Photo - Manthini


Building intelligent energy storage and distribution systems

USA, Wisconsin
Market: Transport, Other
Stage of the project: Prototype or product is ready

Date of last change: 11.06.2021
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Manthini is building an Energy Management System (EMS) which intelligently stores and distributes energy. The EMS is a smart, modular and scalable system that is superior to existing batteries and battery systems used for energy storage applications.

Our initial prototypes (eBikes) provided us with critical knowledge to help further develop the EMS intelligence and implement it in a 1/10 scale model to start, then in a full-scale electric vehicle. Through this development, we will hone in our intellectual property (AI, complex software algorithm, and hardware combination).

Current Status

We are currently at the stage of Concept Development and Initial R&D. The concept developed is a working prototype.


Manthini’s first target and beachhead market is transportation, with electric bicycles being the first product as they are an affordable application (team-funded minimum viable product) for developing and testing our scalable technology. The next phase of development in the transportation market will consist of electric vehicles, followed by future development in the energy storage market (second target). Our total available market (TAM), serviceable available market (SAM), and opportunity cost for applications of the technology are listed below:

Target Market #1 - Transportation - Focus: Electric Bicycles
TAM: $875M (USA), $85.5B (Global)
SAM: $122M (USA), $15.75B (Global)
Opportunity cost: E-bikes offset where a traditional bike ride costs a single rider lost family time, fatigue, and delays. Lost interest in everyday cycling to staying healthy adds up to $696 per year in gym memberships alone.

Target Market #1 - Transportation - Focus: Electric Vehicles
TAM: $13.35B (USA), $54.47B (Global)
SAM: $70B (USA), $210B (Global)
Opportunity cost: A conventional vehicle costs a consumer $4000-$5000 annually in gasoline and maintenance. Using EVs for 3 months in the COVID-19 pandemic led to a 50% carbon reduction.

Target Market #2 - Energy Storage (Future Development)
Manthini believes they can achieve a 30% market share with the following:
Personal and stand-alone energy storage solutions
Microgrids and modular energy storage units
Backup supplies for servers, computers, cloud storage, and telecom

Problem or Opportunity

There is a need for better batteries and battery systems to support the needs of numerous product applications on the market. The systems on the market today, the vast majority of which are battery and sector-specific (lacking scalability), are limited by factors such as energy density, charge/discharge rates, and efficiency. These specific factors lead to lower range/short duration of use, low power application requirements, and decreased performance/equipment lifetime. For Manthini’s technology, these attributes are the differentiator.

Solution (product or service)

Manthini provides an energy management system (EMS) that is scalable and can be made modular to meet the demand of numerous applications reliably. The EMS combines lithium-ion batteries (or other chemistries), ultra-capacitors, and proprietary controllers to ensure better performance, safety, efficiency, run time, and useful life of the system. This combination yields an effective 30% increase in energy density and surpasses the competition by a minimum factor of 10 in power density. In addition, the system operation is orchestrated by a complex algorithm and neural networks – both proprietary – and leverages artificial intelligence to further support the application.

Manthini’s solution also offers flexibility in the method of charging as well as rapid charging. This includes permitting dynamic wireless charging, charging with either renewables or non-renewables, and charging 10-20 times faster than existing solutions. Furthermore, Manthini’s mechanical design approach yields a physically attractive product while also optimizing and increasing the full system efficiency or utilization.


EMS, when applied to real-world applications, in similar target markets (competitors listed below), provides advantage with the following attributes:
1. We are unique in how the EMS dynamically stores the energy & is scalable for multiple usage options
2. The EMS not only improves the charge time but also provides better energy and power density
3. What makes all of that possible is our AI which packs the intellectual property - the complex software and secret sauce behind our patent.

eBikes - The electric bicycle sector has competitors like Trek, Sondors, and Buell who offer electric as well as legacy products.
eVehicles - The electric vehicle sector consists of competitors who make electric motorcycles, electric cars, and electric trucks such as Tesla, Rivian, and Harley Davidson.

Energy Storage:
eSolutions - With the electric power solution sector still in its infancy, there are limited competitors like NorthVolt or Tesla; however, with a higher pack density and backup battery to point of use, Manthini has an upper hand over its competitors in this sector as well.

Advantages or differentiators

1. We are unique in how the EMS dynamically stores the energy & is scalable for multiple usage options
2. The EMS not only improves the charge time but also provides better energy and power density
3. And what makes all of that possible is our AI which packs the intellectual property - the complex software and secret sauce behind our patent.


Manthini plans on developing a transactional model and strategy to:
1. Target the transportation industry first, with a focus on entry with electric vehicles, where the EMS (the software/hardware algorithm) will be the soul of those applications (even scaling the production of our own applications).
2. Capture an average of 30% of the total serviceable market with its proven technology, based on the yearly sales in the US and the average cost of products being sold in the transportation sector.
3. In the future, capture not just the energy storage market with our UltraPack™ offering but the energy backup market as well for use in applications such as electronics, servers, computers, cloud storage, and telecom, due to EMS benefitting a wide variety of applications and markets.

Business model

1. Manthini plans to target the transportation industry first with a focus on entry with electric vehicles where the EMS (the software/hardware algorithm) will be the soul of those applications.
2. Based on the yearly sales in the US and the average cost of products being sold in the transportation sector, Manthini plans to capture an average of 30% of the total serviceable market with its proven technology.
3. Due to EMS benefitting a wide variety of applications and markets, in the future, we plan to capture not just the energy storage market with our UltraPack™ offering but the energy backup market as well for use in applications such as electronics, servers, computers, cloud storage, and telecom.

Money will be spent on

1. Scaling up the EMS to other EV’s
2. Developing more pilot builds
3. Getting the necessary safety & regulatory testing conducted
4. And extending our patent portfolio and applications as we keep building partnerships along the way.

Offer for investor

At this point it's negotiable, but we can provide offerings through licensing our tech - which is the EMS (software algorithm/hardware) to be utilized in existing market applications and/or legacy products and/or selling our own product applications, which we develop based on our EMS

Team or Management


Lack of Investment

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

1. MWERC"s WERCBench Accelerator
2. ELEVATE: The Growth Accelerator

Won the competition and other awards

Yes, were awarded 2nd prize of $5000 in Pitch Deck presentation at the MWERC's WERCBench demo day


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