Social Recruiting Platform by leveraging social intelligence and network effect.
Democratizing Recruitment by enabling networks and communities.
Current Status
Soft launched in July mid and so far we got more than 4.2 k USD in MRR. CAC is less than a euro and avg. MoM growth is 109%
SME's and mostly startups, recruiting agencis and accelerators.
Problem or Opportunity
SME's spend $ 4,000 on average to find a candidate in different channels mostly job boards but getting the same result or the same candidate's profiles.
It takes more than 5 weeks on average to hire the one who's fit-in and in these 5 weeks, a startup potentially changes entirely.
On the other hand, they try to shoutout on social media asking for recommendations or stalking Linkedin profiles.
QPage is the solution to turn a company's network and community into a long-term and low-cost recruiting channel. We turn communities and networks into affiliates, recommendations to find, assess and select the right candidates.
Because people around you are 2 times better than you at assessing a candidate who's fit-in your culture than you.
Solution (product or service)
We provide affiliate, referral, and social media campaigning software to design a job autonomously, design a reward plan, automate the selection workflow, and fire the campaign while tracking the result in real-time.
Our main competitors are
The traditional way of shoutouts on social media
Job boards are the primary alternatives but the costly and taking one.
And Crosschq a referral sourcing platform
Advantages or differentiators
We are building an affiliate recruiting tool and that's the very unique ability as we also provide a career site for SMEs and aggregate the published jobs into a large centralized affiliate platform.
We built a state of art CRM inside letting SME's the recruiting process within with the ability to fully automate the whole process.
Tiers based subscription plan.
We sell subscription from 49 euros/month to 239 and we expect to reach
50k MRR at the end of 2021.
200k MRR at the end of 2022
and 2 m MRR at the end of 2025
Money will be spent on
Enhancing customer service
Empowering Sales funnels
Enhancing product
Offer for investor
Convertible note with a 15% discount rate and $ 5M cap in 2 years