Photo - Invetlab


Probiotic for animals

Market: Medicine, Food industry, Farming
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 10.03.2021
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We have developed innovative highly efficient probiotic for prevention and treatment of intestinal infections in livestock animals and pets. The probiotic has specific immunomodulatory activity, it bursts immune system, has specific antimicrobial activity and is highly efficient in treatment of intestinal infections caused by hardly curable pathogens.

Current Status

The product is sold at Serbian market since 2018. We have about 60 clients including small farms, veterinary stations and pet shops.


We target three groups of customers: 1. Small livestock producers; 2. Big livestock producers – farms; and 3. Pet owners. According to data from the Danish company "Novozymes" and the company "Markets and Markets," the current saturation of the market of probiotics for animals in the world is only 2.2%, ie. about 520 million of the estimated 23 billion global market of probiotic products that will grow by about 10% per year.
Moreover, the market for pets is not fully covered and this market segment could be even more profitable due to the willingness of pet owners to pay a higher price for their pets’ health.
The key factor of the success of our probiotic at global market is its unique probiotic potential based on a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity against the major intestinal pathogens. However, we expect that it will be necessary to work on advertising and education of farmers in terms of use of our probiotics instead of antibiotics, which are much more accessible and less expensive, but their use has comprehensive adverse effects on animal health and the safety of meat used for human consumption.

Problem or Opportunity

The animals in the first days after the birth are prone to bacterial infections from the environment, that is extremely important for development of their immunity. Nevertheless, it often occurs that newborn animals are infected by entherobacteria (Enterobacteriaceae), which cause the intestinal infections accompanied with diarrhea, weight loss, and often with high mortality rate in animals, which represents a significant economic loss to the livestock industry. Given that the use of antibiotics is often the first choice in treating intestinal infections, this represents an additional problem in the livestock and food industry. Probiotics are considered adequate alternative when it comes to intestinal infections in domestic animals, especially in the period from birth to weaning. Establishing good microflora colonization of lactic acid bacteria in the intestine immediately after birth, results in healthier animals.

Solution (product or service)

Innovative HiRaVet probiotic is highly efficient in gut microbiota colonisation and balance, and prevention and treatment of intestinal infections in all farm animals and pets. HiraVet Probiotic has a broad antimicrobial spectrum on pathogenic bacteria, as well as specific immunomodulatory effect. The probiotic can be used as an alternative to use of antibiotics in prevention and treatment of severe intestinal infections in animals. HiraVet Probiotic is natural and safe feed supplement for farm animals for maintaining the natural balance of the immune system and prevention of intestinal infections. We recommend it as a replacement for antibiotics in severe intestinal infections in animals.


The largest direct competitor of our probiotic in the European market is Chr. Hansen. Chr. Hansen is a global bioscience company that develops natural solutions for the food, nutritional, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries. Chr. Hansen has more than 2,700 dedicated employees in more than 30 countries. They develop and produce cultures, enzymes, probiotics and natural colors for a rich variety of foods, confectionery, beverages, dietary supplements as well as animal feed and plant protection. The other important competitor is Lallemand, Canadian company, a global leader in microbial fermentation using yeast and bacteria in animal agriculture. Lallemand Animal Nutrition is committed to optimizing animal performance and well-being with specific, natural microbial product and service solutions. Lallemand has more than 2,900 employees located in 40 countries on 5 continents. However, these companies should not necessarily remain competitors. Due to the high potential of our probiotic, it is planned to negotiate with large probiotic or feed producing European companies to offer them the sub-license agreement for distribution in the European market.

Advantages or differentiators

The key factor of the success of our probiotic at global market is its unique probiotic potential based on a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity against the major intestinal pathogens.


Unit of fermented dairy probiotic is scalable and prepared in dosages recommended for animals for which it is intended, so for pigs, horses and cows units of product packaging is 10 x 100 ml (10 days per 100 ml daily) for sheep and goats 10 x 50 ml (10 days per 50 ml daily) in whey permeate, and for pets (dogs and cats) 5 x 50 ml (5 days per 50 ml daily) in milk. It is planned to start with the production of fermented dairy product in INVETLAB, at the beginning of 2017 with existing capacity of 200 l per batch of the product. Total annual installed capacity of the plant is 104,000 l. The real production capacity is defined at 80% of installed capacity and annual total is 83,200 l of the fermented product. It is envisaged that with the investment novel equipment will be purchased in order to increase the installed capacity to 500-1000 l per day, (400-800 l real production capacity). Hence, after the Project completion total annual production capacity will be 146,000-292,000 l. The production price of fermented dairy probiotic, depending on the market segment, is between 5 and 13 EUR per pack, which brings the real capacity of 32,258 EUR monthly sales. With a monthly variable costs of 12,112 EUR and fixed costs of 3,032 EUR, break-even point will be 10,020 EUR monthly sales. In this structure of costs and revenues it is estimated that the annual income before taxes (EBITDA) in next 5 years will be around 166,644 EUR annualy. This would enable the repayment of the investment of 100,000 EUR , for less than 1 year with a return on investment ratio of 83%.
In order to establish the probiotic production suitable for wider market we plan to design lyophilised probiotic. Hence, monthly production of lyophilised probiotic could provide between 100,000 and 500,000 EUR per month. With total monthly costs of 30,000 it will provide annual revenue of approx. 840,000 EUR in 5 years following Project completion. It is envisaged that potential customers are large worldwide companies that produce animal feed.

Money will be spent on

Scale-up of production of fermented and lyophilized probiotic and marketing activities.

Team or Management

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

Belgrade Venture Forum

Won the competition and other awards

Finalist of Belgrade Venture Forum 2015.


"New probiotic starter cultures for human and animal use". National and PCT Patent application submitted before Intellectual Property Office Republic of Serbia on 17.12.2015. Published 22.06.2017. Listed in the Patent Register 30.08.2018.


Photo 1 - Probiotic for animals
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