Photo - Plastalyst


Our catalysts carbonize organic waste with plastic on-site

Market: Petroleum refining, Food industry, Chemistry
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 08.06.2020
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Chemical recycling can recycle the non-recyclable, turning the most difficult-to-recycle plastics into fuels, carbon, or virgin plastic rather than sending them to incinerators or landfills. It can take such waste and transform them to create a circular economy.

Capitalizing on the team’s 60 years of experience and 5 years of research, we have two types of catalysts.

Current Status

We will sell our catalysts and equipment to chemical or waste management companies, food factories, catering companies, airlines, airports, universities, municipalities, and more. Another possibility is to provide licensing of our catalysts to chemical or catalyst companies.

We won a start-up competition at the Kloster Forum in Switzerland and were selected by Think Beyond Plastic, one of the world’s largest plastic-focused accelerators. We were also awarded and labelled by Solar Impulse Foundation’s Efficient Solution. Through them, exhibitions and start-up competitions, we will raise awareness. We have sold some equipment first in Japan and received great feedback.

As for Kasumi, we have already sold some first in Japan through our collaborators and received great feedback. Their pay-back period is 3-6 years, subject to their conditions and waste. As for Plastalyst, we applied for a patent, and are going to launch by March 2021


Market potential & market share
According to Reports and Data in the USA in 2017, food waste management market size in Europe and the US in 2018 is 13B USD and will be 19B USD by 2026, with CAGR of 5.4%.

Target groups
Our target market is waste management companies, food factories, real estates, airlines, airports, catering companies, municipalities, resorts, islands, farms, agriculture, and more in Europe and Asia (and in the US in the long term)

Problem or Opportunity

Plastic is a big part of the waste stream. According to the United Nations (2018), only around 9% of the 6.3 billion tons of plastic waste we have produced has been recycled over the last 65 years. Plastic waste pollutes our water, air, and food, and has been found everywhere from the deepest parts of the ocean to a whale’s stomach.

There are mainly three methods of recycling plastic waste. Mechanical recycling, thermal recycling, and chemical recycling. A lot of plastic waste is, however, hard to recycle because it is mixed, contaminated, multi-layered, thus no longer mechanically recyclable. Thermal recycling is along with GHG emissions, high CAPEX and OPEX, centralized systems, and needs around 1,000 degrees C to minimize dioxin and tar. For example, a lot of discarded food waste mixed with plastic at airline cabins are “another shame” of airlines.

Chemical recycling can recycle the non-recyclable, turning the most difficult-to-recycle plastics into fuels, carbon, or virgin plastic rather than sending them to incinerators or landfills. It can take such waste and transform them to create a circular economy.

Capitalizing on the team’s 60 years of experience and 5 years of research, we have two types of catalysts.

Solution (product or service)

We have two types of catalysts:
“Kasumi” is to carbonize a mixture of food waste (90% or more) and plastic waste (up to 10%) on-site at a lower temperature than other catalysts (patented in Japan). We are ready to do a pilot test of Kasumi.
“Plastalyst” is to decompose plastics quite efficiently on-site from polymer to monomer. For this, we are still at the R&D phase (patent-pending in Japan, and we are going to apply further internationally through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)).

This is one of the demonstrations of Kasumi catalyst:

USP, strengths & weaknesses, degree of innovation
Compared with the other catalysts, Kasumi has the following 6 advantages:

1. React at a lower temperature, up to 200 degrees C. It can be operated from renewable energy at off-grid areas, for example.
2. No need to separate plastics unless the volume of plastic is up to 10% of the entire amount
3. Much less or no dioxin, GHG emissions, and tar
4. Compared to waste incineration; our type is not a batch type but continuous processing (up to 24 tons/day)
5. We can carbonize or waste on-site, rather than sending waste to incinerator facilities or pyrolysis or landfills.
6. The carbon generated from our process can be recycled to bioplastic, biofuels, or for industrial purposes


Incineration, landfills, pyrolysis, and the existing catalysts

Advantages or differentiators

Compared with the other catalysts, Kasumi has the following 6 advantages:

1. React at a lower temperature, up to 200 degrees C. It can be operated from renewable energy at off-grid areas, for example.
2. No need to separate plastics unless the volume of plastic is up to 10% of the entire amount
3. Much less or no dioxin, GHG emissions, and tar
4. Compared to waste incineration; our type is not a batch type but continuous processing (up to 24 tons/day)
5. We can carbonize or waste on-site, rather than sending waste to incinerator facilities or pyrolysis or landfills.
6. The carbon generated from our process can be recycled to bioplastic, biofuels, or for industrial purposes.


We are a fabless company, with our OEM suppliers, we manufacture and sell our catalysts and machines.
cost structure is our R&D, business development only.

Business model

With our OEM suppliers, we manufacture and sell to our target market: waste management companies, food factories, real estates, airlines, airports, catering companies, municipalities, resorts, islands, farms, agriculture, and more in Europe and Asia (and in the US in the long term)

Money will be spent on

R&D and business development of the Kasumi catalysts we have commercialized.

Offer for investor

CB at 15% discount from the next round

Team or Management


Safety and environmental regulations
Technical risk during our R&D

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

We won a start-up competition at the Kloster Forum in Switzerland and were selected by Think Beyond Plastic, one of the world’s largest plastic-focused accelerators, INAM/Germany, and Solar Impulse Foundation/Switzerland. We were also awarded and labelled by Solar Impulse Foundation’s Efficient Solution. Through them, exhibitions and start-up competitions, we will raise awareness. We have sold some equipment first in Japan and received great feedback.

As for Kasumi, we have already sold some first in Japan through our collaborators and received great feedback. Their pay-back period is 3-6 years, subject to their conditions and waste. As for Plastalyst, we applied for a patent, and are going to launch by March 2021

Won the competition and other awards

We won 1st place at Klosters Forum in Switzerland and won 2nd place at Japan-China Science Technology competition


We have a patent-pending in Japan and will apply further through PCT internationally

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