Photo - Gath3r, LTD

Gath3r, LTD

Decentralized Compute power for all

Market: Internet and IT, Information and media, Other, Blockchain, Crypto currency
Stage of the project: Prototype or product is ready

Date of last change: 08.12.2019
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Gath3r looks to democratize the compute power industry by harnessing the power of spare processing capacity of publishers for the benefit of businesses, blockchains, developers and webmasters.

Current Status

MVP stage 1 completed and in production, beta users, clients and partners,
Currently building out test net and focusing on client integrations


Gath3r targets to capture shares from 3 giant markets by addressing different problems on each under a single platform:

1) Digital Advertising Market is expected to grow from $333 Billion in 2019 to $637 Billion in 2023 with a 17,6% CAGR. With rise in ad-blockers, data breaches and privacy concerns, digital advertising industry needs an alternative form of ad monetization. Gath3r targets to capture 1% of this market by 2023.

2) Cryptocurrency Mining Market is expected to grow from $1 Billion in 2019 to $2,9 Billion in 2023 with a 29,7% CAGR. A new currency is formed every ~8 hours, vulnerable to 51% attacks accounting for millions of losses, a solution is essential to prevent these. Gath3r targets to capture 5% of this market by 2023.

3) Cloud Computing Market is expected to grow from $214 Billion in 2019 to $377 Billion in 2023 with a 15% CAGR. Cloud computing market is dominated by a few select centralized entities; cheaper, decentralized / independent alternative is essential. Gath3r targets to capture 1% of this market by 2023.

This projection will be possible via Gath3r platform by providing alternate form of monetization to publishers with an added feature of “merged mining” to provide security for blockchains to prevent 51% attacks & with“CPaaS” - Compute Power as a Service for enterprises.

Problem or Opportunity

Our Spending Habits; Digital advertising is broken.
The rise of ad blockers, intrusive pop-ups, privacy and data breaches, discriminatory payouts, fraud, censorship and increasing user resentment have left publishers, website and applications owners looking for alternative solutions.

With increase in privacy breaches, users are opting for ad blockers which in turn occurs huge losses for advertising industries.

Our Digital Assets; Blockchain attacks are on the rise.
In 2018 51% attacks costed blockchains 28 million USD in losses. Blockchain startups are the major focus of 51% attacks which stops them from growing.
These attacks need to be prevented beforehand.

Our Resources; Cloud computing is monopolized.
The cost of computing is increasing as there are very few select companies providing these services; compute tasks & data are controlled and dependent on centralized entities, creating single point of failure. Millions of machines have under-utilized resources while data centers are expected to consume 20% of world’s electricity by 2025.

Solution (product or service)

Non-Intrusive Monetization: Gath3r intends to provide website and application owners an alternate/additional form of non-intrusive monetization by utilizing their users’ spare compute power

Blockchain Security: By using merged mining we provide other blockchains additional compute power to help secure them through the use of “mining”.

CPaaS (Compute Power as a Service): We provide compute power as a service where one can use the required computational power for handling simple and/or complex operations.


Brave Browser had 1 million active users and 4.000 publishers in the beginning of 2018. As of 2019, the number of these active users has grown 5 times, reaching 5.5 million. Publishers have grown 7 times in numbers, reaching 28.000 of them. Brave has had a tremendous increase of 600% in terms of users and 450% increase in publishers from 2018 to 2019.

JSE coin has 111 million opt ins and have at least 29.000 websites registered on their platform with approximately 164.000 registered users, up from 100.000 users in August 2018. JSE Coin’s growth from 2018 to 2019 is 60% in terms of registered users.

Bittube lets viewers earn money while watching videos or reading content.
Airtime rewards users and publishers while browsing the app.

Golem network is providing it’s users the computing power from a single PC to data centres depending on the needs of the user.

Advantages or differentiators

- Offering an alternative form of non-intrusive web monetization where website or app owners can publish clean ad-free dedicated content to their audience
- Multi-algorithm structure POW-POS-MN
- Merged Mining
- Growing Ad-Tracking awareness (increasing trend on privacy/data breeches)
- Well planned economy - supply/demand & use case

Briefly: There is no other project yet combining Web Mining with Merged Mining, Loyalty Program and addressing CPaaS to provide an alternative form of web monetization


Based on extensive market research undertaken, the Gath3r miner for websites (publishers) would be offering a revenue per click (RPM) of between 25-50% higher than current model of ads used by websites. The large variance in RPM % is because certain types of websites would benefit significantly more fr om the use of Gath3r's technology specifically ones where users spend a lot of time on the site, such as video streaming sites or forums.

For CPaaS (Compute Power as a Service), the cost to enterprises using this would be 30-40% lower than current traditional market services offered. The reason for the lower pricing is that for traditional companies, the cost drivers are primarily the costs of increasing data center capacity requirements, depreciation or operating lease expense associated with computer equipment and software, allocated overhead and amortization expense associated with capitalized software. These would be not be applicable to Gath3r as we would not need large physical facilities even as we expand.

We are looking at targeting just one percent of Digital advertising and Cloud computing market by 2023 and aiming to capture as much share of this 1% as possible with our early mover advantage. 1% of the digital marketing market is estimated to around $6.3 billion by 2023, while 1% of the cloud computing market would be around $3.8 billion by 2023. For blockchain security, we would be aiming to capture upto 5% of the market share, which is estimated to be worth around $150 million by 2023.

Business model

Our business model consists of targeting 3 separate markets for our revenue streams ie. Digital advertising market, Blockchain security & the cloud computing market. Our business model works in a way where these 3 markets are interconnected through the Gath3r ecosystem and our own blockchain.

Websites will be able to utilise the Gath3r web miner to monetise their traffic without the use of ads, which are currently the main way most websites earn revenue.

The computing power fr om the users on the websites with Gath3r will then be rerouted to provide security to existing blockchains and cryptocurrencies which would be paying for this new computing power (hashrate) which secures their blockchains from external attacks.

The cloud computing market would be targeted through CPaaS (Compute Power as a Service), which is wh ere the computing power obtained from Gath3r's network of websites will be rerouted to enterprises using our CPaaS. This would be offered at a lower cost than current services in the market and lower operational costs incurred by enterprises from processing said data. We can offer lower prices as Gath3r would not need large data centers and the overheads that come with them.

Money will be spent on

There are 2 major fixed cost categories where the largest injection of capital is required, which are salaries and marketing costs. Salaries include salaries for founders, the tech development team, and all other staff which will be employed by Gath3r. 55% of the salaries will be towards tech dev, remainder 45% would be for operations which includes founders and other supporting staff. In total these are projected to be between 51%-61% of operational costs for years 1-5.

Marketing is the second largest expense projected, starting at 21% of total operating costs, increasing each year by 4-6% to reach 41% of total costs by year 5. From year 2-5, these two expense heads are projected to be between 87%-92% of total expenses.

Offer for investor

We are offering upto 30% equity stake in the company, with a pre money valuation of $3.6m.

For token related sales, our refer to the attached pitch deck

Team or Management



-Blockchain industry is a fast growing environment, funding is essential to speed up the pace of development as new players coming into play everyday.

-Disinformation and misinformation about token metrics & how funding is addressed may create confusion/uncertainty for investors, these topics must be handled professionally and transparently in order to keep ecosystem stakeholders aligned for supply/demand mechanics without unnecessary panic.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

The Soho Loft Media Acceleration program - 2018
Apereum Business incubator - 2018

Won the competition and other awards

participated in Rise Hong Kong - 2018


Photo 1 - Decentralized Compute power for all
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