We visualize disease risk to prevent getting diseases.

Market: Medicine, Other, Artificial Intelligence
Stage of the project: Prototype or product is ready

Date of last change: 30.06.2020
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We visualize individual’s healthiness and disease risk at the healthy stage. We developed AXiR Engine® to identify the health position and disease risk based on the current health data and visualize immune activity, fatigue, and physical condition by AI. P-HARP® will then provide each individual with an optimized and personalized health promotion program to minimize the risk of disease/infection.

Current Status

Our ultimate target market is health promotion (B2C)to save people from getting diseases by visualizing their current health status and disease risk while they are still pre-disease stage. However, we started with B2B business model to gradually move into B2C model.
We have three lines of products for PoC and FS for B2B customers, big research lab. (RIKEN) and several pharmaceutical companies.
We are about to engage with one of the largest US pharmaceutical companies on sponsored R&D project.
Their interests are to help their drug discovery and to enter health care market by using our AI engine.


We ultimately target the health promotion market.
We first target pharmaceutical companies wanting to use our AXiR Engine® for drug development and entry vehicle for healthcare market. We are currently working with several pharma companies and system integrators to customize the systems.
As our health promotion platform, called P-HARP® is being commercialized, we intend to go into B2B2C and finally B2C market. Several major insurance companies show strong interests in our AXiR Engine® and P-HARP® to reduce their insurance payments.
With the health promotion program, we will approach the following 3 segments;
1. Medical expenditure reduction :health/life insurance companies, local government etc.
2. Healthcare promotion: fitness vendors, health clubs, health log management companies etc.
3. Healthcare related goods :healthcare foods, supplements, wearables devices, housings.

Problem or Opportunity

In Japan, the number of new cancer patients is about 1 million/year and 380 K people/year die from cancers. The cancers can only be diagnosed by MDs at stage 3 or higher in which the 5 year survival rate is very low as compared with those for stages 0/1 which cannot be detected with the current medical technologies with cost-effective manner. This drives up the world medical expenditures every year. We should move from medical CURE to health CARE which requires early stage disease detection.
AXiON Research provides the early stage detection technology for pre-disease people by AI. Here is a big opportunity for us.
We propose to analyze microRNA/exosomes for cancers and other factors for other diseases like CNS (central nerve systems) diseases and AD, diabetes etc. in addition to blood test, vital data, body composition by AI for early detection of the diseases. Then we provide a personalized health promotion program to prevent each individual from getting the diseases.

Solution (product or service)

We started this company to provide early detection of various diseases and preventive health promotion programs.
We have four products:
• Replica generator (RG-Ⅲ™): Generates big data from small data while maintaining the statistical characteristics of the actual data so that the machine learning system can produce meaningful results.
• Disease risk prediction (AXiR Engine®) : An AI engine that takes individual health indicators to predict and estimate current health level and future disease risk. Current targets are cancers and heart diseases. We will support brain diseases, healthy longevity, lung cancers and COVID-19 infection risk.
• Healthcare platform (P-HARP®): Healthcare platform to provide optimized health promotion and QOL improvement services and applications.
• Health promotion services (Precision Health® ): Based on the analysis and identification of healthiness and disease risk of each individual, we propose multi-faceted programs, life pattern analysis for diet/exercise/sleep, immunity enhancement, key performance index of antioxidant foods/vitamin/mineral/mitochondria to name the few.


In Japan New Healthcare Design and FiNC would be competitors. In EU Doctrin, VIVI DOCTOR, ARMA and wellmo might be competitors.
However, their models probably cannot tell early stage cancer/disease risks for candidates in stage 0/1. People would also desire to know their own risks for COVID-19 2nd & 3rd waves when they are infected. We provide them with personalized measures to stay safe and healthy even if infected. Our competitors may not be able to do so.

Advantages or differentiators

AXiON Research advantages which other competitors do not possess:
・ Our core technology is to estimate the health level and disease risk of everyone based on the available health related data
• We visualize what is the future risk of disease and when to get disease If you continue your current lifestyle in quantitative form.
• Our health promotion system provides an optimized program to stay healthy and to avoid getting ill according to everyone's condition and lifestyle.
• For example, when Covid-19 infection is confirmed, our system can predict the risk of becoming serious, and show how to avoid getting serious.
• AXiR Engine® takes blood tests, vital data, body composition, lifestyle, diet, sleep, exercise, inquiry, bathing, etc. to estimate health level and disease risk. The engine can cope with Covid-19 infection to predict seriousness of all people by using happy hormones in the body (serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, endorphin, noradrenaline, etc.), mitochondrial activity, antioxidant, anti-aging substances, enzyme reactions and immune reactions in the body such as Zn, Mg, Fe, Se.
• Most of them focus on AI processing of exercise and diet (calorie and fat control, sugar restriction / carbohydrate restriction, etc.) for beauty (appearance) and tend to neglect immunity, mitochondrial activity, and minerals necessary for maintaining internal health.
• Covid-19 infection risk and aggravation risk are regarded as medical problems and are not addressed.


We have three revenue streams;
1. Licensing and sub-licensing for pharma and health/life insurance companies
Replica generator: $230 K to 280 K
AXiR Engine®: $380 K to 720 K
・ Cost is about 25%
2. Subscription services for B2B
・Replica data generation service (pharmaceutical companies and research laboratories): $50 to 80 K for limited licensing (above 1.)
・Disease risk prediction and estimation service (for companies/new businesses) : $60 to 160/230 K
・Health promotion program (antioxidant, anti-glycation, anti-aging, anti-fatigue, increased immunity) : $60 K or more
・ Cost is about 25%
3. Individual subscription service (BtoC)
・Disease risk prediction and estimation service (illness: typical cancer, lifestyle-related diseases, Alzheimer-type dementia, depression/fatigue due to stress, heart disease)
・Proposal of health promotion program (antioxidation, antiglycation, antiaging, antifatigue, immunity improvement). Agreement with strategic partners required:
・ $ 30/person year (tracking one person's health level and disease risk).
・ $100 to 300/person year (health program + 1 year: whole family)
・ Cost is about 10%

Business model

Initially we focus on B2B biz model with biz companies which plan to enter healthcare business and need health level visualization. The sales channels are direct sales and system integrators in medical field who license our products then sublicense to the pharma companies.
Through several actual business with pharmaceutical companies we have accumulated healthcare experience, health data sets from their captive people and basic understanding of healthcare.
With actual feedback from our partners we’re shifting to B2B2C and B2C with practical health promotion services to improve our members’ health. We will use insurance companies and healthcare companies to sell our services for B2B2C. B2C will be subscription services through the Internet.

Money will be spent on

・ Sales expansion to global customers.
・ Hiring CFO for IPO preparation.
・ Data collection of pre-disease testers.
・ R&D of AI engine and precision health programs.

Offer for investor

・ Pre- valuation: $10.1 M
・ Share price: $600
・ Number of stocks to be offered: 3,000 (can be flexible)
・ Type of stocks: strongly request common stocks, however the preferred stocks are not ruled out.
・ Post-valuation: $11.9 M

Team or Management


Take for example the case of lung cancer early detection. Similar situation apply to other diseases.
We propose to use information from Liquid biopsy, especially exsome and microRNA together with other data (blood test, vital data, body composition, genetic info., etc.) , in cooperation w/major lab./pharm. We will collect several hundreds of testers to test and track their health transition.
The risks are;
- Confirmation of cancer cell type, size, position, and metastasis including lymph node metastasis. We need to use expensive molecular imaging with Positron Emission Tomography.
- We need to collect so much information for accurate Inference and should extract really useful molecules for detection and determination of rank-order of the molecules with Heatmap + Transition map/Vector map by AXiR Engine®.
- We need medical doctors knowledge even to conduct pre-disease risk prediction.
Currently, we have mitigated all the above risks by working with professionals and medical doctors in each specific disease areas.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

Plug and play acceleration program.

Won the competition and other awards

To be supplied.


To be supplied.

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