The concept of creating an electric car prototype is the car of the future. This electric car is a competitor to the Tesla Model S in terms of innovation and technical security, but it sees the market face at a lower price than the Tesla Model S. This newly injured STELLA company will be a competitor to all the giant car companies in the future.
Current Status
Currently, the electric car project is a planned project. This project is in the prototyping phase.
STELLA bozorga yangi kompaniya sifatida kirib, gigant kompaniyalar orasida o'z o'rni va mavqeini egallaydi.
Problem or Opportunity
There is a lack of funds to prototype the electric car and present it to the public. This project will become a big company in the future. It will become the leading company in the world.
Solution (product or service)
STELLA Company will supply premium S-class, A-class and electric cars for the middle class to the market.
Shares of giant companies in the electric car market.
NISSAN (Nissan leaf ) -15%
Fiat 500e -8%
VW e-Golf - 4%
Advantages or differentiators
the new prototype has the highest level of aerodynamics and the lowest level of resistance due to the very fast-moving and sport mode, the installation of the 5th generation autopilot, which makes the car one of the most innovative technological cars. and its unique design is so perfect and flawless that it captivates people.
From the prototyping of the electric car to the mass production of it, from the prototype presentation to the construction of the plant, the total cost of the investment requires an average of $ 20,000,000 to $ 25,000,000 in financial support. When the plant is launched and mass production of electric cars begins, each car will go on sale to the world market for around $ 30,000, depending on the average set.
Business model
STELLA elektromobillar ishlab chiqarishga ixtisoslashgan kompaniya bo'ladi. Kelajakda o'zining elektromobillari bilan jahon avtomobil bozorining katta qismini egallaydi. Hozirda loyihadan maqsad barcha innovatsiyalardan foydalangan holda texnologik elektromobilning prototipini yaratish va uni butun dunyoda namoyish etishdan iborat. Keyin elektromobil ishlab chiqarish zavodining ishga tushirilishi va global ishlab chiqarishni yo'lga qo'yish bilan prototipning sotuvga chiqarilishi.
Money will be spent on
the investment is spent on the process, which consists of creating a prototype for me and presenting it to the public and launching the mass production of the electric car provided by Stella.
Offer for investor
The investor owns a 23% stake in electric car maker STELLA.