Photo - $qwaad!


Mobile App' revenue-generator for E-commerce

Market: Internet and IT, Blockchain, Crypto currency, Artificial Intelligence, Mobile applications
Stage of the project: Idea or something is already done

Date of last change: 11.06.2020
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Blockchain Mobile App' revenue-generator for advertisers, influencers, publishers and E-commerce platforms

Current Status

We're on the very early stage of this idea. Anyway Amazon France & wish to test our Bêta once produced.

We'eve already patented the concept & product but now need to design and shape our App' in a product management cycle

After successful technical tests : launching the App' internationally with strategic countries to target in terms of volumes and sales


B-to-B-to-C segment
Whole market of E-buyers and E-shoppers

Problem or Opportunity

The lockdown has revealed many key facts. It has developped against all odds the whole online shopping & E-commerce - more than ever. At the same time : the mass consuming market struggled to get more job offers or ways to make cash online - in a disordered market full of scams and scammers.
Our app' aims to bring a solution that disciplines and orders the markets.
No need for the people to spend huge amounts in training sessions, online coaches or gurus.
The opportunity is all about offering a great opportunity to use the datas smarter in a 2 ways of acknowledgement Opt'in/Opt'out and respecting the rules of the global E-commerce and network marketing (rebounds to emails lists, social network accounts etc...)

Solution (product or service)

How to get automatic revenue flows from your email accounts ?
How to benefit in 1click from the multiple affiliate programs coming from the brands and the Marketplaces ?
If somebody is struggling with bills and cash flow downstream since the pandemic lockdown : can he succeed in downloading the App' and start earning money from his email accounts ?

We do so.
And firmly we believe that there is enough money for everybody's on Earth to create the value from the exchanges.
Our app' is just the engine to do it.

A bridge between demanding people of automatic income trees and the global E-commerce which needs being reinvented

(Cycle of refferals for purchasing free goods online, legit commission schemes up to the 7th level, revenue sharing from affiliate programs etc...)


None for the moment
This is a race fighting against time itself

Advantages or differentiators

Advantages :

Simplicity for the endusers : everyone has a Cellphone

Transparency : RGPD and OPt'in/Opt'out big-data management process fully respected and acknowledged from both parts

Clear business offer : global E-commerce and mass consuming markets have an interest to restart the global economy at its best with the most advanced tools ever imaginable

Local businesses reboosted : thanks to a new financial freedom, everybody can own a business and sell it through this way

Delivery-process entirely managed by the E-commerce platforms (no stocks at all)


Our revenue streams come from the millions of daily exchanges on which we'll apply a small admin commission of 0,015%
This amount will be paid by the marketplaces & online merchants who will use of our App' cash revenue system

Our costs structure will mainly be splitted into :

- costs of development (from the Beta-version up to the V.1. and more)
- cloud computing expenses and solid technology
- Pool of traders and financial experts to structure the business model
- Pools of partnership-managers to get donations against advertising/visibility deals from brands in our own large audiences marketing tools
- Marketing/comm budgets to make it known and massively adopted internationally (social networks, TV etc...)
- Customer care high performance /top quality for the endusers and marketplaces

Business model

Every free online purchase requires a deposit/payment from the user according to our business model (initially accepted from him when suscribing)

This deposit is valued by our financial traders who are obtaining from their algoritmic robots the same amount in benefits (traders are keeping the rest of the benefits generated during this time period)

Once the parcel is delivered : the client is entirely refunded back by our platform

The marketplaces pay us the commission for the use of our App' to attract more customers and increase yet more their profits

The whole ecosystem becomes more profitable and more dynamic for all

Most of all : endusers can spread the word to their network of contacts, obtain their full allowance to get deals from them and get unlimited commission-referrals up to the 7th level; calculated and paid by the marketplaces from their affiliate programs

Money will be spent on

Product development :
V.0 beta-test engine mixing blockchain and Artificial interlligence
Payment process management tool interacting with Magento and most known platform editors
Payment exchanges validation-process between trading bots, marketplaces, endusers and our App'platform
Cash measurement tools at our side

Marketing /Comms :
Marketing plan (Mobile advertising for our App', online agencies plans smartadervers delivering the best strategies to the social network audiences)

Agile light offices in Europe, Asia and the Americas : mainly for the sales partnership, the engineers and developers
Customer care presence in these continents for a top-class service

Payroll, advocates and legal : fully outsourced

Offer for investor

10% shares + compensation scheme

Team or Management


Disputes with the marketplaces :
The aim in a second time will be to develop our own marketplace to avoid any type of risk during the chain of transactions and develop this marketplace internationally

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

Several incubators approached us (Matra aerospace etc....) but they were too greedy and did not focused on the spirit of our work : bringing a world of opportunities for the people and create a new paradigm in the E-commerce sales cycle

Won the competition and other awards

not yet - too soon


Patent registered in the I.N.P.I. in Paris (Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle)


Photo 1 - Mobile App' revenue-generator for E-commerce
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