Photo - Unlock2Ride


Bike security redefined: GPS lock, alerts and mobile access

Market: Internet and IT, Insurance, Telecommunications, Gadgets, Mobile applications
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 14.02.2024
Sale price
$  140.000
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Our company offers an innovative solution for bike owners, ensuring their peace of mind with state-of-the-art security features. With GPS tracking, instant alerts, and easy unlocking via a mobile app, our Smart Bicycle Lock system elevates bike security to new heights, catering to individual users and potential partnerships with bike resellers, companies, and hotels offering bike rentals.

Current Status

Everything is already operational. We already have a fully working bike lock that can be unlocked over mobile application. Both mobile applications are already available on Android and IOS store. We also have a website for selling Bike locks with Stripe integration and automatic subscriptions

Business Overview

- Smart Bike lock system development company, based in Menges, Slovenia.

- Our company offers a cutting-edge solution designed to elevate your cycling experience and ensure the safety of your valuable assets.

- Current number of clients is approx. 10, who are individual bike owners.

- We are focusing more on finding partners such as bike resellers, bike companies, and hotels offering bike rentals.

- Our innovative Smart Bike Lock, crafted for personal use, is packed with features that provide peace of mind to every cyclist.

- It is equipped with a SIM card and GPS tracking, enabling you to keep a constant eye on your beloved bike's location. When motion is detected, SMS and email notifications will be sent to our customers, fortifying theft prevention, and simultaneously activating an audible alarm for added security.

- Users can easily buy smart bike locks over our user-friendly website. After purchase automatic subscription over Stripe is created and the user is billed automatically.

- Revenue is generated through renting the locks and the platform by paying a one-time caution deposit of EUR 20 and a monthly rental of EUR 7.5.

- We can deliver the Smart Bike Lock directly to the end customer, or if they prefer, we can professionally attach it to the bike, ensuring a hassle-free experience. User then downloads the mobile app and login with the same SSO credentials that he used for purchasing. After that user can control their Smart Bike Lock over a mobile application.

- Another business case - currently MVP stage is also prepared for "Company bike solution" where employees could reserve specific bike locks and unlock them over a mobile app. Besides reserving a specific bike, user could also choose the option "Any free bike" In this case our advanced system combines all calendar and display the availability of all calendars combined, after reservation one free bike is reserved.

- We have already launched our mobile app for both Android and iOS, built with react-native technology, ensuring a seamless experience for users.

- Supplied in Velo-city last year in Ljubljana. There were more than 40 participants from all over the world.

- The whole platform is build on the state of the art technology. For REST API we are using Kuzzle which is a BAAS solution. It offers npm library to communicate with REST either on mobile applications or on website. Endpoints can be easily created / updated by updating schema. For Kuzzle to operate we have ElasticSearch and Redis running in the background besides that Kuzzle instances are running in ECS cluster.

Website is build in gatsby, React and deployed on Netlify, for content we use Netlify CMS which is retrieved via GraphQl and then displayed to end user. For communication with backend kuzzle npm library is used and netlify lambda functions.

Everything is build in a way so that is easily vertically and horizontally scalable in AWS. Our advanced CI/CD in gitlab offers automatic deployment to AWS.
Products & Services Overview

Smart bike lock system - equipped with a SIM card, GPS tracking and instant alerts.

Currently being sold to individual bike users. Focusing on finding partners such as bike resellers, bike companies, and hotels offering bike rentals.
Assets Overview


90 Smart Bike Locks - Concox BL10.

100 Solar panels for Smart Bike Locks.

90 SIM cards with paid subscription until 2027.


- AWS.

Infrastructure as code approach.

Established architecture for BAAS service.

Fully horizontally and vertically scalable solution on ECS - running kuzzle, GPS server, Elastic Search, Redis.

Load balancer established in front.

Built in React and Gatsby, also comes with Netlify CMS system in the background it uses GraphQL.

Integrated with Stripe.

Connected to BAAS system over Kuzzle SDK, which uses Netlify Lambda functions in the background for API calls.

Builded as PWA application.

Mobile application.

Build with React native. It uses Kuzzle SDK to connect to BAAS.

50 hours of handover will be included.
Facilities Overview

Operating from own home facility in Menges, Slovenia which includes office space and storage unit, covering an area of 10 sq m.
Capitalization Overview

As of the present, the company is operating with a debt-free and loan-free financial structure.

The business is owned by a single owner who holds 100% ownership.

Annual sales, $


Annual net income, $


Organizational form

KreLab, programiranje in svetovanje, Tilen Kreča s.p.

Solution (product or service)

Our company specializes in the development and distribution of the Smart Bicycle Lock system, a cutting-edge solution designed to revolutionize bike security and convenience. Our innovative lock integrates GPS tracking, instant alerts, and seamless mobile unlocking, ensuring unparalleled safety for cyclists' valuable assets. Whether for individual bike owners seeking peace of mind or potential partners such as bike resellers and rental services, our product offers unparalleled value. With its advanced features and user-friendly design, our Smart Bicycle Lock system is poised to solve the security challenges faced by cyclists, making it an indispensable asset for bike enthusiasts worldwide.

Reason for sale

In start of new business. Decided to sell this one.

Team or Management

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