eConsul is a platform where a traveler can apply for a visa from one window to any country. All information a traveler provides about himself and his travel is stored and can be used for future travels.
Current Status
We have been operating in the market for 7 months and have been earning since day one. So far this period we have been able to generate $135K and the previous month's revenue was $25K. We have up to 1100 users and groups with more than 21K active travelers.
Problem or Opportunity
It takes the average traveler about 20 hours to understand the visa regulations and complete the visa application. Our customers will be able to do all this in 10 times more time the first time, and each subsequent visa process will be 2 times more straightforward because all the information entered by the customer is stored in his profile. The traveler will not have to answer the same question twice.
Solution (product or service)
The user entering our web/app first selects the country where he wants to travel. After that, the traveler is informed in detail about the travel regulations, and the list of required documents and starts to fill out the visa application. For this, it is necessary for the user to register on the platform. Using the registration module on the platform, the user quickly fills out the visa application he needs, which is equivalent to filling out a personal profile.
Business model
Our customers pay us a fee for each service.
Today, the main source of income is our two services: visa service, which costs $120 on average, and online consulting, which costs $90 on average. With the scaling and automation of processes, we estimate that these prices will be cut in half.