Photo - Vloggi


User-generated video creation platform for brands

Market: Information and media
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 23.10.2022
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Vloggi allows organisations to manage and store stakeholder video at massive scale. We make video 1000x quicker and 100x cheaper than today by combining crowdsourced footage with AI automation.

Current Status

Over $18000 monthly revenue
Big name paying customers (including Amazon, PayPal, Qantas, Avon and MYOB)
Great team


Consumer marketing 1 Community engagement via content contests
Directories 2 Automate video review creation via API integration
Non-profit 3 Feedback and footage from projects around the world
Real estate 4 Easily create video walkthroughs of properties up for sale
Travel & Tourism 5 Millions of hours of niche and remote video content
Online communities 6 Ability to easily recruit videographers from followers

Problem or Opportunity

User-generated video (UGV) is business’s holy grail. It combines the conversion power of video (around 9.2 times that of images) with that of user-generated content (four times the click-through rates of professional content). Yet only 16% of brands have a UGC strategy and even fewer UGV.
Social media platforms all now prioritise video, yet few tools exist to source video from customers. Vloggi’s opportunity is to make user-generated video professional, consistent and automated.

Solution (product or service)

Vloggi automates user-generated video production by combining a custom video uploader and a content management platform. Our tools allow brands to source existing video from customers’ phones for use in their marketing campaigns. Our platform also formats video into templated assets.
Vloggi replaces the 10-step typical user-generated video campaign process with four simple steps - Plan, Upload, Merge and Publish (PUMPTM). Our system can be integrated with existing customer data to make personalised videos and also automated video production at massive scale.


User-generated content is a boom industry. Yet the industry is saturated with influencer agencies and image-scraping software. Crowdsourcing video is still an uncrowded marketplace.
Collaborative video is a brand new concept because it creates a multitude of processing, storage and analytical pressures simultaneously. As such, while there are thousands of video production apps, very few enable multiple users to work together simultaneously on a single video project.
The easiest way to explain is an Instagram Story where all your friends can contribute videos into one project and then anyone in the group can remix the clips into new stories. For companies needing video content this allows the creation of video listicles fr om multiple contributors for the first time.
As such we have realised that our collaborative video engine is our single biggest asset. We have legal; advice that it can be protected by patent and relies on a complex way of processing dynamic data elements together with ingested video sequences and static templates.
Our closest competitor currently is, wh ere many users can contribute to a multisession video project. However, this still relies on exporting the video for offline editing using a traditional video editing software. Our system, by contrast, allows marketing executives to create a video template once then endlessly re-use to format video contributed by their network.
However, we see competitive threats on the horizon in the form of both video creation services adding a video ingestion app or existing social media platforms adding multi-person collaboration tools. We will focus on B2B in order to fly a little under the radar.
In addition, influencer platforms like Tribe are understood to be investing in video collaboration. Airbnb has a product similar in some ways to allow guests to leave video reviews in beta. We would like to find investors in these worlds to both accelerate adoption and also protect us from copying.

Advantages or differentiators

Every clip that is contributed to a project in Vloggi is uploaded into to the Vloggi content library. This library allows anyone to create themed playlists of clips into longer video stories. Typically this is a commercial entity or charity sourcing multiple perspectives or multiple locations in one video story.
However, our system also has added some automation in the workflow. These automation flows use metadata fr om each clip to automatically sequence the clips into a pre-set storyboard. Much of what we have made available has been impossible until now without a video editor.
Video listicles (i.e. “The 7 best ways to open a soda can”, with automatic numbering)
Video diaries (i.e. “Construction job - Before, during and after”, with automatic sorting by time)
Video location (i.e. “Best bars in NYC”, with automatic location and venue detection and overlay)
However, the clips are far more contextually rich, with human language descriptions adding data points to the geotags and other tags provided by the uploader. We are compiling data libraries based around 26 data points and part of the fundraising will go towards further patents in algorithmic assembly of more complex video programmes. Our goal is to automate video further.
In addition to the data points captured at point of creation, we will also parse our video clips through a machine learning video engine to determine content quality (contrast and sharpness), probable content type (people, scenery) and locality information (business type).
Our goal is to create the world’s largest stock library of user-generated video clips through our free tier of Vloggi Studio, wh ere copyright is retained by Vloggi. Once we have a critical mass of content, we will be in a position to package clips together into reformatted video playlists. We can also sell user-generated data back to businesses as insight and intelligence


Subscription: $149/month per seat
Set-up fees: $3500
API integration: $20000
API data feed: $1.20/entry

Costs: Servers: $500/month
Staff: $14000/month

Business model

Vloggi’s initial revenue stream is as a classic tiered business-to-business-to-consumer software-as-a-service that is based on storage and usage.
Our enterprise model is now being launched to harness larger corporate users with thousands of video files per location.

Money will be spent on

In seeking a further $150,000 to commercialise the product, we have forecast a split between technology investment and marketing costs defrayed from our previous funding round. We paused fundraising during COVID and extended our runway through various technology grants and rebates.
Now that the core technology is complete, the first priority is to perfect the user experience and onboarding flow. Our focus is then to massively expand marketing and sales activity, which has been delayed pending working product release. In short, we are now ready to scale this product.

A key part of our growth marketing will be to identify businesses that use similar tools and reach out to explaining our unique value proposition. Much of this work will be carried out using our networks.

Offer for investor

Cine Souk Pty Ltd (of which Vloggi Pty Ltd is a 100%-owned subsidiary) is offering equity in a pre-seed round. Existing shareholders were given priority to acquire shares in this round and 75% of our existing shareholders invested above their pro-rata entitlements.
$350,000 was raised from a target of $500,000 was secured prior to COVID in March 2020, with a further $375,000 in commitments. In May the pre-seed round was suspended due to the global pandemic. There remains $150,000 available to early stage investors at this pre-seed share price.
The pre-seed round had some technical milestones attached, which were met during the COVID lockdown. Vloggi was able to extend its runway through a combination of staff reduction and Australian government employment grants.
The round will close at the end of December 2020 or once the target of $500,000 is reached. The table below outlines the offer now made available to sophisticated investors to join (Aus. dollars).

The company is valued at A$2.35 million. This represents the post-money valuation following the 2019 Angel round. Since this date, the pivot towards software subscription has enlarged the potential market. Consequently we have raised the valuation by 16% to reflect this and product development.

Team or Management


The underlying premise of our revenue model is software-as-a-service subscription fees. In addition, in the long term, we predict revenue from content licensing of the library to outstrip that from subscription fees as the library builds. Data insights from user-generated content is also important.
The projections rely on an assumption of market initially penetration through a concierge agency model of either campaign management or series creation. Long term we will exit these markets.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

FutureUp 2020 (UTS)
Antler Launch 2020
Australian Landing Pad Tel Aviv (on hold)
Virtuoso incubator (on hold)

Won the competition and other awards

Winner of StartCon Pitch for $1m funded by Edge196 (delayed due to COVID)
Winner of Fishburners Marketing Tech pitch competition


Dynamic video assembly from user-generated data fields


Photo 1 - User-generated video creation platform for brands
Photo 2 - User-generated video creation platform for brands

Product Video

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Product Video