A Unique Solution to Brain, Gut, Joint and Immune Health, particularly those with Autoimmune, ADD and Autism Spectrum Disorders seeking Anti- Inflammatory and Anti-Oxidant Support.
Current Status
Supplements are in market and selling well on Amazon and doctor networks. Need funding to scale sales and marketing efforts for more direct business through the website.
Problem or Opportunity
There is a lack of a network and products dedicated to functional and integrative health. Simply said, there is a need for a community, products and services dedicated to finding the solving the "why" behind people's health and not just the symptoms.
Solution (product or service)
Imagine if you could with your saliva or spit find out if you were deficient in certain vitamins and minerals as well as if there was the presence of viral and bacterial infections. Then you could take those results to take certain supplements and/or to your doctor for more testing. Additionally, communicate with others in similar circumstances as well as connect with practitioners that desired to help.
Business model
The business model is D2C as well as B2B2C through one-time and subscription sales.