

45 % gross revenue share per token.

Market: Crypto currency
Stage of the project: Prototype or product is ready

Date of last change: 14.10.2018
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Idea is a blockchain technology company specialising in mining cryptocurrency with a highly scalable mining location in the Netherlands.
Through our asset-backed SRXIO token, Securix is lowering the barriers to entry for cryptocurrency investors—while helping token holders
earn passive income through an innovative monthly gross revenue sharing business model.

Warren Buffet the Sage of Omaha says:
“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”

Current Status

20% bonus phase


We offer a healthy alternative to different investment opportunities and we are disrupting the cloud mining industry (10 million cloud mining contracts) with the token driven mining offering we have. The cloud mining industry is enormous and we will be a healthy alternative to that business model. As cloud mining contracts are not fair, you have many clauses and to many variables which makes it very technical and difficult to understand.

The cloud mining industry is ready to be disrupted and Securix is ready to innovate this market.

Problem or Opportunity

The entry of entering cryptocurrency is yet too high, it can be quite difficult and most important people don’t want to check their portfolio every hour of the day and see the volatile swings.

People see these volatile swings, because there is a lot of speculation: ‘’pump and dump’’ schemes. These tokens are utility tokens and have no value outside of an exchange nor were they designed to raise capital. is a blockchain technology company specialising in mining cryptocurrency with a highly scalable mining location in the Netherlands. Through our asset-backed SRXIO token, Securix is lowering the barriers to entry for cryptocurrency investors—while helping token holders earn passive income through an innovative monthly gross revenue sharing business model.

Warren Buffet the Sage of Omaha says: “If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”

Solution (product or service)

We at Securix provide a passive income, you keep our SRXIO tokens in your wallet and at the end of every month you will receive a gross revenue share from our mining facility.

So you are investing in our crypto mining facility. Our SRXIO tokens is backed by tangible assets and has a value outside of an exchange. Securix has made a token with pay out. No MVP, not a platform nor a product which needs to be developed, expedited nor we need to conquer market share.

No we have a proven business model and will earn the minute the miners start calculating.


The mining industry works collectively to calculate the Bitcoin Blockchain, which is called POW(Proof-Of-Work). In that sense you are not competing with each other, because you are making the Blockchain faster plus faster verification of transactions.

The other hand you are putting more calculation power and thus getting a share of the block reward + miner fee’s. In this way you are competing, the mining company who puts in the most hashing power gets the biggest share. Last month the global mining revenue was 455.000.000 USD, Securix will be adding 1.5% - 1.9% to the global hashing power.

You have similar companies who are doing mining. It is crypto mining, the execution of this makes Securix far superior. Our business model offers equal benefits to our participants. So you can’t really compare us to cloud mining companies with vague pay out structures and clauses nor other mining ICOs who offer a net profit split.

Advantages or differentiators

We have a 45% gross revenue share:
* ROI Depends solely on the revenue generated
* Entrepreneurial risks carried by the company
* Greater reliability on return on investment

We have a SRXIO token which gives you acces to our mining output
* Can be sold on exchanges
* Token with pay out, 45% gross revenue share pro rata
* Tokens last forever on the Blockchain
* Effective immediately upon purchase
* Securix mitigates risk for token holders

Securix has a reinvestment strategy in place to increase output per token and token value over time:
* Token buyback and burning program
* Reinvestment in new mining hardware to increaes hashing speed

Securix buys their energy demand with the EAN-2-EAN platform. The EAN-to-EAN platform is a decentralized platform with fewer parties involved. We purchase directly from the green generator. Without the need for intermediaries. Our energy is delivered virtually through the electricity grid. This makes Securix highly sustainable.

Securix has a company reserve plan in place, If the price of the Bitcoin dips for a prolonged time, we have a company reserve plan in place which will protect your investment and our investment.


We sell our SRXIO token for 1 USD. 85 percent of the funds raised during the crowd sale will be used to set up Securix mining facilities, including the purchase of mining hardware, electrical upgrades, transport and duties.

15 percent will be used to cover marketing and administrative expenses, including incorporation and obtaining legal support. During the crowd sale, we will have the infrastructure and electricity upgraded to handle tens of thousands of mining units.

Business model

We have a token with pay out, which offers a passive income in cryptocurrency each month.

At the end of every month 45% of our Gross revenue will be shared among the token holders pro rata. The other 45% goes to Securix to pay for electricity, overhead and so on. The last 10% of the gross revenue will be used for the re-investment strategy With our investment strategy we have a 2 folded approach: token buyback and burning program or reinvesting in new hardware, both options will increase output per token and token value.

1: buying tokens from the open market en burning them so that the total tokenpool decreases and output per token and token value goes up.

2: With reinvesting in new mining hardware we will increase the mining output and therefore increase output per token and token value.

We always choose the option which has the best Return on investment.

Money will be spent on

We sell our SRXIO token for 1 USD. 85 percent of the funds raised during the crowd sale will be used to set up Securix mining facilities, including the purchase of mining hardware, electrical upgrades, transport and duties.

15 percent will be used to cover marketing and administrative expenses, including incorporation and obtaining legal support. During the crowd sale, we will have the infrastructure and electricity upgraded to handle tens of thousands of mining units.

Offer for investor

Our offer to invest is to buy SRXIO tokens, they are investing in a token backed by tangible assets.

We determine the deal specifics at the event.


The challenges we can face, will be applicable for the whole mining industry.

1 Increasing Difficulty and Bitcoin Price:

To ensure a constant output, the Bitcoin network varies its difficulty levels after the discovery of every 2016 blocks. If the network hash rate is high and the time required to discover a new block is less than 10 minutes, the network will increase the difficulty level proportionately to increase the block discovery time. If the block discovery time is more than 10 minutes, the same protocol will reduce the difficulty level. Our hardware becomes less efficient with each difficulty increase, and more efficient with every decrease. If the Bitcoin value does not increase in correlation to the increasing blockchain difficulty, the return of investment will decrease over time.

2 Block Reward VS Mining Reward:

The mining reward for bitcoin is cut in half every 210,000 blocks, for example, with the next ‘halving’ set to occur in 2020. Ideally, the price of bitcoin will increase enough to outweigh the continuing decline of the mining reward.

3 New Technology:

The mining hardware industry keeps evolving. New technology will emerge and will most likely be more efficient, more powerful and more scalable. The
introduction of new services and technologies could render the company’s hardware and equipment obsolete, and it may not be cost-effective to upgrade the company’s hardware and equipment to remain competitive.

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Photo 1 - 45 % gross revenue share per token.
Photo 2 - 45 % gross revenue share per token.
Photo 3 - 45 % gross revenue share per token.
Photo 4 - 45 % gross revenue share per token.

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