operation is based on the principle of the previously described application. But because a business encompasses a number of sectors that need to be regulated (including all of its employees' work activities, various deliveries, business trips, and appointments), the software itself will have larger databases, as well as permanent adjustments and changes.
To address the problem with the delivery service, EnRoute embraces New York's concept of night delivery and brings a new level of organization to perform maximum efficiency. Because this problem is most active in large cities, the initial system of EnRoute Off-Hours Delivery (or night delivery system) will be active only in cities that have more than 300.000 citizens, due to the number of deliveries per day. The delivery company and the receiving company enter their preferences on time and place. Deliveries will usually be made in the external area to prevent the creation of noise pollution and greater damage to citizens. The software according to the previously entered preferences gives the appropriate time, and also gives the information about other night deliveries that will occur at that time, expresses the percentage of how much travel time is reduced, how much their reliability is increased and of course, the reduces on the number of carbon dioxide emissions. The system will be tailored to take into account all regulations and laws, as well as parking restrictions that apply in one place. Companies that need to accept these deliveries will have the opportunity to choose an unattended delivery or delivery that should not be welcomed by the person in charge. This will allow uninterrupted work on the part of those who deliver.
To address the problem with shipments, for the first time ever we introduce the principle of collective deliveries. This principle is a design where shipments are delivered to a specific location that can be a cargo point or a specific business visited by the user (supermarket, mall, etc.). From the point of view of reducing carbon emissions, this way can reduce the number of failed deliveries and enable consolidation of the delivery schedule. EnRoute regulates shipments for individuals and businesses and immediately reminds the user and shipper of the delivery. The sender lists the places wh ere the delivery can be left. Afterward, the user selects the best option. The principle of collective deliveries has a goal to put an end on missed shipments and give the opportunity people to get them in motion.

Example: A citizen, on a spring day, has to go to 4 places: to take a shipment (flexible option, he can take it from several places), to go to work (22 km), to take the child to school (1 km), and go to the supermarket (flexible option). Because he carries out his activities unplanned, he makes separate trips for all the listed activities. But with EnRoute, this scene has a different twist. First, the citizen says that he wants to walk 3 km if the weather is good. That way he can take the child to school on foot (1 km) and then go to the bus station to continue to work. The bus is scheduled regularly and thus does not cause additional carbon dioxide emissions. The citizen returns home by bus, and the child comes home alone. Then he goes to the nearest supermarket on foot. EnRoute calculates all this in numbers. In the first daily scenario, the citizen uses about 10000 g of carbon, and in the second he uses about 7000 g of carbon, which is below the average for the number of activities that the user fulfills. He will, therefore, be rewarded with a point. With the points obtained fr om 5 days, he will get free cargo, free bus tickets, and so on. If the number of points increases, they will be able to buy material things, as well as airline tickets for inter and continental travel.
If the client wants to perform his activity by car, EnRoute tries to be consistent with nature. In order for the travel with a car to have a minimum number of emissions, EnRoute is connecting to the servers and tries to reserve a parking space in advance so that the customer does not circle around which causes an additional number of carbon emissions.
Although it may sound like the "gifts" and "discounts" are actually additional pollution, such as cargo or bus, they are actually daily activities that the citizen will inevitably perform, but in this way, he has to save a lot of carbon emissions. Each award is calculated in such a way that before the participant receives it, he must "save" three times more carbon dioxide emissions compared to what he will cause with the award. Moreover, the algorithm of the software gives the award in a situation when there is no greener option for the trip. The use of EnRoute can save up to 30 percent of the world's total carbon emissions, which in a way can mark the easiest, simplest, and most efficient way. to involve all people in saving our home - Planet Earth.

Strange as it may sound, the usage of EnRoute has proven to be good for the financial management of our citizens. With pre-planned trips during the day, it is possible to make different commitments, and use natural resources (bicycle, on foot) that allows fewer transportation costs in everyday life. Although the maximum price that is planned to be spent (or it is in the rank) is included in the import in each way of travel, with the full combination the planned price comes to a drastic reduction, which is a social impact for the benefit of the citizens.


Fr om our research, we come to the fact that in the market there is no software that will allow citizens to track the amount of CO2 emissions they are causing with the trips they make during everyday life. Of course, in the world market, using dominantly English language we have recorded several similar solutions.
Commute Greener: A free application that encourages people to use public transport. The more they are using public transport, the more points users can get to buy coffee. Unlike EnRoute, which aims to harness the overall potential of all its users, Commute Greener operates only in the metropolitan area. Furthermore, Commute Greener does not encourage citizens with higher rewards, but regardless of the activity and "saved" carbon emissions, the reward is always coffee. Unlike EnRoute, which aims to take advantage of all user options, Commute Greener only connects to public transport with no further algorithms if they are using public transport in need only or they are using it every time even though a greener option is available.
Green Meter: An application that works on a monthly subscription. Green Meter calculates the power of the user's vehicle, lists the fuel usage characteristics, and evaluates the movement to increase efficiency and reduce fuel consumption. Unlike EnRoute, which uses a very simple vocabulary and is easy to use, Green Meter requires a great deal of knowledge of how the vehicle works through a number of professional terms.
Rippl: A free application that provides daily advice on how can one protect nature. It is based on the interests of users. It reminds the user every day to make a small change that will mean a lot to the Planet Earth. Unlike EnRoute, which provides a fully customized program to the user interests, Rippl sends the nearly same recommendations to all its users. Furthermore, it does not provide any value that can motivate its users, so it is like an information service.
Capture: An application that works on a monthly subscription. It allows the user to find out the approximate number of carbon emissions he/she generates daily and it gives ideas project one can perform in order to delete the "carbon emissions" it has created. (Ex: planting trees). Unlike Capture, wh ere the user first has to pay to find how to reduce the emissions he/she already made, EnRoute prevents him from doing so for free.
The analysis of companies actually shows that we do not have a main competitor in the market, ie EnRoute belongs to the part of Blue Chain (a new market on the market). Our software easily shortens additional carbon emissions from poorly organized activities. We are committed to harnessing the full potential and reducing carbon emissions worldwide.

Advantages or differentiators

Save Planet Earth, reward yourself twice! is the motto of EnRoute.
Our unique selling point consists of two parts. EnRoute's main strategy is a fully personalized approach. No section is an approximate value or trait that can fit a greater audience of people. Everything is calculated based on the data the user is entering and their preferences. EnRoute completely protects the data. Everything the user enters remains in his/her application. If the schedule for one day is exactly the same throughout the whole week, the user can easily save that schedule. If he would like to add on another activity that day, he can enter it at any time, and the most environmentally friendly way will be calculated immediately. The second part is receiving EnRoute points, each day when the number of carbon emissions is lower than average. (The average is based on the number of activities that day). EnRoute is the only application that offers people not only to save nature but get prizes as well.
The original point for us is the night delivery system, which is the first of its kind and gives all businesses an easy way to organize their deliveries. The system easily collects preferences fr om both parties (supplier and recipient of the delivery) and replaces annoying calls and emails to arrange deliveries daily, as well as puts a full stop on all delays that happen due to frequent congestions, especially in the city center.
Finally, EnRoute puts a full stop to the long wait for the postman and the process of shipments. Easier than ever, for each type of delivery the user will be notified with a simple notification. And yes, there is no more losing time to pass thousands of kilometers to the cargo point, the cargo point will be all around the user. Postmen will not look for people in their homes, and users will not wait for days. In addition to all these personal benefits, they will cause less damage to Planet Earth.
EnRoute's overall mission has no potential to make a difference without the most important sector, and that is certainly its users. The main value of EnRoute is that we treat every user as a hero who can do a lot and save the planet Earth. We aim to make the EnRoute software to be the best friend of citizens. That is why we will have a section where any user can submit an idea related to any part of the system. By submitting the idea, each user will receive 10 EnRoute Online Points, and all ideas will be put on the voting list each month. If one idea gets the most votes that means that a lot of people have faced that problem and the change will be incorporated into the system. We believe that the citizens will be interested in this part because they receive:
-Cash value (all those whose idea is incorporated will receive a prize)
-Feedback (All ideas, regardless of which of them will win the prize, will be reviewed by our team. In case someone has a good idea, it will be incorporated regardless of its place in the ranking)
-Forum (A place wh ere even though they have no defined idea, they can say what exactly is wrong, or which part is problematic)
Despite this, we want to be in touch with our audience, and test our new concepts with those who use it. Therefore, when establishing the business concept and creating a hypothesis, we will use a minimum viable product (MVP) that will allow the public to understand the new concept. Contact with the public will be made through surveys (publicly available or targeted) and interviews. The polls will be conducted through Google Surveys.


Income: EnRoute is a two-sided market where one user side depends on the other. In this case, we have the users of the application/software on the one hand and the companies that join the software (transport and cargo companies that provide in-app purchases and gifts in the EnRoute Online Shop). In this case, we need to have enough users on our platform in order to have a large number of companies, and we shall have enough companies present in the incorporated purchases in order to attract a large number of customers. Because this is going to become a problem of "what is older: an egg or a chicken", the research showed that an action must be taken in one market to increase the number of the other market. Based on this we made a decision for EnRoute to be completely free for individuals. According to psychological analysis, people always want to try something new if it is completely free. If an individual price is set, regardless of its size, the number of users will drop dramatically. The decision to enable a completely free version of the app for individuals will increase their number. With a large number of customers, we will be able to attract a large number of companies to the market. In this way, sustainable application development and profit generation will take place.
EnRoute has the following revenue channels:
With the attachment of our application on Google Play, the IoS Store, and the Windows Store, people will be able to download the individual version for free. But as that number (the number of downloads) increases, we will get a monthly profit based on the number of downloads we've had during the month. That's because our app incorporates in-app purchases, or the ability to buy tickets through our application.
When EnRoute gives the combination for a particular day, or for a single trip, users can book all the tickets that will be used through its system (airline tickets, bus tickets, cargo delivery, etc.). When they reserve their cards through the EnRoute system, they actually help us to do away of advertising known as affiliate marketing. For each card sold through our system, we as EnRoute get a certain percentage of the price. With the increased use of the application, there will be more and more combined combinations, which means more bookings and more partners.
In addition to the offers of the individual server, EnRoute will also offer a server for companies, schools, and various businesses. Because each business operates a large number of activities and trips during the working day, the business management system will require dedicated work and tailored mechanisms to their needs. As a result, his feature will be charged based on how many benefits a business wants to receive. There will be three standard packages that the user can use and one that can be customized based on needs. Each of them will have a certain monthly subscription.
Additionally, for the night delivery system companies that deliver or receive delivery will pay a subscription depending on what they want to be included in their package. Companies that join the Collective Delivery Point will pay a one-time fee/fee for their participation and integration of the CDP into their system.

Current costs: Because our product is based entirely on the application and software, EnRoute will maintain the functionality through the software that we build. We will employ a small team of regular employees who will keep the application running and regularly upgrade it with new features. By expanding its use, expanding the options offered by EnRoute (B2B, Night Shipping, and Collective Shipping) the number of users, as well as that team, will grow. Furthermore, in order for EnRoute to have a real-life impact on the environment, we will have an environmental consultant who will regularly monitor trends and work on ideas on how users can further contribute to reducing the number of carbon emissions elapsed in the air.
Because each database or server will have a certain information limit, with the increase of users, the market, and/or new features, there will be certain costs for their renewal or increase of their limit. EnRoute will use opensource servers for time, maps, and calculation of the amount of carbon dioxide so that it can lower the costs, and still present true information to its users.

We want to be an important change in our daily lives. In order to reach more people, EnRoute advertisements will have people with certain lung problems, lung diseases, people who spend their working time outside, people with special needs, or with severe or chronic diseases - people who are hard infected if the level of air pollution is increased. They will say that every gram of carbon dioxide marks a new life for each of them. The cost of these ads will not be there every month, but whenever the need arises. With these ads, we employ people who are marginalized in a way, and we allow them to express their opinion out loud. According to the research, emotional marketing will be able to reach a larger number of citizens to be more careful. We will convey the message that every use of EnRoute saves human life and anyone can be a hero.
There will be costs for marketing and connection with our clients in terms of surveys (Google Surveys), the launch of MVP (minimal viable products) that will serve to test our idea, and regular marketing. With the entry into new markets, marketing will be tailored to the new target groups.

Money will be spent on

At this phase of product development, I would first and foremost take a part in this pitch to hear feedback, to find out the concepts that don’t work out well and replace them. Moreover, the money gained will be spent on marketing via social media and Hero marketing (concept, where people from our team will go to different cities and gain the attention of the population dressed out as EnRoute Heroes. This type of marketing will make our concept and mission broader). Moreover, we will use the funding on development and hiring a greater number of IT professionals to make sure we give the best value to our customers.

Team or Management


EnRoute is considering an opportunity to create a sustainable business that will have an impact on the environment. We are now working on creating the application for Individuals. In the first three months, we aim to launch the application on Sales Channels (Google Play, App Store, Windows Store), social networks, and conduct a campaign. Social networks are effective because we can easily reach the desired target group, and at the same time have a lower cost than other marketing ways. The cost in these 3 months for marketing on social networks will be around € 200 per month. Another expense will be an employee programmer (€ 500) and an environmental consultant who will work part-time (€ 300). That means we will have a cost of around € 1000 per month. In the third month, immediately after the launch, we want to be used by the innovators in society who will be our first costumers and our additional marketing agents. They are the ones who will use the application on the days when EnRoute will not have in-app purchases and when EnRoute Online Shop will not be in its full shape. In that way, our application will have a certain number of downloads, which will allow us to connect Public Transport Service, the service of parking lots, and the network of buses between cities after three months. Although some of them do not have an online service available for citizens to buy tickets, we will incorporate that into our system, which represents a reason plus why they will join us. The whole procedure will take up to the fifth month. The agreement with our partners will be that for a certain number of tickets sold through our server, they will give discounts and free tickets in EnRoute Online Shop. By increasing that number, for each sold card we will be paid a certain amount which is affiliate marketing, i.e. selling their products through another company. During the first six months, we aim to generate a profit of around € 6,000. With the current situation due to the coronavirus, it is possible to have that situation prolonged. With that profit, we will start the second phase, i.e. developing the EnRoute B2B Platform. It will be put into use from the tenth month. By the end of the first year, all transport channels in all cities (internal buses and intercity buses) will be connected to our server. Furthermore, taxi companies will be connected, which if they do not have a server to pay/buy a ride, they will be able to build their servers for free in our application. In the last months of the first year, we will have a greater cost in the field of marketing as well as hiring another employee developer. With these two platforms, by the eighth month of the second year, we will invest the profit of € 5,000 in the preparation of the third platform, which is enabling many companies to join the full package of B2B platform plus the platform for night deliveries. By the end of the second year, all mail and cargo shipments will be connected. By the end of the third year, we aim to be present in the early majority. Due to the size of the market, with the profit by the end of the third year, we have the opportunity to expand the business in the Balkan countries as a result of a similar population and similar lifestyle. Although many factors have an impact, by expanding our business, after 6-7 years we could be placed in the big world capitals (Paris, Istanbul, New York). Because we are a business that helps one of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), at a later stage we can present the idea to impact investors.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

Participation in the Social Impact Award North Macedonia
Participation in the Womenpreneurs Balkan Bootcamp for 1st-time female founders

Won the competition and other awards

Finalist of Sustainable Chain of Transportation Competition by Volvo Group
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