Akam helps students find their ideal major and university, learn subjects through gamified tests, and engage in challenges within subject-based communities—while connecting universities with leads
Current Status
150K+ downloads on Play Market
30K+ downloads on the App Store
63K+ Monthly Active Users (MAU)
3K+ Daily Active Users (DAU)
62K+ registered users
75K+ test questions in our database
$150 Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)
Problem or Opportunity
Students often struggle to choose the right major or university, leading to delayed decisions, confusion, and lack of preparation for entrance exams.
Solution (product or service)
Akam helps students choose the right major and university through personalized assessments, while offering community-driven learning with gamified tests and challenges to prepare for exams effectively.
Business model
B2C (Consumer):
Akam Pro subscription (15,000 sums/month) offers unlimited access to gamified thematic tests, DTM exams, feedback, tournaments, and Akam AI for personalized learning.
B2B (Business):
We charge private universities a monthly fee for high-quality leads, and provide a platform to post their entrance exams, helping attract and engage prospective students.