SAYV offers a very low cost solution to keeping opened wine from spoiling. It utilises the inert gas argon which hitherto has been cost prohibitive for most wine drinkers.
Current Status
The business is fully set-up. Test marketing successfully completed. Business requires marketing expertise.
Manufacturing is provided by contractor in Bangkok, Thailand.
No physical premises are needed; it can be managed from any location.
Organizational form
Singapore corporation
Problem or Opportunity
Wine oxides after opening and in a matter of hours, degradation can be detected. In a day or so, most wines are spoiled and do not reflect the properties they possessed at the time of un-corking. SAYV is pure argon, an inert gas which is heavier than air.
SAYV solves this problem by having developed the ability to package argon in an inexpensive, disposable container. This is a significant achievement since argon is made up of only a single atom and placed under pressure in a canister, it is almost impossible to prevent it escaping through the discharge valve.
Solution (product or service)
It was decided to produce SAYV in a size & price point that would place it within reach of almost every wine demographic. The market is of immense proportions.
Coravin - a very expensive alternative.
Winesave - similar to SAYV but a much larger and therefore more costly product
Advantages or differentiators
SAYV has an enormous advantage over other argon based products because the container is only 50 ml and is therefore exempt from Dangerous Goods Regulations. This means that it ships as general cargo and is handled by normal transport modes.
Coravin and Winesave can only be carried by transport modes approved to handle Dangerous Goods, adding considerably to the cost.