Photo - oncoLife Therapeutics

oncoLife Therapeutics

Anti-ageing through stem cells and metabolism

Market: Medicine
Stage of the project: Idea or something is already done

Date of last change: 13.06.2021
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We have three main focus areas: (1) A unique cancer drug discovery platform that finds non-toxic targets, (2) A novel peptide to treat type 2 diabetes and (3) stem cell regeneration via re-activation of ageing stem cells.

Current Status

We have no product yet. We have completed in vitro validation for the cancer platform and the peptide. The anti-ageing project is an idea presently.


All three markets that we target are huge and constantly growing. These are cancer (all types), metabolic disorders (e.g. type 2 diabetes) and anti-ageing.

Problem or Opportunity

1. Cancer platform.
We have developed a solution to the problem of cancer drug side effects. Our platform is unbiased for cancer type and finds the best targets for each cancer irrespective of drug class (antisense, antibody, small molecule). All current drugs have patient-related side effects and most pharmaceutical drug companies would want this platform to outperform all current drugs in terms of patient care.

2. Metabolism.
Our peptide is a potent insulin-sensitiser, similar to metformin, and could be used as a first, or second line, drug for type 2 diabetes. It will also be a drug of much interest in the anti-ageing field.

3. Anti-ageing.
Our hypothesis is rooted in extensive stem cell research that we have performed for many years. It goes to the heart of how we age, not merely a stop-gap or supplement. Our first experiments will be to test our theory on organ regeneration.

Solution (product or service)

1. Cancer platform .
Efficacious cancer drugs without patient-related side effects

2. Metabolism.
Orally administered drug treating type 2 diabetes and prolonging ageing.

3. Anti-ageing.
Injectable drug restoring stem cell activity in the elderly.


1. Cancer platform.
All companies that work on oncology-related drugs are our competitors. The main reason we are optimistic is that none of them have produced efficacious drugs without side effects.

2. Metabolism.
Metformin is our main competitor but it cannot be used by patients forever due to side effects of chronic use and there needs to be an alternative for patients. We would fill this large, unmet need gap.

Advantages or differentiators

1. Cancer platform.
We are unique due to our safety profile. 97% of all cancer drugs fail in clinical trials mostly due to lack of efficacy or toxicity, both related to side effects and the lowering of concentration due to tissue toxicity. Our platform eliminates these issues.

2. Metabolism.
Our peptide is safe and natural and will be a welcomed addition for the fight against type 2 diabetes and the metabolic disorders.


1. We intend to sell our cancer platform to a major pharmaceutical company for ~$300-500 million within the next 5 years. This is inline for past platform sales of this scale at the same validation stage.

2. The metabolism project will also likely be sold in the next 5-7 years for ~$500 million.

Business model

1. Cancer platform.
Here we will perform preclinical in vivo studies with Charles River Laboratories for 4 different cancers. As these results are ready, we will begin provisional patents for these drugs. In parallel, we will continue to expand our in silico drug target discovery and in vitro validation to continue to grow the value of the platform until a sale in ~5 years.

2. Metabolism.
We will be modifying the endogenous peptide in a logical and practical manner and re-testing the patentable modifications in vivo. Again, these will be patented and eventually sold.

Money will be spent on

1. Cancer platform.
Start up funds will be spent on a small number of salaries required to continue the platform-related work (bioinformatics and laboratory work), outsourced in vivo studies (Charles River Laboratories) and provisional patents that will in time be submitted as full patents.

2. Metabolism.
Funds will be spent on peptide fragment and in vitro studies, outsourcing synthetic peptide manufacture and provisional patents.

3. Anti-ageing.
Funds will be used for laboratory studies to begin our organ regenerative studies.

Offer for investor

We are currently offering project-specific investment ($3million for 40% of the cancer or metabolism projects), or 25% of the company for $3million. However, this may change in the near future as we are also in negotiations to be part of a larger SPV, and if those negotiations are successful before this pitch, then the investors will have the opportunity to be part of the SPV, with the specifics to be determined.

Team or Management


Our risks are that other companies beat us to the patenting of our drugs and platform technology. This is unlikely given that we have spent many years developing the technologies with no-one else having started yet to the best of our knowledge. What we do is ultimately simple but very hard to set up, which is why no-one has yet performed similar studies.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment


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Photo 1 - Anti-ageing through stem cells and metabolism
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