Photo - Be Strategic Solutions

Be Strategic Solutions

Build organizations’ capacities to manage disease outbreaks.

Market: Consulting, Education, training, Production, Artificial Intelligence
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 24.04.2020
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BeST was born from the need to preemptively prepare organizations to handle crisis. The continued spread of the coronavirus has created conducive conditions for filling this need. Pandemics are not your standard disruption; they require unique undertakings that impact all operations.
BeST optimizes procedures and leverages them to create customized crisis simulations, allowing organizations to practice managing complex scenarios according to their own methodologies. The software identifies bottlenecks in organizations’ procedures and practices, providing actionable tools to drive remediation

Current Status

BeST is currently in growth stage. The product is already commercialized with paying clients around the world. The BeST platform is currently being used by end-users and channel partners in Israel, North America, Italy, Greece, Australia, Singapore and the Philippines. Seven BeST clients have become preferred partners, who now serve as force multipliers by distributing BeST through their respective markets.


Our target markets include entities who will experience considerable kickback fr om mismanaging crises. Because the consequences of the mismanagement of a crisis can threaten the profitability and continuity of virtually every organization today, our potential markets are spread across an exceedingly wide range of industries. Organizations of all scopes of work are seeking lean solutions to the concept of crisis preparedness. Most solutions today are complicated, tedious, expensive, lack metrics, and are limited in their ability to affect improvements. BeST’s differentiation is that it overcomes these limitations by enabling organizations to prepare for crisis in an intuitive, actionable and affordable manner.
Our market includes local and national-level clinics, hospitals, first responders, healthcare providers and health service providers (from both public and private sectors), specifically in European, Asian and North American markets, wh ere burgeoning challenges to governments’ pandemic response have accelerated and necessitated robust crisis preparedness and response systems at all levels of government, non- government and private organizations. The market opportunity in this regard remains vast.
From helping the Maccabia Games prepare for a major Olympic-style sports tournament by exercising operational and organizational dilemmas to ensuring other clients, such as banks, PR firms and consulting firms are GDPR-compliant, our current customer base is broad. BeST has been used in the emergency response market dealing with natural disasters, in the security market dealing with Homeland Security and Defence issues, in the financial market dealing with banks and their financial and operational challenges and in the Public Relations market dealing with reputational and branding risks.

Problem or Opportunity

Most organizations today remain unsure of the quality and scope of their crisis preparedness until an actual crisis unfolds, undermining their ability to proactively manage scenarios and forcing decision-makers to scramble to cope with difficult, quickly changing circumstances. The coronavirus pandemic has confirmed this to be true for governments, health systems and private sector entities around the world. The prevalence of faltered responses to this crisis underscores a widespread and vital need to better prepare procedures, practices and personnel to proactively and effectively manage crisis scenarios.
While it is politically challenging to fund pandemic preparedness without a clear and present threat- as with all crises- the world must preemptively prepare for events that can disrupt healthcare provision and other critical services alike.
Too often, organizations invest already-strained resources in crisis preparedness solutions that lack efficacy altogether. Further complicating the situation is the reality that many organizations don’t have the resources to ever evaluate their own post-simulation preparedness. They continue operations with a low level of preparedness, but- having invested precious resources in war-games and table-top exercises- maintain that they are ready for crisis.
Hence the need for dynamic crisis management solution that can measure organizational performance in real time and that can offer metrics to support individual, departmental and organizational improvements.
With a growing global awareness of the heavy costs of being unprepared for a pandemic, coupled with increasing controversy reflected in political and social media, both government and private organizations of all scopes involved in stopping a pandemic are seeking lean solutions to the complex concept of crisis preparedness and mitigation. By collating data about the interplay between organizations’ people and processes, BeST is able to identify and elevate organization’s readiness and ability to handle crisis.

Solution (product or service)

Be Strategic is a disruptive technology that is revolutionizing the way organizations prepare for crisis. Born out of the real world need to preemptively prepare organizations to successfully handle extraordinary scenarios, the solution optimizes procedures and leverages them to create customized crisis simulations. This enables organizations to practice managing any crisis scenario according to their own methodologies. The software identifies bottlenecks in organizations’ procedures and practices, providing actionable tools to drive remediation.
The end-to-end solution for enhancing organization’s capacities to manage crisis is based off three distinct yet interconnected modules:
Module 1- the Procedure Editor- optimizes the client organization’s own procedures and aligns them with their industry’s best practices (when desired) while forecasting how the organization will manage its crisis.
Module 2- the Crisis Management Simulator- builds a customized crisis simulation based off the organization’s procedures and structure which presents a graphical representation of the management process- identifying influential personnel, their state of mind and their procedures’ pressure points, extracting decision-making trees and detecting discrepancies between the organization’s expected processes and the real-time behaviors.
By enabling the unprecedentedly quick development, implementation and evaluation of client-specific crisis management simulations at a fraction of the cost of alternative solutions on the market, BeST is quickly outmatching its competitors not only in terms of its capability to prepare organizations for crises but also in terms of its ROI.


Our competitors include consultants running tabletop exercises as well as software providers offering simulation platforms. Our competitive landscape can be defined as both a red ocean (a market that is saturated) and a blue ocean (a market that is unsaturated).

One the one hand, our competitive landscape can be categorized as a red ocean because the market is filled with various subject matter experts carrying out war-games (crisis simulations), but they do this in an obsolete manner- sitting around a table and brainstorming, with little automation, little metrics for measurement and little analytics for evaluation. On the other hand, we exist in a blue ocean market because the market which uses computerized platforms is by no means saturated, and no alternative solution within that market accomplishes what the BeST software achieves.
Conducttr is software provider offering a computerized simulation platform and is a direct competitor. Their solution focuses on personnel practicing managing various scenarios but does not make use of analytics to measure individual, departmental and organizational performance.

Advantages or differentiators

Most crisis preparedness solutions available today are complicated, tedious and expensive to use, lack metrics for measuring performance, and are limited in their ability to affect actual improvements. As such, many organizations invest in preparedness only when deemed necessary by regulatory statute. There exists a real market need for crisis management simulation software that can measure organizational performance in real time and that can offer metrics to support individual, departmental and organizational improvements. BeST’s value proposition is rooted in its ability to overcome the limitations that restrict alternative solutions, by enabling organizations to prepare for crisis in an intuitive, actionable and affordable manner.
Unlike other crisis preparedness solutions on the market, BeST is both performance-based and compliance-focused, meaning clients are able to evaluate their compliance while simultaneously assessing their functional readiness for crisis.
It is the only digital platform on the market that analyses decision makers’ behaviours before, during and after various processes and that predicts organizations’ adherence to procedures during these processes, enabling them to make more effective decisions in a more efficient manner.
It is the only solution on the market that is fully customizable to the unique needs, interests and settings of any organization interested in evaluating and elevating its decision making processes;
It is the only solution on the market that predicts how individuals and groups will react to various changing circumstances;
It is the only solution that leverages analytics that provide metrics on how an organization anticipates it will perform during crisis scenarios and how it actually performs during those scenarios;
The only solution that learns from previous executions to identify and address situational awareness settings.
The only solution that learns from individuals and their expected influence on decision making processes.
It is the only solution on the market that offers complex decision making simulations with minimal time constraints (traditional table-top exercises and war-gaming outlets require extensive timeframes for planning and assessment of simulations; BeST can plan and assess a simulation in a fraction of the timeframe).
The perception of crisis preparedness as a tedious, expensive and complex task, coupled with the growing recognition of the need to invest in crisis preparedness, create ripe market conditions for a software that can actually enhance organizations’ abilities to handle crisis in a simple and scalable manner with a quick ROI.


The BeST solution is offered as a SaaS licensed model. BeST licenses range from 15,000-150,000 USD per year. Our sales expectations for the next years are as follows:
Year 1: 566,000 USD
Year 2: 1,200,000 USD
Year 3: 1,900,000 USD

Business model

Be Strategic Solutions’ business model is structured upon routing the BeST software’s SaaS licenses through four different channels
1. B2B - direct sales
2. B2B - preferred partners and distributors sales
3. B2B2G – preferred partners and distributors sales to governments
4. B2G - Direct sales to governments

Money will be spent on

Funds will be spent Research and Development & Sales.

Team or Management


Preparing for a potential pandemic, like other high-risk contingencies, is politically and financially challenging. Few governments and businesses are keen on investing precious resources preparing for an event that mat never materialize. Saying that, the high prevalence of faltered and/or misaligned public and private sector responses to the coronavirus pandemic has showed the entire world that we MUST prepare ourselves to handle crisis.
The ability to carry out remote trainings and crisis simulations has become a valuable lesson learned from the global coronavirus response.
This pandemic has proven to us that it is not a question of “if”, it is a question of “when”. And when crisis unfolds, it is not the event itself that counts, but the response.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

In January 2019, BeST was accepted into a highly competitive and prestigious Israeli accelerator program- the Herzliya Municipality’s Accelerator Program,-which involved five months of business development consultations and will ultimately integrate BeST into the Herzliya municipality’s Command and Control center. In May, BeST completed the first stage of the POC with the Herzliya Municipality with excellent results.

Won the competition and other awards

In November 2019, BeST was chosen from amongst thousands of applicants to participate in the Milipol Innovation Awards, during which Be Strategic Solutions was recognized as one of Europe’s most innovative cybersecurity start-ups.


Using BeST’s patent-pending algorithm (No. 62/933,454), the software automatically tracks real behaviours and processes. The software compares predicted performance against real performance and in doing so, identifies gaps and explains why they exist.
Because of its ability to identify gaps in how an organization expects it will make decisions and how it actually makes decisions, BeST is uniquely positioned to map organizations’ decision-making schemes and to identify processes and practices that should be modified for optimal outcomes.
BeST will mark the first occasion in which a commercialized software will learn from the behaviours of individuals and groups within an organization. BeST will be able to understand the implications of individual and group behaviours as well as of changes to organizational capabilities (e.g. restructuring, employee turnover, etc.), providing management with an informed and proactive response to changing circumstances while ensuring decision making critical paths maintain optimal outcomes, thus mitigating potential risks before they materialize into threats, hazards, setback or bottlenecks and ultimately saving resources.


Photo 1 - Build organizations’ capacities to manage disease outbreaks.
Photo 2 - Build organizations’ capacities to manage disease outbreaks.
Photo 3 - Build organizations’ capacities to manage disease outbreaks.
Photo 4 - Build organizations’ capacities to manage disease outbreaks.

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