We are an all-in-one web-based documentation platform that enables businesses to build, maintain and publish excellent product documentation in multiple languages. Our platform also helps you analyze how your customers interact with your documentation and provides you with insights on how to improve your docs.
Current Status
We are a team of engineers from Toronto that built a SaaS platform called Docsie.io. Docsie helps businesses create better docs. We have traction, users, and customers.
We are seeing a lot of interest from mid-market companies who are happy to pay us $3k to $30k per year for product docs. We are currently doing 2 - 10 demos per week, all from the outbound marketing funnel that we set up in February of this year.
There are over 2 million software products/apps in the market that needs a documentation solution.
Per Year cost of a Technical Writer $25,000
Total Annual Spent on Technical Content $50 Billion ($25k*2M)
The average business we talk to uses at least four documentation tools to create Docs.
Also, Businesses spend a lot of money paying technical writers. Updating and translating docs is a problem that consumes a lot of time and money.
Docsie can reduce the time and cost of creating docs by up to 60%, by simplifying creation of product docs.
Problem or Opportunity
Product documentation sucks. It is never clear enough, no one ever wants to write it, users never understand it. There are over a million of technology products in the world in dire need of better product documentation. Great products suffer due to lack of it, but who has the time to write it and who can afford the expensive tools to create it and maintain it.
Solution (product or service)
Docsie.io is changing the way technology companies write and maintain their product documentation and user guides. We are creating amazing tools that help companies create easily maintainable product guides and docs. Version them, translate them and then embed them into their own products with 1 line of code.
Then we plan to empower businesses with advanced tools to help them understand how their users interact with their documentation and guides and where their users fail and leave.
We are essentially creating a smart product documentation and product guides platform and marketplace that makes it easy to businesses to create product docs and guides that customers love.
HTML - Many business maintain their own product doc templates in html
CMS - Businesses using own heavily customized CMS solutions to host own docs
Confluence - Business Deploy or get confluence on the cloud for internal knowledge bases some of which end up on the internet as their 'product docs"
Readme.io - Good modern competitor, they are focuses on developers and API documentation now
Gitbook - Another newer competitor, they provide a simple solution with per seat recurring pricing.
Readthedocs- Open Source Documentation tool, used by open source libraries to host docs.
Advantages or differentiators
We are a smart documentation that writes docs for you. They are not.
Talk to us
Business model
We have two products.
Self-Service Documentation $999+ per year - Starter $3,000+ per year - Business $9,000+ per year - Business-Plus $30,000+ per year - Enterprise
Self-Writing Documentation $3,500 per year - Start-up $12,500 per year - Business $50,000+ per year - Enterprise
Target Audience Product managers
It costs us around 2000$ to acquire a customer.
Money will be spent on
25% - Marketing 30 % - Building a sales team 45% - Engineering/Operations expenses