Photo - Arahanga Space

Arahanga Space

Media funded crewed Mars mission with immediate returns.

New Zealand
Market: Information and media, Culture and art, Mechanical engineering, Entertainment, Transport
Stage of the project: Idea or something is already done

Date of last change: 08.08.2019
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We are a coalition of women engineers and broadcasters in New Zealand. We are building spacecraft and racing to be the first to put people on Mars. Project monetization is through rights to our reality TV project that follows our work closely. The hook is the diversity branding value and intense exciting entertainment.

Current Status

Garage Startup in New Zealand, 1 full time, team on weekends.


We have three potential markets.

The first is the core media tech platforms like Apple TV+, Disney+, and Netflix who need major prestige programs to differentiate and brand themselves.

The second market is the global network of traditional broadcasters some of which are already interested in co-producing with us.

The third is a direct subscriber model to audiences via youtube, instagram and other social media services.

Beyond the market for the media is an extensive market for product placement, advertising, sponsorship, and merchandising.

Problem or Opportunity

Our project uniquely addresses a few problems with one elegant solution.

The first is the time to dividend of space projects. It is the 50th anniversary of Apollo, we have not gone back to the moon nor beyond. This is primarily a financial problem of finding a customer and the long term nature of serving that customer.

Secondly, Tech companies in particular are spending very large amounts each year trying to address their diversity issues in hiring and in their products. They are however hitting a ceiling and this is hurting their image. More generally many segments of society worldwide feel left out of high tech economic activity. This is creating deep social resentment.

Solution (product or service)

Our core product is a television show and ancillary media. The show is a reality format and follows the real world construction of a Mars mission by an international team composed entirely of women.

We will be developing an entire technology stack with associated patent-able technologies and commercial service opportunities but these are not core to the business plan.


Competition is tangential for the most part.

NASA and SpaceX are racing to be the first to the moon.

Various other ideas are competing to be the solution to inequality.

An ocean of content is competing for attention and marketing dollars.

Advantages or differentiators

Our content is uniquely ambitious and inspiring in the world of television. We should be able to create and retain a large audience with attention far beyond any other property.

Our technology is low cost and robust allowing for the cost of our Mars project to be significantly lower than our competitiors.

By setting up in New Zealand we have massive structural regulator relief relative to our American competitors that allows us to move more quickly with far lower overheads.


While the spaces we work in are very large we are limited by what a single property an achieve. However this property could be extremely valuable due to its unique nature and high engagement potential.

We expect we can create revenues up to $3 billion over 5 years, rising to $8B over ten years with a total of $30B after 15 years. The reach grows with time and becomes exponentially more valuable with the advent of a Mars landing.

Business model

Television revenues are used to develop a crewed Mars program. The construction and other activities are filmed and dramatically presented and then sold as a television property.

This continues for 15 years on 3 month cycles called seasons.

Money will be spent on

The first investment covers the first 16 weeks of Season One. This follows the production of a small test launch article and all its subsystems. The drama centers on recruitment and team building under this intense time pressure.

25% goes into production of media content.

50% goes into production of the rocket.

25% goes to marketing and sales to secure revenue for season 2.

Offer for investor

For a number of reasons we are offering a revenue share model.

5% of all gross revenues will be returned tot he investor up to 10x the investment.

This allows for ROI without us making a profit, but doesn't undercut growth too much.

To break even on a $4 million investment we will need $80 million in revenue and then $800 million to see a 10x return. This may occur over multiple seasons.

These are not unheard of figures, but they do represent a break out success of a show.

Team or Management


We have substantial risks and an equally serious risk management strategy.

We have technological and political risk, but the core risk is that the show is not engaging.

If the show is engaging then all the various risks actually increase the viability of the company. If a government tries to shut us down for example that will result in massive increased publicity and viewers.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment


Won the competition and other awards



We have numerous novel technologies, though many are trade secrets.

We will be filing patents but the cadence and content will be designed to contribute to the show.

Product Video

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Problem or Opportunity
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Advantages or differentiators
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Offer for investor
Team or Management
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Lead investor
Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment
Won the competition and other awards
Product Video