We work on advertising sector and we can use fragrance with ad projects and ıt can affect the people. We sell the product to brand and they use it their ad project.
Current Status
ı sold 2 project. Dominos and chanel. After pandemic we keep selling to the brands our solutions
brands which to advertise ındoor and outdoor and brands which have product's odor
Problem or Opportunity
My project is new form for outdoor and ındoor ad in turkey. This fragrance project can affect advertising and the good solution is for brand to sell their product with odor . The other solution is measuring data. We can target gender and we can measure how many people get engaged with the ad. This solution provide to get ROI
Solution (product or service)
generally outdoor projects are so stable it need to diffrence and all campaigns need to diffence to be best so our project support companies that create their differences using our fragrance and target people and to get campaign data for ROI. We use sensor and target gender than we recognize number of people around the device which use our device project we supply the odors from fragrance companies which are our partners and we use only device and we associate both
there are no fragrance ad company but outdoor corporation can be our competitors like jc decaux but ın turkey different corporations
Advantages or differentiators
our business network team software price
rent model for weekly and about 5.000 tl for one unit and our expectation is 2 mio tl
Business model
rent to the brands for weekly
Money will be spent on
app 50.000$ for device, office and go to global. our purpose is to be in london and us
we produce fagrance from product sample but some clients dont accept to our produce so we could not work this client and sometime we can not produce odor which same with the product
Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment
Tubitak: Scientific and Technological Research Council of turkey for office and exemption
Won the competition and other awards
ARWAK Awards "smell of the street" 2019 with Dominos
patent: 2019/03500 name registration: 2019/81976 turk patent : https://www.turkpatent.gov.tr/TURKPATENT/