

We are the easiest healthy habit

Market: Food industry, Farming, Biotech
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 18.11.2024
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We found an efficient way to make a fresh organic product, which prevents diseases and mitigates harmful effects of bad habits, affordable to anyone. By leveraging proprietary biotechnology, GREESPI provides investors with the opportunity to capitalize on a product with significant market potential and sustainability credentials.

Current Status

The project takes its origin in Ukraine and started generating revenues 5 years ago (reaching 800 recurring clients which corresponded to the full capacity of the local plant). We started attracting angel financing to expand to the EU in 2022, and our first big European plant was built in Greece in 2023. The plant is now operational, and first sales will start soon.


Who are our customers: first of all, these are adults of all ages who are in search of a solution to their health problems, or those who want to be proactive and care to preserve/enhance their life quality and wellbeing.
The USA is a leader in such chronic diseases as cardiovascular and diabetes. 6 out of 10 adults suffer at least one chronic disease. According to CRN data, 74% of American adults use food supplements (55% are rated as regular clients), spending min USD 68.3 monthly. 49% of Americans chose the supplements based on own knowledge, family, friends’ or influencer advice.
Market size: over $46b (2022).
Europe: throughout 2024-2025, we plan to establish production facilities in 5 European countries with the highest level of supplements consumption (Italy, UK, Germany, France, and Spain).
Market est. at 38.3m clients and € 21.64b in the EU.
China: Market size $ 48b (2023). Seniors, particularly those aged 50-65, are seeking supplements that address their health needs, including immune support and optimal micronutrient intake.
MEA: The market is projected to reach $ 11b by 2024 with CAGR 4,69%. KSA, UAE and Israel are three countries with the highest market volume.
The product potential is immense, because on one side – we have huge global health problems, and on the other side – millions of people understand it but cannot find an efficient way to solve it.
We are looking at the above markets given their sizes and consumer readiness as our first priority target.

Problem or Opportunity

Global problem (per WHO): 74% of chronic diseases are diet driven, while 3 of them - cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer - are the main causes of 7 in 10 premature deaths on average globally. There are hundreds of research pieces proving the direct relationship between exponential growth of chronic diseases and diet quality for the past decades. This problem has been unsuccessfully tackled by BADs and supplements, which over the decades of popularization shown no positive effect, and sometimes are harmful for your health.

Aiming to tackle this problem, we created GREESPI functional food.
Our GREESPI product is a fresh, ready-to-eat, 100% natural organic product based on microalgae for everyday use, which restores the bio balance of the body to maintain a healthy weight and well-being, mitigates harmful effects of bad habits - thus helping to prevent diseases, slow them down, or get rid of them.

Why are the customers willing to pay? Because they are already paying for things that do not work, so they will be glad to pay for the things they do, especially given our loyal pricing policy. What makes us so sure of it? The fact that we have already over 800 recurring customers (in Ukraine) who love the result, and demand is growing, and we cannot cope with that demand locally.
The product potential is immense, because on one side – we have huge global health problems, and on the other side – millions of people understand it but cannot find an efficient way to solve it.

Solution (product or service)

GREESPI functional food – a fresh, ready-to-eat, 100% natural organic product based on microalgae; It’s comprised of 70% complete vegetable protein (with B12) and a balanced, highly concentrated set of 92 critical nutrients in an easily digestible form, contains only 35 kcal, and at the same time:
● is easy to consume – just take it out of freezer, put into a glass of water, wait for 1 minute until it dissolves
● preserves its beneficial qualities for 6 months (frozen)
● therapeutic effect of the single component of Greespi (arthrospira platensis) is proven by years of independent research
● unlike any manufacturers using the same component - we offer a single component product, so it’s free from any add-ons, while the component is grown in house under ideally pure conditions.
● And what you will never meet in any dietary solution - it is fresh and safe!

We have made a breakthrough in food industry by creating our own production technology – we get 30 kg of raw protein from 1 sq.m. per year (235 more than soybeans), our production process is independent of climate, fertile soils and weather.
We also invented our own delivery technology - we deliver frozen products at various distances (within three days) without using additional climatic equipment.
We invented and built an autonomously working Bioreactor (production facilities) to grow our microalgae - automated, high-energy efficient, 24/7/365 production.
Our product safety is confirmed by reputable SGS lab.

WE ARE GREEN: while producing each 1 kg of our product we:
● utilize 0.5 kg of carbon,
● obtain 1.2 kg of oxygen,
● create no harmful emissions,
● consume little water,
● do not require fertile land resources.


Our product is unique in that WE USE ORGANIC PRODUCT WITHOUT PROCESSING IT. This allows us to preserve organic bonds (bioavailability): the body absorbs micro/macro elements, vitamins and other compounds only in organic bonds. There is no similar market offer (technology, safety, consumer benefit-wise).
To prevent chronic diseases, WHO recommends consuming at least 400g of fresh vegetables/ fruit daily (according to the OECD report, only 12% of adults in 27 EU member states consumed such necessary daily minimum in 2019 - OECD report). Given the contemporary production ways of raising these, the supermarket offer is far fr om a healthy solution. The organic food component in homemade food is the only way around, wh ere the offer is scarce, hard to find, time consuming and thus costly.
We have no real competitors as our segment is new and separate: we are neither a sublimated food (Huel) nor a supplement (AG1). We can only compete with homemade food made of organic components.

Advantages or differentiators

Some producers have always tried to produce microalgae and/or sell their extracts; however, our process and result differ drastically from what they are doing:
1. We are cultivating a selected stem of microalgae - namely arthrospira platensis, the commercialized name of the extracts of which has been called spirulina. We are not doing extracts – we are doing our unique food based on live microalgae
2. The difference in storage technology: our unique fast deep-freezing process guarantees instant and even freezing of the substance, which preserves its qualities. Whereas gradual freezing (due to form, thickness and the very technology used) which some producers use, triggers a breakdown of bio bonds and the substance gets oxidated.
3. The sides of their regular tanks grow molds, which means the resulting biomass is never pure and safe
4. We have our cultivation process going on 24/7/365 and we are independent of weather, soils, sun – whereas others usually grow microalgae in open ponds (pollution) or in greenhouses (cannot guarantee sterile conditions + sun/season dependent)
5. No scale up capacities because of the process deficiencies – while we were watching many “spirulina growers” for many years, none of them scaled


The production model is based upon known inputs, efficiencies and outputs.
We build bioreactors near megapolises, with a population of at least 1m, which means 1 reactor serves up to 0.3% of urban population, and this converts to EUR 400k of monthly recurring revenue fr om one bioreactor already in the first year of operation, cost of sales taking up less than ⅓ of the revenue.
We deliver to the places wh ere a person rests - home, hotel, - or where he stops over - gas stations, airports.
Each bioreactor has a capacity of 2.5m sachets per annum, which allows us to serve 3367 regular customers on average (a standard monthly order being 60 sachets). The unit pricing depends on the package selected and will average 2EUR/sachet.

Business model

We’re creating a bespoke platform to manage sales, customer support, and partners to automate most processes.
We’re working with influencers to create initial interest in the product and credibility and kick off the sales.
Initial investment into one reactor, due to a quick cash pay-back, allows us to invest into further reactors, keeping admin and selling costs to minimum (at the central level only). We aim to set up to 6 reactors at the same time to be able to quickly capture the market.
We aim at sweeping out the cash to buy new reactors every time the cash balance reaches EUR 3m, which allows us to build a waterfall of new investment, incorporating new FCFs from new reactors and sweeping out further investment from a combined balance. This synergy allows us to effectively double the business volumes every year (CAGR 136% in consolidated model).

Money will be spent on

82% of the amount will go to creation of a bioreactor (production facility) in a new location;
14% - operations set up and creating awareness and community base
4% - transaction support and structuring

Offer for investor

We are offering a reputable partner to participate in our growth.
We invite you to get acquainted with our business closer, and we can discuss the numbers thereafter.
We are not exactly tied to any number; the main goal is to build the business together.

Team or Management


The main risk is that we do not penetrate the market as fast as we want. This is why we seek strategic partnership


Photo 1 - We are the easiest healthy habit
Photo 2 - We are the easiest healthy habit
Photo 3 - We are the easiest healthy habit

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