My proposal is based on a website which holds over 15,000 schools in Nigeria and potentially across Africa where one can go source between alternative schools to know which is better based on their standards and facilities. Look at it this way I'm creating an eBay of schools my website will host schools which parents in Nigeria, Africa and across can shop for schools and pay to checkout or book on hold. The site also enables school transfers.
Current Status
I already have the idea, I also have a team but due to certain conditions we're not able to move forward because of funds.
The market is too big. It is global. Education is a universal phenomenon and cannot be fully categoried it goes between the age of 2-35+ my market will only keep growing as more people get to know about the services we provide.
Problem or Opportunity
In Nigeria there is the problem of ill advertising and marketing on the side of schools and because of that good schools are left underrated and the funds needed to carry out this process in most cases is too costly and expensive my innovation of bringing all the schools together will help market and advertise those schools as well as giving them the opportunity to show their worth and also help parents compare between schools to get the most suitable and effective for their wards.
Solution (product or service)
Educational services. Professional exams. School application processing. School transfer processing. Teacher transfer processing. Advertising. Marketing. Promotion. Giving room for investments in schools that need.
As of now we have no direct competition and the way this is done is the traditional way of finding school which is by word of mouth. But are the first in Nigeria to digitalize the process.
Advantages or differentiators
Our product cannot be copied because of its authenticity and how passionate we are with the services we provide also if we are to make competition in the future we have developed future products to keep us first in line but as of now we have no competition
We receive funds from commission referral and revenue from advertising and marketing and other secondary payments on the site. From the flow our profit will read billions in the next 5years. $1.2 billion+
Business model
All our sources of income and revenue lies inside the application through the number of successful transactions we can attract on the site and the number of schooling applications we can process and how satisfied our customers are. There is no exact amount we will make because all schools have different tuition fees charges.
Money will be spent on
The expenses faced are website development. Non technical manpower. Marketing. Travels and information gathering. Team building. Obtaining license and other accountable costs.
Offer for investor
I'm willing to give investors a woopimg 30% value. But a good bargain could fall into 40%
The risk we face is not dully marketing our services well because apart from that our product is the first in Nigeria and one of a kind. In fact the only risk is if we do not lunch soon someone else might also be working on the same idea right now.
Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment
I've attended different incubations programs in Nigeria. I've also watched some videos
Won the competition and other awards
I've not won any award before but I hope to let my work speak for itself in the future