Grabr is a simple and reliable way to find travelers who will buy and deliver your products from anywhere in the world. Shopping at the customers preferred location is not a problem, and no need to worry about extra costs like customs duties, and complex calculations of volume and weight. You can purchase any product on Amazon or order your favorite wine from Spain, just download the Grabr application on to your phone and place an order.
Current Status
Curious facts about Grabr
Convertible note with a $7,5М cap
Market size: $ 694M (opportunities based on user registrations and placed orders on the Grabr P-to-P platform).
Total Sales (GMV 2019): $ 18M
Revenues: $ 1,7M
Average customer check: $ 158
Travelers earn: $ 300- $ 900 for 1 trip (Students, travelers, airline employees, business travelers)
Among the investors are PayPal co-owner Kevin Hartz, Russian billionaires Konstantin Nikolaev and Alexei Repik, American venture capital fund, Foundation Capital
$ 1M investment by SDVentures international venture capital fund in the form of a convertible loan in 2019
Grabr is a P-to-P platform that allows you to order goods from 65 countries and deliver them with the help of travelers.
GMV $18M
Revenues $1,7M
Problem or Opportunity
500 million items are not available for delivery from renowned USA stores - including Amazon, eBay, etc. People do not have access to these goods in some countries, these goods can cost crazy money or stores just don’t deliver to countries like Brazil, Argentina, CIS countries, etc..
The high cost of the product (due to shipping costs, duties, VAT)
Time of delivery
Solution (product or service)
Grabr delivers goods with the help of travelers.
Over 1.3 billion travelers worldwide. Almost every traveler can deliver goods for someone for free. Grabr allows you to earn on this service.
The buyer saves money due to the simplified delivery procedure.
In the future Grabr intends to integrate with Ebay and Amazon.
Бандеролька, Shipito или Почтой.ком
Advantages or differentiators
500 million items are not available for delivery from renowned USA stores - including Amazon, eBay, etc. People do not have access to these goods in some countries, these goods can cost crazy money or stores just don’t deliver to countries like Brazil, Argentina, CIS countries, etc..
The high cost of the product (due to shipping costs, duties, VAT)
Time of delivery.
Market size: $ 694M (opportunities based on user registrations and placed orders on the Grabr P-to-P platform).
Total Sales (GMV 2019): $ 18M
Income: $ 1,7M
Average customer check: $ 158
Travelers earn: $ 300- $ 900 for 1 trip (Students, travelers, airline employees, business travelers)
Avg. Order Value Take Rate (Blended) Gross Revenue
Gross Profit Per Grab $13.81
Grabs Per Year Per Shopper 4.4 Orders
Annual Value Per Shopper $60.78
CAC $13.25
Payback 2.6 Months