We are using artificial intelligence to learn from travelers and recommend a full travel itinerary in less than three minutes.
We are changing the way travel is managed.
It's the Bookings for travelers that want to have a unique experience without having to spend hours on research.
Current Status
We started prototyping on January 2019.
We were previously accelerated by Explorer and Bank Santander.
We have a solid business plan.
Our prototype is ready and we are starting to acquire clients.
We are recommending travel itineraries for free.
Problem or Opportunity
Travelers take too long to plan their activities and accomodations for their whole trip, 4 hours in average. The average tourist wants a platform where they can get their hotel reservations and tickets to the activities they want to do all in one place.
Solution (product or service)
We plan to reduce the time that takes to plan a trip drastically by giving the users offers personalized to them. After the users selects the offers they like, we provide them with a full travel itinerary from morning to night with activities and acomodations tailored to the user.