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Digital investigations for cryptoeconomy investments.

Market: Blockchain, Crypto currency
Stage of the project: Idea or something is already done

Date of last change: 05.06.2020
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Our startup was built with two main legs: on one side with a "Confidence rating" and in the other with a reports marketplace.
The Confidence rating has three under rating: investor, analyst and algorithm rates (so, two humans and the last one impartial).
The marketplace of the report allows the analysts to sell the information that they discover to an investor, building a virtuous circle: more analysts join with us, more information we discover and more information have the investors to invest their money in the right project, deleting from the market the scam project.

Current Status

The platform will be online within July/August 2020. We have built the algorithm, that has been tested and validated. We have started the frontend development stage that should give us the prototype in the next 20 days.
We have set three partnership, yet: with Italia4blockchain Association and with two of the main Italian project-oriented to online investigation (IndaginiOnline and AGI - Investigative Journalism Association). As soon as possible, we would like to set other partnerships with the exchange of cryptocurrency.

Our landing page has been visited 100 times in March 2020 and 90 times in April.


Crypto-economy and trust in crypto-assets are growing rapidly. Our clients are all small and large investors in a range between 20 and 50 years, anywhere in the world.
Today, the market for the capitalization of all crypto-economy is close to 250 billion, like Alphabet (Google's holding company) in 2012, but in March 2020, confidence increased by 3% compared to the same month in 2019. Therefore, market capitalization could be increasing in the next 10 years.

Problem or Opportunity

Many crypto-assets - like Ico - are scam and many people are paying for information about those crypto-assets projects. has 20 competitors circa and most of them have between 20/30 thousand domain visits a year (one of them, 70thousand just in April 2020).
We would like to inform the investor with a holistic rate, considering the background of the team or if there are protections for investors written in the token sale and much other stuff. We would like to take much high-quality information, thanks to our investigation skills, and sell it: many people are spending money on partial or incomplete information; we're going to sell them deep information about crypto-assets.

Solution (product or service)

We produce rating and reports of crypto-assets.
The rating is built with three under-rating: the investor, analyst and algorithm rating.
About the investor: they are the first to be concerned about the fact that their investment produces the desired return. They will therefore be able to make an objective contribution to the evaluation of crypto-assets by providing the knowledge they possess, deriving fr om direct information on the way the investment is proceeding. They represent the first human rating.

About the analyst: The world intelligence community is extensive: fr om economic analysts to computer experts, each of them able to assess the technical or financial aspects of the projects. The more experts will analyze the crypto-projects, the more it will be possible to separate the scams from the projects that benefit those who really have a solid and innovative idea. They represent the second human rating.

About the algorithm: The algorithm devised by Confidence takes into account multiple parameters, weighted according to an innovative analytical model. Many aspects are evaluated: functional, organizational, technical, economic and much more. The algorithm - not influenced and totally independent - produces the third rating.

Finally, the marketplace of reports wh ere any analyst can sell his/her own report (following the investigation guidelines shared by Confidence) to the investor, that can choose any reports and decide with more information if and wh ere invest in the cryptoassets.


The main competitor of Confidence are 20 companies around the world. They produce rating of cryptoasset, but only three of them declare to have an algorithm. Other two companies our competitor - without algorithm - are in Czeck Republic and Russia.

Advantages or differentiators

No one of the competitors is Italian and has our investigation skills.
Our advantages are that we can inform investor with:
- official information about all company around the world gathered from tools;
- public information collected through the “Osint” - Open Source Intelligence - method.

With both, we can guarantee complete, updated, reliable and accurate information.

Finance has all the RGC (general revenue channel): our business model has been set up with subscriptions, PAYG (pay as you go), transaction fees and advertising. has no fixed structure costs, because it operates in smart working through the platform.
Only a few tools that we will use to collect in-depth information are paid, but they are very inexpensive.

Business model

Confidence is an economically profitable project, because it earns with all the RGC (Revenue General Channel).
We have subscriptions for Reader and Analyst. Both have two kinds of subscriptions for month: basic and advanced.
With basic:
- readers can read till 5 cryptoassets pack (every pack have 3 rating - Investor, Analyst and Algorithm - and two diagrams: the first with the trend of the cryptoasset rating, the second with diagram cross-cryptoassets in the same sector);
- the analysts can use three basic templates with many guidelines to write a cryptoasset report that can be sold to an investor.

With advanced:
- readers can read unlimited cryptoasset pack per month
- analysts can use basic and advanced reports. With the advanced report, the analyst can write really due diligence about the cryptoassets and justify a very high price that investors can buy to have more information before investing his money.

With PAYG, the reader can buy a single cryptoasset report and analysts can buy a single template (both basic and advanced).

In any case, the analyst, before publishing his report, has to answer 23 questions.

Regarding transaction fee, Confidence retains a 20% share on each report sold.

About Advertising, the platform has been built to have banner both in desktop and mobile version.

Money will be spent on

The money raised will be invested to collect more information through the development of artificial intelligence/machine learning and to pay the main staff of Confidence.

Offer for investor

We are ready to offer a share of the company to an investor. We don't know how many shares, but we're going to calculate the value of the company and then understand how many shares await him/her.

Team or Management


The main risk is that not many analysts and investors join with Confidence and so two of three ratings could be few votes. It is also possible that crypto-economy doesn’t take off what we expect, so the revenue could be arriving not in the first year, but maybe in the second.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

Participation in the program of Incubation and Acceleration Plan of Enry's Island Incubator.

Won the competition and other awards



Photo 1 - Digital investigations for cryptoeconomy investments.
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