OmKurir is a B2C logistics service for social commerce. We make easy for users to send goods using the cash-on-delivery (COD) & cash-and-carry (CAC) pay method without a marketplace.
Current Status
now we have about 7000-8000 users in southeast sulawesi . we running our company by call centre pay method. Currently we have 50 courier partners for samecity services and 10 courier employees for near other citys/districts shipment and more than 10 agents spread across various districts in Southeast Sulawesi.
Problem or Opportunity
1. The shipping costs available are quite expensive.
2. Estimated delivery time its to long even for closed or middle range.
3. The current COD feature is not available for delivery services except for marketplace users.
4. The collect COD money is delay 1-7 days since shipment success.
5. Too many type of shipment company with a different services and make users have to install/using many apps/company according their needed.
Solution (product or service)
1. We provide 5kg/shipment for our main services (Express, sameday and nextday).
2. We cut the shipment distribution line from the store (sender) directly to the (buyer/customer (receiver) without a warehouse, drop point, etc.
3.We provide COD features without having to have an account on the marketplace.
4. We provide a new payment that we call CAC (cash-and-carry) for our business users. we pay first those seller when courier success pickup their goods. This fiture can make an e-commerce & other shipment company doesnt relevant anymore.
5. We unify all types of shipment in 1 platform.
Advantages or differentiators
we provide all services both that are competitor have it.
Business model
We earn from shipment cost that seller use, cod fee and we are going to build a marketplace for social commerce to drive more traction.