I have done research to convert used airplanes to electric and make them as good or better than gas versions, with same power and distance.
I have found electric motors, speed controls and batteries that are used for purpose that are reliable and efficient. No one else at this time are using these electric motors, speed controls and batteries, so they will be new to airplanes.
Current Status
This project is in planning stage with all research done.
I need money to get a building and then buy airplanes and motors and batteries to convert them.
Customer market is huge as there are no others that compete with gas powered airplanes.
Problem or Opportunity
My company will convert used airplanes to electric that are comparable to gas versions. There has been a lot of talk in the industry for electric airplanes that can compete with gas versions and my research has found electric motors and batteries that are not used in the airplane industry. Once they show they do compare to gas versions, I will have many people wanting to buy these airplanes.
Solution (product or service)
With using electric motors and batteries that others are not using I will be the head of this segment with IP so other should not be able to follow without complications.
There are some electric airplanes in the market, the problem with them are they do not compare very well with gas models.
So converting airplanes that can compete will be a better alternative over my competitor's.
Advantages or differentiators
I will be using electric motors and batteries that other companies are not using.
I will be buying used airplanes so the cost will vary for every airplane and then adding the electric motors, speed controls, batteries, and other electronics to interface with the airplane. Then will add up all costs and add a good percentage for profit.
Business model
Buy used airplanes, replace engines with electric parts and resell.
Money will be spent on
On renting a building and buying used airplanes and others need to convert to electric.