Photo - Neelibar Dairies

Neelibar Dairies

Bio-Gas plant gives cheap electricity, item sale 25% cheapea

Market: Food industry
Stage of the project: Prototype or product is ready

Date of last change: 20.04.2024
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This is going to be unique Dairy Farm in its nature as it is erecting Controlled Sheds for animals having Air-Conditioning and Ventilation system to keep the temperature constant at 20 degrees. In our country temperatures vary from 0-50 degrees which affects the milk production and thus the cash flow is disturbed. This system is nowhere adopted in Central Asian States, Middle Eastern States, Sub-Continent, South Asian and Far Eastern countries, It is a new concept developed by me." Lab test successful.

Current Status

I have retired from Agriculture and have 40 years of experience in this field and want to put up this project of my own. I do not have cash in hand, This is why you are invited to join hands with me.

I have a fantastic and ever green project and you may be interested . I would like to inform that during 5 GRAND slums which occurred in the world during 1919,1945,1997,2001 and 2008 in which big business houses went bankrupted and financial institution were busted but only this and cosmetic industry showed profit of 30%. Even covid-19 does not affect this project nor political/economic condition of a country.

This is the only business which guarantees profit which no other does as it is cash business and no credit. The projects are to be raised in Lahore/Pakistan.

I am on a lookout for project financing of 15 Million Dollars, for a start as billions are insufficient for this business, because 36 items can be derived from milk. Generations are required to cover few items and not all.


Attracting poor, low middle and middle class of our society due to cheap and quality products to be provide to customers for the upbringing of healthy and strong children to make them useful for the society. World is open for market and there too it will attract huge customers due to cheaper prices.

Problem or Opportunity

There is a Swiss company by the name of NESTLE( must be familiar) has invested 400 million dollars and is making only 4 products. Netherlands is 1/5th size of Pakistan and has 15% of the world market, whereas Pakistan is the 3rd biggest producer of milk and has 0% share in the world. Such huge is our market.

Recently a Dutch Dairy giant FrieslandCampina has acquired 51% shares in the second biggest dairy company in Pakistan.

Pakistan is the third largest milk-manufacturing country in the world, with 38 billion liters on an annual basis, according to Retail Detail of Europe. FrieslandCampina wants to take advantage of the shift to packaged dairy products in Pakistan: not even 10 % of milk consumption comes from processed and packaged milk in Pakistan, but FrieslandCampina expects that to change in the near future. (Olper milk) i:e engro foods.

Solution (product or service)

As Pakistan is the third biggest producer of milk and has zero %age in the world market, whereas the Netherlands is 1/5 size of Pakistan and has 15% of the world market in milk products. Such huge is the market in front of me. Due to cheap electricity the products thus made will be sold 25% cheaper than others, thus attracting huge rush on sale points.


When you will read the first 10 lines of BP, you will find that I have got the cheapest electricity in the world. With a result all products thus made will be cheapest and will be able to sell 25% cheaper than others while keeping the same/better quality.

I have retired from Agriculture and have 40 years of experience in this field and want to put up this project of my own. I do not have cash in hand, This is why you are invited to join hands with me.

No competition due to low prices.

Advantages or differentiators

This is going to be unique Dairy Farm in its nature as it is erecting Controlled Sheds for animals having Air-Conditioning and Ventilation system to keep the temperature constant at 20 degrees. In our country temperatures vary from 0-50 degrees which affects the milk production and thus the cash flow is disturbed. This system is nowhere adopted in Central Asian States, Middle Eastern States, Sub-Continent, South Asian and Far Eastern countries, It is a new concept developed by me." Lab test successful.

When you will read the first 10 lines of BP, you will find that I have got the cheapest electricity in the world. With a result all products thus made will be cheapest and will be able to sell 25% cheaper than others while keeping the same/better quality.


explained in cash flow

Money will be spent on

As soon as your funds will hit my account, the following steps will be taken.

Land will be purchased and it will take two months, during this period following steps will be taken.
Architect will design office building, senior staff residence, workers quarters, two big Stores and two canteens.
Construction of boundary walls will start.
Quotations will be invited for the construction of Control sheds, Air conditioning and ventilation systems and Bio-gas plant + 400KVA generator + buildings as mentioned. Will take TWO YEARS, including Architect time.
Advertisement will be given in print media, electronic media and on social media for the technical senior staff which include, Veterinary doctors, food technologist and agriculturist specialist.
Planning and marketing strategy will be planned and how to implement will be drafted.
Task and responsibility will be allocated to the respective senior staff.
Resources will be allocated to the respective senior staff to remain with their defined budget.
Purchase of 2000 animals will take TWO YEARS.

Offer for investor

Investor takes 40% equity shares in the company.

Team or Management


Only road accidents while carry milk or products or natural disaster falls on the production area. No other risk is involved.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

As it is a startup therefore at present there is no accomplishment but once on ground it will pick up with jet speed.

Won the competition and other awards



Photo 1 - Bio-Gas plant gives cheap electricity, item sale 25% cheapea
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