Photo - Llevame


Network of collaboration when a taxi/car is requested

Market: Transport
Stage of the project: Prototype or product is ready

Date of last change: 22.07.2019
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Llevame allows income generation through the modality of referrals, where you will earn a commission for each one of your referrals immediately when using the application. Generating easy and immediate income.

Current Status

It is in the execution stage since 2018. it was launched in the Colombian market with up to 17,000 users and with 7,000 drivers. More than 32,000 trips have been carried out to this date.

The platform of a reengineering process will be relaunched in the market this year of 2019 on August here in Colombia.


In Colombia currently transportation applications can generate profits fr om 70 USD from wh ere the driver only gets beetween 20 USD and 30 USD daily.

It is important to note that only in the capital the taxi business generates over $ 900 million dollars

Uber has been in the Colombian market for more than 6 years and has about 88,000 drivers.

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Problem or Opportunity

Current transportation networks focus on drivers and on their collaborative network. The platform focuses on collecting of revenue through referrals where people receive recurrent income.

Two important indicators
1. Lower operating cost than other current platforms, we gather only 15% from each fare .
2. 5% out of the previously mention 15% goes to the collaborative network.

It is an attraction for current customers who consume transport services since with Llevame the user receives the transport service and other income for the people who have them as referrals.

Solution (product or service)

Plataform that allows the refereal system give commisions to the client when his/hers personal network of referrals request a trip.
The main user can generate earning from his/hers work network user to user and from his/hers collaborative network User - Driver


According to data collected by CB Insights bringing each new driver costs the company 650 dollars on average. Taking into consideration that it has about 3 million drivers and keeps 22% out of the 4,000 USD it makes each month. Uber earns 300 dollars per driver and recovers his investment in a little over two months.

Uber has more than 8 million users throughout the world.
Each month 50,000 new drivers join the transport company.
In the last fiscal quarter Uber increased its net income by 67% to 2,200 million dollars.

The vehicle rental company with driver Uber obtained a net attributable profit of 997 million dollars (880 million euros) in 2018, a figure that has been revealed after registering its listing on the Stock Exchange with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States (SEC).

With regard to billing Uber closed last year with revenues of 11,270 million dollars (9,965 million euros), 42% more than the previous year when it reported 7,932 million dollars (7,013 million euros) and almost triple that in 2016 when it reported 3,845 million dollars (3,399 million euros).
On their side expenses have followed a similar evolution. Between January and December 2018 their earnings were 14,303 million dollars (12,646 million euros), 19% more than in the previous year and more than double that in 2016.

In 2018 the pink mustache company (Rappi) reported a net loss of 911 million dollars (805 million euros) 32% more than in 2017
On the other hand, the turnover amounted to 2,156 million dollars (1,906 million euros) which is equivalent to doubling the figure recorded in 2017 and more than sixfold that recorded during the year 2016. Expenses grew at the same pace, going from 1,035 million dollars (915 million euros) in 2016 to 1,768 million dollars (1,563 million euros) in 2017 and up to 3,134 million dollars (2,771 million euros) in 2018.

Advantages or differentiators

1. Collaborative remuneration platform focused on the user and not on the Driver.
2. Lower rate for the service
3. Subsequent collection for connection to the service ecosystem


Llevame takes a commission of 15% for, the lowest rate of the market in the world to date of which 2.5% is distributed in the network of allies users and the other 2.5% is distributed in the network of allies of drivers.the platform receives a profit of 10% of the tariff.

In a service of USD 20
LLevame charge 15% - USD 3.

Referer of the user earns a 5% so USD .5
Referer of the driver earns a 5% so USD .5

Total Income for the platform USD 2.
Total Income for the referers 1 USD 1.

Business model

Income is made through a system of permanent collaboration. Users of the platform make income for their permanent referrers. The platform focuses on the user and not on the Driver as it happens with other types of applications.

Money will be spent on

-Marketing specialized to expand the network of users .40%
-Technology, Expand functionalities and improve existing ones. 30%
-Fees, staff that will be responsible for executing the strategy. 30%

Offer for investor

10% of the company.

Team or Management


1. Regulation in the cities of the world.
2. Copy of the business model of already established platforms.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

It has not been submitted to incubation programs.

Won the competition and other awards

It has not been submitted to entrepreneurship programs.


Photo 1 - Network of collaboration when a taxi/car is requested
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