Mach-X is an intelligent research platform whose mission is to provide investors with real-time, affordable and independent research coverage on companies. We generate unique insights for investors by leveraging on our deep capabilities in the domains of artificial intelligence and investment analysis. We specialize in credit ratings and credit risk indicators that enable investors to assess the relative ability of a company to meet its financial commitments.
Current Status
Ready product with 9 NDAs signed with potential customers
Lending targeting private companies/SMEs
Problem or Opportunity
The problem that we solve is the lack of scalability in the investment analysis process, which involves the gathering, extraction of data fr om prospectuses or financial statements, building and updating of financial models and comparing the output across time and to a peer group. This is a time consuming but necessary step in order to evaluate a company for investment. In cases wh ere there is a change in analyst coverage, excel-based financial models will need to be re-worked and some information may be lost.
Solution (product or service)
We support and scale lending businesses through workflow automation, transformation of the data and the generation of credit reports & ratings for risk monitoring, price discovery and marketing. Through the platform interface, you can generate a report and credit rating on ANY company, including private companies. We provide an end-to-end solution - from extraction, transformation of data to the generation of insights in the form of credit rating and report.
Extraction - Manual input of data into financial models usually by analysts
Transformation - Spreading of models is done usually by analysts
Insight generation/credit ratings - rating agencies, sell-side research, other fintechs
Advantages or differentiators
Our solution is end to end- from the extraction and transformation data to the generation of insights. At the moment, the extraction of data from financial statements is mainly manual at the back-end.