Russia, Moscow region
Market: Internet and IT, Computers, office equipment, Artificial Intelligence
Stage of the project: Prototype or product is ready
The box with switched USB devices boots remotely from closed-source software package and works with AI and other software provided by the hosting company to its clients.
Current Status
Ready to advertise the product and begin sales
Home users as well as offices.
Problem or Opportunity
The AI software is inherently difficult to deploy; so our way is to deploy remotely as a subscription for clients.
Solution (product or service)
xETR is a combination of OS Linux and many types of open-source server software glued with our closed-source interface scripts.
None as much as I know of
Advantages or differentiators
Setting up AI work easy and user-friendly
Money will be spent on
Software development
Offer for investor
We are ready to share our Expanse tokens with the investor.