Game-Based platform that fast-tracks the education of children with special needs.
Current Status
250k USD in the 1h 2022
110k users in 179 countries
300 schools attended
B2C - Family of children with cognitive impairment
B2B - Institutions, schools and individual professionals that pay per patient/student per month to have their reports in real time.
Problem or Opportunity
We solve the incapability of special education professional to have enough data to take the right decision, leading them selves and families to lost time and money.
Solution (product or service)
We have algorithms that can collect behavioral data during the play that becomes prognostic and performance reports. With this information the professional can have a individualized approach to the child.
There is some companies that serves with reports, but the information is filled by a human, with subjective data. Our technology allows to fill all with Bigdata, totally dynamic and without subjectivity.
Advantages or differentiators
Our technology allows to fill all with Bigdata, totally dynamic and without subjectivity. We have depth reports with very important information.
12k per month by revenue 10k per month by cost
Invested in previous rounds, $
Business model
B2C - Family of children with cognitive impairment, paying anual subscription to content inside the app. We have now 110k downloads around 179 countries.
B2B - Schools and individual professionals that pay per patient/student per month to have their reports in real time.
Money will be spent on
HQ in UK - Contract people for sales, client support, educational support and therapy support.
HQ in UAE - Contract people for sales, client support, educational support and therapy support.
Development of more features - Jade Senior (Jade for elders), Jade Education and Autism Tracking.