Photo - Special Miles

Special Miles

Therapeutic Mobile app using AR/VR technology

Market: Education, training, Entertainment, Other, Virtual and Augmented Reality
Stage of the project: Idea or something is already done

Date of last change: 14.04.2019
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Our idea is to develop a therapeutic mobile app using VR/AR technology for ALL children & especially for individuals with LD & SN to undertake fun & therapeutic activities as well as social & life skills (cooking, science experiments, money management…) with our personalized content that contain research-based methods.

These kind of therapeutic activities & skills are already running in Special Miles center that I co-founded since 2011.

The approach & techniques adopted by Special Miles center, are what makes it unique & innovative. Due to this, we have won several awards.

Current Status

It is just an idea for the therapeutic mobile app (AR/VR). However, Special Miles center been established since January 2011 and the activities and skills been running since then.


All children and youth can benefit fr om this app especially those with LD & SN.

Global & Local Statistics:

-Worldwide number of children in 2015 (age 5-19)= 1.8 Billion and will reach 1.9 Billion by 2020 as a medium variant. Source: Suggested citation: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2017). World Population Prospects: The 2017 Revision, DVD Edition.

-Number of children with learning disabilities: 1 out of every 5 people in the United States & Australia has a learning disability Source: USA: Twenty-fourth Annual Report to Congress, U.S. Department of Education, 2002 Australia: confidential data – By Natasha Bita (March 11, 2016) -

Result: number of LD children in 2015 (age 5-19)= 360 Million.

-Number of active mobile gamers worldwide from 2014 to 2021. It was estimated that by the end of 2017 there will have been 2.1 billion mobile gamers worldwide, and this number is expected to further grow to 2.7 billion b 2021. Source:

-Medical care has immensely improved in recent years wh ere 80 per cent of premature babies now survive, but half of them have severe disabilities (Professor Barry Carpenter of the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust).

-According to the Central Administration for Statistics (CAS), there are no precise data on the disabled population in Lebanon. However, and as per the UNESCO report (dated September 2013), there is in Lebanon:

Around 13,157 children with disabilities, registered in the Ministry of Social Affairs (MOSA) and holding a disability card (as per UNESCO report). And around 2,500 Autistic children. Data in Lebanon is not so accurate; Numbers of kids having LD is much more.

-A research study reveals that the rate of autism in Beirut and Mount Lebanon has risen to one in 67, according to specialists who attended the second conference held by the Open Minds Association and AUBMC Special Kids Clinic. (source:, 11-Jun-2014)

Problem or Opportunity

S-miles is founded based on the following:

-Availability of centers and institutions for severe cases, yet the lack of services for individual with mild to moderate cases,

-Regular coaches within a large group of individuals in their sessions are not qualified or equipped to reach to the specific needs and individual pace of those children,

-Unfortunately, children having special cases spend their time on “one on one” therapy sessions, and have very scarce opportunities to enjoy fun activities as their regular peers,

-Lack of participation in fun activities within a group leads children to feel different and neglected,

-Lack of participation in age related fun activities might lead to refusal of other therapies and regression

-In some countries: Neglect fr om society: Individuals with special needs are currently being neglected by the society and official authorities

-Lack of awareness and Parent’s denial

-High prices of services: parents have no financial aids wh ere special education fees in the private sector are immensely expensive

-Lack of recreational centers and specifically therapeutic activities for individuals having learning disabilities and mild to moderate special needs

As per research, dropout from learning programs may result in social withdrawal, financial instability, psychological issues, sexual and substance abuse, criminal acts and the risk of suicide.

Solution (product or service)

Value Proposition:

S-miles: «A journey making a difference in the lives of individuals with LD, SN, & their special parents»

-To address the lack of specialized recreational centers & specifically therapeutic activities by creating a therapeutic mobile app using virtual/augmented reality technology for ALL kids and especially for individuals with LD & SN to undertake fun & therapeutic activities as well as social & life skills (cooking, money management…) with our personalized content that contain research-based methods

-Specialists in this field (therapeutic activities & social skills are already running since 2011)

-Assessment tool presenting an individual plan
To provide them with extra support & guidance (2 ways communication channel, forum…)

-Unlike available centers, which are not widely present, & are still in lack of innovative techniques


Competitors in Lebanon:
Strength: Updated intervention program - Good marketing - Multiple branches
Weakness: Intervention programs extended more than required

Strength: Standard therapies in one place
Weakness: psychomotor, speech & psychological therapies only

Strength: Partnership with the Ministry of Education
Weakness: Age range 3-12 - psychomotor, speech & psychological therapies only

Within my research all I found is: centers for intervention, one on one therapy sessions. As for activities, I found for example a dance studio that offers dancing classes for children with LD & SN. Same goes for cooking and other activities.

There are no therapeutic activity & skills in one platform, & mobile apps among competitors.

Advantages or differentiators

Need / Demand and Competitive Advantage:

-SN children with moderate to severe cases have some opportunities to engage in different activities & therapies in centers already present

-However, centers for mild to moderate cases which offer academics, therapeutic activities, skills, therapies, specifically Multi-Sensory therapies, are not widely present, & in some countries are not

-S-miles has entered the market to fit these unmet needs by not only offering one platform which provides both various therapies & extracurricular activities but also aims to offer for the first time Multi-Sensory therapies

-Briefly stated, S-miles seeks to achieve its vision & purposes by offering for the first time in various countries in the world, a therapeutic mobile app using virtual/augmented reality (VR/AR) technology for ALL kids and especially for individuals with LD & SN to undertake fun & therapeutic activities as well as social & life skills

Competitive Edge:

-Innovative therapeutic activities, targeting both leisure & intervention purposes simultaneously. Not available among the competitors

-Innovative therapeutic mobile AR/VR app will be launched by S-miles. Not available among the competitors

-Combination of services provided as academics, therapies, life skills & activities in addition to an individual plan aligns cognitive thinking with physical movement to ensure a healthy body & mind, which is also not widely available


Uses of Funds:

USD 120,000.00 - Main application (app design, development for 2 operating systems, web-based back-end management to update the app when needed, including 1st 100 3D models and markers to be added into the application)

USD 1,200.00/year - Vuforia online server license subscription

USD 6,000.00/year - app management and support fees

USD 60,000.00/year - Sales, marketing and packaging

USD 175,000.00/year - OPEX for the 1st year

Total: USD 362,200.00

Business model

Key Partnerships
Schools- Therapists- Specialized centers- Ministries

Key Activities
AR/VR mobile app: Customized therapeutic activities: cooking- Skills: Life/Social Skills

Customer Relationships
Transparency/Integrity- Safety/comfort- individualized activities

Schools- Centers- Targeted Marketing

Customer Segment
ALL Kids & with SN, LD

Revenue Streams
Free app
Combination of in-app purchase, Sponsors (Supermarkets, food distributors/manufacturers...)

Money will be spent on

USD 120,000.00 - Main application (app design, development for 2 operating systems, web-based back-end management to update the app when needed, including 1st 100 3D models and markers to be added into the application)
The price will

USD 1,200.00/year - Vuforia online server license subscription

USD 6,000.00/year - app management and support fees

USD 60,000.00/year - Sales, marketing and packaging

USD 175,000.00/year - OPEX for the 1st year

Total: USD 362,200.00

Offer for investor

To be negotiated

Team or Management


Risks: New Technologies
Mitigating Task: We will make sure to stay up-to-date with new technologies and how to use them in order to deliver our services

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

Incubation/Acceleration Programs: Berytech & UNIDO (more details in the answer below).

Won the competition and other awards


-Winner: The Blessing Foundation: To empower women in business (2013)
-Winner: Mowgli Foundation at Berytech (2013 - 2014)
-Winner: EDIP Entrepreneurship Development Program: UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization, in 2015). Enterprise Development & Investment Promotion Program Organized by Arab Regional Center for Entrepreneurship & Investment Training – Bahrain, in Cooperation with the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture and the Italian Cooperation for Development (2015)

-Winner: MedGeneration: European project in place to mobilize economic diasporas in partnership with ANIMA Investment Network (France), to support local economy in Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan (2014 - 2015)
-Winner: 1st prize award of the 3rd edition of the Global Social Venture Competition (GSVC) - (2014). The GSVC is initiated by the «UC Berkeley Haas School of Business» and organized by “ESSEC Business School”, for the aim of supporting and encouraging social entrepreneurship in Lebanon and the MENA region; In collaboration with BLC Bank and in partnership with Université Saint Joseph, and Berytech.

-Winner: MIT Media Lab - RLA (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab - Refugee Learning Accelerator) - (2017-2018)


Photo 1 - Therapeutic Mobile app using AR/VR technology

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