Multifunctional Hologram Device
Holo is a multifunctional Hologram device which will make life easier for advertisers, educational systems, architects and etc. we are planning that our business will be B2B, we will make visual sides for each companies and will rent the device daily.
Current Status
Prototyping Getting Ready for entering National Market.
This is a image of Global Market size for advertising, as you can see its a growing market and so it is in Goergia, this means we can easily and in a small amount of time cover Georgian Market one of the reasons for this is that we have no competitors in our sphere, after covering national market we are planning to Go in to the Global.
Problem or Opportunity
There are many problems which Holo can solve for example:
One of the Biggest problems (according on consultating PR and advertising managers of different companies) is the boring and same ways to impress people by non effective way (banners, TV's Monitors, e.t.c. "Holo" and its other features is the new way of communication between costumer and company.
Boring Educational Process can become funniest thing for kids by using Holo, where Teachers and pupils will be able to control Hologram and its content by using their hands,
Holo also solves the problem of communication between architects and their costumers.
And Last sensational and innovative way which holo offers to the world is Hologram Live Streaming which means you can be in another place without Visa problems and ticket rows :)
Solution (product or service)
3D visual is not real 3D if its on 2D screen, we are producing 360 dementional screen.
In National Market and Region as well as lots of countrys There are No competitors, but of course there are some compaanies which are working on Holograms (Realfiction, Musion, etc)
Advantages or differentiators
Main Difference between us and our competitors are compact Shape, size, Vision of our team and spheres where we are going to be much more active and effective than our competitors.
Money will be spent on
Marketing, Staff (Software and Hardware Programmers, Graphic Designers, Tech guys)