Photo - Accelerbiotics ApS

Accelerbiotics ApS

Rapid Electrophoresis and Electro-Purification/Transfection

Market: Other
Stage of the project: Prototype or product is ready

Date of last change: 10.03.2020
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We develop high-throughput affordable solutions that accelerate significantly the throughput and performance in electrophoresis, biomolecule purifications and electro-transfection (electroporation). We have developed an early stage prototype. The end-users for our technologies are scientific staff in life science and biotech companies, research laboratories at universities and hospitals, clinical diagnostics and forensic laboratories. Our technologies are protected by two patent families that are currently in the PCT phase. Our technologies target large market ie. around 16 billion USD/year

Current Status

We are in early stage development & commercialization phase of affordable solutions that accelerate significantly the throughput and performance in electrophoresis, biomolecule purifications and electro-transfection. We have received DTU Discovery Grant, and we developed an early stage prototype/MVP for electrophoresis.

We have established partnership: Alexandra Institute (GTS institute) as ExternalKnowledge Provider will develop software for image analysis of the big data ie. detection data generated by the constructed MVP product of electrophoresis.

Our technologies are protected by two patent families that are currently in the PCT phase. So far, we have signed CDA's with 4 large life science companies and 1 investor who showed interest in our solutions. We have also several Letters of intent from different Danish biotech companies that would like to test and use our products. Moreover, Accelerbiotics has another platform in the pipeline. This platform is for cost-effective high-throughput massive- parallel controlled and monitored fermentation in micro bioreactors


The end-users for our technologies are scientific staff in
life science and biotech companies, research laboratories at universities and hospitals, clinical diagnostics and forensic laboratories.

Market size:
Electrophoresis: 2.15 billion USD in 2017 – 2.80 billion USD by 2022
Nucleic acid purification: 2.56 billion USD in 2017 – 4.38 billion USD by 2023
Protein purification: 5.6 billion USD in 2017 – 10.3 billion USD by 2025
Electroporation: 0.71 billion USD in 2016 – 1.02 billion USD by 2021
Metabolomics: 1,7 billion USD in 2018 – 3,6 billion USD by 2024

Problem or Opportunity

The clients of our technologies are: scientific staff in life science and biotech companies, research laboratories at universities and hospitals, clinical diagnostics and forensic laboratories.
Electrophoresis (of DNA, proteins and biomolecules), biomolecules purification and electroporation/transfection are all fundamental applications that are still low-throughput, time consuming and costly. Thee applications suffers also from sustainable issues related to the high amount of consumables that are one-time use.

Solution (product or service)

Electrophoresis: Our solution provides very rapid and cheap performance. Our technology offers re-usable expandable rack and cassettes that form SBS well format (96-1536 well) for rapid loading, massive parallel performance & real-time analysis.

Electro-purification and electroporation/transfection: One single platform that is affordable rapid high-throughput sustainable technology for both purification of biomolecules electroporation/transfection. Our technology provides smart arrangement of continuously re-usable electrodes that match SBS well format with existing labware.
This Video illustrates our solutions:
This one-page illustrates our solutions:


There are many competitors which should also be seen as licensees or
acquirers of our technology. Competitors and here the large players are Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bio-Rad, Agilent, Qiagen, GE Healthcare, Lonza, Macherey-Nage, GenScript, Merck KGaA, PerkinElmer, Promega, Sigma-Aldrich, New England Biolabs, Beckman Coulter

Advantages or differentiators

None of the competitors have a platform like ours with such a high-throughput capacity, cost-effectiveness and sustainable aspect.
Our technologies are protected by two patent families that are currently in the PCT phase. we got positive patentability reports from the EPO.


Accelerbiotics’ products cover approximately 20% of the total markets described above. We are expecting to get 5-10% of the total market dedicated for Accelerbiotics’ products within five years, because our solutions are more attractive for the end-users. Our technologies offer solutions that are cheaper, quicker, more robust and sustainable compared to existing ones.
We have estimate sales of 2, 6 and 14 million USD, respectively in the first, second and third year after launch.

Pricing strategy:
For electro-purification and electroporation(transfection): with existing techniques to purify 96 DNA samples and electrotransfect
96 samples, you will need 2 kits that cost between 245-615 USD and the equipment cost. For our products, the consumers will only pay for the equipment ie. for the devices with re-usable electrode and parts plus very low consumable costs ie no kit costs. The consumables extra cost is only buffers and renewing of parts of electrodes/columns when needed. So, our pricing will be much cheaper but still matches the number of samples that will be processed in an attractive way.
Electrophoresis: The analysis of 96 samples of DNA/proteins with existing techniques will cost at least 46-92 USD. With our platform, the same number of samples will cost 30-43 USD and will be analyzed much faster.

Business model

The end-users for our technologies are scientific staff in life science and biotech companies, research laboratories at universities and hospitals, clinical diagnostics and forensic laboratories.
Licensees or acquirers of our technology solution will be among the many companies in the analytical equipment market segment and the ones which we already are in contact with. With Venture Capital investment, we will further develop the products and initiate production and sales in the Danish and Scandinavian markets. We expect to start selling in beginning of 2023. We have estimate sales of 2, 6 and 14 million USD, respectively in the first, second and third year after launch

From there the plan is to expand further to the European life science market and the rest of the world via either distribution agreements or being acquired by one of the large companies in the analytical equipment segment.

Money will be spent on

With this investment, we will be able to kick off professional manufacturing of our devices and consumables such as plastic labware. This can be done in agreement with device manufacturer. Further improvements of the applied softwares in our technologies by hiring software developer. a laboratory production facility will be established, and scientific staff hired for producing daily consumables such as buffers and the ready-to-go cassettes with separation matrix. The production facility will also be used for final assembly, test and calibration of devices prior to shipment to the end-users who would like to use our products.
Even if Denmark is small country, there is strong biotech industry and academic research in life science field. With the investment from the first round we will penetrate the Danish market from which we will bring continuous cash flow to the company.
In order to expand and satisfy the total demand in the Danish, Scandinavian, European and the global market, we will either apply for a second round of investments or enter partnership with large companies to fulfill that.

Offer for investor

30% for 2 million USD


Our solutions and products do not need several years of research and development, and thereby there is no such investment risk. We have strong proof-of-concept and functional prototype. All what we need is investment/funding that enables us to make professional production of our products, so we can deliver them to the workbench of the end-users.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

Entrepreneur- and Innovation Education: Niels Brock - Copenhagen Business College.

DTU Startup Training courses: Technical University of Denmark.

Won the competition and other awards

Received DTU Discovery Grant


Patent No: 18201241.9-1020. Filing date:18. Oct. 2018.
High-throughput electrophoresis in 96-, 192- 384-, 768- and 1536- well format for DNA/RNA/proteins/sugars, and simultaneous online analysis of DNA/RNA/proteins/sugars.

Patent No: 18201250.0-1020. Filing date:18. Oct. 2018.
Sustainable Rapid High-throughput Fully Automated Reversed Electrophoretic Purification of Biomolecules Such as DNA, RNA, Proteins, Amino acids and Sugars.
This invention includes also sustainable rapid high-throughput electroporation/electrotransfection and electro-extraction/intracellular release by pulsed electrical field.

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