Photo - TopStudio Global

TopStudio Global

Media (Radio & TV) advert placement and monitoring platform

Market: Information and media
Stage of the project: Prototype or product is ready

Date of last change: 19.04.2021
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An application which allows you to place an advert to any known radio or tv station in listed countries and localities without any one on one personnel interactions. you are able to monitor the progress of your adverts from anywhere because it is online based interacting with other traffic management systems installed in most radio and tv station for generating advertised logs for client.

Current Status

Product is completely developed and debugging completed. 10 radio stations and 3 tv stations were used in the trial, along side 10 users (testers acting as clients). we are currently travelling across the length and breath of the country gathering relevant information such as advertising rates, stations programs, commercial break times, contacts and information pertaining to stations popularity etc which is required for TopsStudio Global to Function effectively.


TopStudio Global is a product which is meant for the regular office which has the potential to advertise its product or service at any point in time, or has the tendency to utilize the media for its PR at any point in time, it sure might find TopStudio Global handy. this is a tool we wish to see in every corporate office throughout the year. it is necessary to know, when about to advertise how stations in your targeted areas are performing as well as their current charges, which will help inform decision making. for instance according to the Registrar Department in Ghana, there are 18,700+ registered businesses in Ghana. We know that over 6000+ of them have had a dealing with radio and tv stations at least 3 times in the last 2 years (information we gathered from 57 radio stations we have spoken to so far). we intend to target 1,000 companies by the end of the year. as this is an annual subscription product, and we have pegged the subscription cost at USD 1,000.00 a year, strategically making it very affordable to attract all who become aware of the service, thus if we do get the assistance to carry out the right PR work by reaching our potential clients.

Problem or Opportunity

In Africa, most countries are not decentralized which makes doing business very difficult. most companies that sell or render nationwide services only take decisions in the nations capital. for instance in Ghana every corporate decision any company makes is always taken in Accra. so wanting to advertise for instance outside Accra rely on a lot of human interactions which might not be factual and backed by data but favoritism and under dealings. since there are a lot of human interventions for instance relying on some one to get the actual cost of advertising in another region is always embraced with some corruption, as most of these stations do not have their advertising rates being displayed publicly for instance on their own websites or on other business websites or portals. advertising in Africa is usually about who asked. this sometimes frustrates a lot of multinational companies who intent to popularize their brands and strengthen their presence. with a platform like TopStudio Global which allows one to get to know about a particular station anywhere in the world, check out their advertising rates and even go on to place adverts directly to the station making reference to industry data showing the station strength in terms of programs and listenership and making direct payments online via mobile money or bank transfer, we believe its going to provide user confidence on the part of advertisers.

Solution (product or service)

TopStudio Global Provides transparency in dealings, provides the confidence advertisers will always want as to paying the rightful amount directly to the company(media house without any underhand dealings) and the ability to trust the proper execution of clients advert even if outside the reach of the stations broadcast range, since advert aired has its logs uploaded online immediately after airing.


currently there is no such software on the market globally that we are aware of. potential client currently rely on individuals to make contacts and make negotiations on their behalf. Most of the multinational companies who can afford, rely on advertising agencies for planning, buying and monitoring which comes with a lot of discrepancies as these advertising agencies really don't open up the true station's advertising rates to their clients, neither do they have a computerized system of monitoring, for which they charge exorbitant fees for.

Advantages or differentiators

unfortunately, every tech solution we believe can be copied once released on to market. the saviour is that with the best of programmers and data collection, you will need not less than two years with adequate funding to get it done, by which TopStudio Global with adequate funding with a good PR will become a strong force to be reckoned with.


The product is to be subscribed to for USD 1,000.00 annually and we targeting 1000 subscribers of a possible market of over 8,000 businesses. this subscription provides users with industry data and advert placement opportunity. In our first year to two, subscription alone should generate at least USD 1,000,000.00. Every advert being run that the user intends to monitor will require that the user registers the advert file for an additional USD 900.00. so for instance a company like Uniliver GH and Nestle Gh who advertise over 10 product annually, they will be paying (900 X 10 (USD 9,000.00)) for generating transmission certificates from respective stations across the country for respective product advert. Limiting income generation to subscription alone we should generate some USD 4,000.000.00. including monitoring assuming every client monitors at least 2 adverts a year, we should generate USD 7,200,000.00 + USD 4,000,000.00 totaling USD 11,200,000.00 in 5 years.

Money will be spent on

the money will bring down the burden of hotel accommodations, transportation and training, which we currently struggling to cater for on our own. Employ additional personnel (5 persons) as well as pay the allowances of such personals who will help with the quick coverage and gathering of information pertaining to all the 427 radio stations and 170 tv stations located in regions across the length and breath of Ghana. After information of all the media houses are obtained, we will go ahead to organize breakfast meetings to meet giant company media heads who do volumes of advertising anuually demonstrating on our account how viable and trust worthy the new system is then move on to organize a mass presentation at an ideal venue for the regular company heads about what TopStudio Global can do for them and why they must have it.

Offer for investor

I intend to offer any investor 50% of the Business in the Ghanaian market. Any other country that we will place our presence in can be negotiated as well if the investor is interested in those markets. we intend to establish in Nigeria, which is the biggest market in Africa, followed by South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda within the next 10 years. We Will translate into French and target the Francophone countries a bit later, depending on the success in the next two years


Fortunately there are no risk that currently comes to mind, as this is a new technology in the media space which has no competing or similar product out. this is the first of its kind. the principle is not new but currently executed in a manual manner which makes it open to a whole lot of under hand dealings and lack of transparency.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

Demonstrated to 57 Radio Stations currently and being listed unto the platform

Won the competition and other awards

Have not entered Into any competition yet nor won any award


Photo 1 - Media (Radio & TV) advert placement and monitoring platform
Photo 2 - Media (Radio & TV) advert placement and monitoring platform
Photo 3 - Media (Radio & TV) advert placement and monitoring platform
Photo 4 - Media (Radio & TV) advert placement and monitoring platform
Photo 5 - Media (Radio & TV) advert placement and monitoring platform
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