Photo - Hargol FoodTech

Hargol FoodTech

Nutrient rich protein ingredient producer from grasshoppers

Market: Food industry, Farming
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 01.02.2021
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Global demand for protein is expected to double over the coming decades; Existing protein sources are reaching limitations: Being unsustainable and unhealthy.
Hargol deliver an alternative protein: Healthier for humans, healthier for the environment, safer and more efficient to produce.
The company is the world’s leader in grasshoppers’ protein production – Grasshoppers are nature’s most efficient protein source.
Hargol's technology enable year-round production of high and constant quality protein.
The company offer a nutrient rich protein ingredient to food and beverage producers.

Current Status

The company initiated sales in North America a couple of month ago and already signed two distribution agreements.
The company also signed a joint venture with Israel's largest food producer Tnuva to develop and manufacture a line of sports application based on grasshopper protein.


Food and beverage producers that are seeking novel healthy and sustainable protein ingredient.

Problem or Opportunity

Global demand for protein is expected to double. Existing protein sources are reach limit - Being unhealthy and un-sustainable.
The world is seeking healthier, more sustainable protein sources.

Grasshoppers are nature's most efficient protein source and they are healthier for humans and the environment and they already have existing markets where over 1 billion people have them on their diet.

Solution (product or service)

Hargol deliver an alternative protein: Healthier for humans, healthier for the environment, safer and more efficient to produce.
The company is the world’s leader in grasshoppers’ protein production – Grasshoppers are nature’s most efficient protein source.
Hargol's technology enable year-round production of high and constant quality protein.
The company offer a nutrient rich protein ingredient to food and beverage producers, including over 70% whole protein, omega-3, omega-6, omega-9, iron, zinc, folic acid, calcium, chitin and vitamins.


Main competition - cricket farmers that a an inferior animal and technology:
Entomofarms, Aspire Food Group.

Grasshoppers are superior to crickets on many aspects:
1. They provide a wide range of health benefits that are backed by research.
2. They have almost neutral taste & flavor (vs. distinct in crickets) that consumers will not be able to identify in their food.
3. They are the only approved Kosher and Halal insect.
4. Food Safety – Their diet is based on fresh grass with fertilizers and pesticides which reduce the risk of contamination to minimum.
5. Super rich nutrient content – They provide a unique natural source of nutrients from whole protein through omega-3, omega-6, omega-9, Iron, zinc, folic acid, calcium and vitamins.
6. Environmental benefits from GHG emissions reduction through water and arable land usage reduction.
7. And for over 1 billion people around the world they are a delicacy as the global most widely eaten insect!

Advantages or differentiators

Grasshopper protein edge over other protein alternatives:
a. Poultry –
i. Hormones and antibiotics free
ii. X4 times more protein
iii. Over 20% better feed conversion rate
iv. 100% of the animal is a finished product vs. 50% in poultry
b. Beef –
i. Hormones and antibiotics free
ii. X3.5 times more protein
iii. X20 times more sustainable to grow
c. Soy –
i. Hormones free
ii. No processing vs. extraction and processing of soy
d. Pea –
i. Better texture and flavors
ii. No processing vs. extraction and processing of soy
e. Whey –
i. No processing vs. Heavy processing
ii. Provide nutrient rich content beyond protein
f. Eggs –
i. Neutral taste and flavor vs. distinct
ii. Longer shelf life
g. Chickpea –
i. Whole protein vs. 2 amino acids missing
ii. No processing vs. Heavy processing
h. Other insects (crickets, mealworms, flies):
i. Higher protein content and lower fat content
ii. Neutral taste and flavor vs. distinct
iii. Only kosher and halal insect

1. Climate controlled environment - Enable year round of high quality production.
2. Accelerated eggs incubation - Increase annual life cycles from 1 to 10 per year.
3. Innovative cage infrastructure for vertical farming.


B2B. Sell of whole nutrient rich protein ingredient to food producers.

Business model

The company is engaged in joint ventures with food producers such as Tnuva, Coca Cola, Nestle and more supplying a protein ingredient to novel food applications.

Money will be spent on

Growth - production capacity expansion, business development and marketing.
Accelerated R&D to increase advantage in the market.

Offer for investor

Equity investment to enjoy the opportunity to join a leading startup in a booming industry with an opportunity to feed the world!

Team or Management


The "yuck" factor in USA and Europe.
Overcoming it by adding the product as an ingredient in food products.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

Pearse Lyons Alltech Accelerator
TechTour Award winners
Israel Innovation Authority

Won the competition and other awards

Hargol FoodTech is a 19 times award winner of international competitions: President of Israel Change the World Award, SEAL Awards, Austrian RWA Agro Innovation Lab competition at Vienna, Austria, Alltech Pearse Lyons Accelerator at Dublin, Ireland, Innovation for Humanity Competition at Samurai House Tel Aviv, Israel, Get in the Ring Global, Get in the Ring Israel, TLV Startup Challenge, Green Impact Summit by IDC, Food Vision USA 2017 Trailblazers, 1776 Challenge Cup Israel, WeWork The Creator Award Tel Aviv, Tnuva Next innovative move 2018, Israel’s Ministry of Agriculture Innovation Award and has been nominated a shortlisted finalist at several international competitions held by Google, Unilever Foundry, World Bank, The Financial Times, EY The Journey and Red Herring.


Development of new grasshopper breeds through cross breeding


Photo 1 - Nutrient rich protein ingredient producer from grasshoppers

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