Biotech Startups that develop the new generation of food with meat alternatives that taste and are good for you with up to 3x more protein and 70% less fat than meat
Current Status
We have sold +140K so far since 2020 and this year we are Growing about 54% compare last year. In 2021 we obtained 90K of revenue.
Problem or Opportunity
According to Euromonitor 42% of global consumers are flexitarian, they are seeking meat alternatives to improve their health but the the meat alternatives that already exist are high in fat and Not focused of improve people’s health, just the enviroment.
Solution (product or service)
We developed a Biotech process to replicate any animal product. We have a data base about the Interaction between proteins and yeast yo replicate any animal product in term of taste and texture. We have a portfolio of products of Chorizos, sausages and nuggets that are high in protein and with less fat than any animal or plant based competitors.
Advantages or differentiators
Invested in previous rounds, $
Business model
We develop and sell Meat alternative products to wholesalers in order to reach Retail, food service Chains and independence stores