Photo - Sol Ligting s.r.o.

Sol Ligting s.r.o.

Creation of LED lamps with a solar spectrum of light

Czech Republic
Market: Production, Farming, Electronics
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 24.08.2019
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Produced LED lamps have a polymer coating, which during operation emit sunlight. These lamps are very important in human life. They allow you to create ideal conditions for his life and open up great prospects in all branches of agriculture because with their help you can get more of agricultural products with a minimum of energy consumption in the same area. The low cost of the polymer allows producing a competitive product with high consumer qualities.

Current Status

The polymer coating for LEDs emitting sunlight was developed in August 2018.
In Russia, there is an existing production. A company is registered in the Czech Republic for organizing production in the European Union. Sales started in Russia. There are completed initial contracts for a total of 83,000 Euros.
Upcoming contracts in the Czech Republic and Italy. Great interest among potential customers to the technologies applied to sunlight, (lighting for people, in animal husbandry, poultry farming, fish farming and greenhouse farms).


An assessment of the market of the European Union and Russia.
With a market capacity of potential buyers of 0.1%, the annual turnover will be 38 million Euros.
Target consumers:
- People (lighting of apartments, common areas, industrial buildings, etc.).
- Farms (barns, pigsties, fish farms and poultry houses)
- Greenhouse facilities (greenhouse lighting)
- photo and film studios.

Problem or Opportunity

Produced LED lamps have a polymer coating, which during operation emit sunlight. These lamps are very important in human life. They allow you to create ideal conditions for his life and open up great prospects in all branches of agriculture because with their help you can get more of agricultural products with a minimum of energy consumption in the same area. The low cost of the polymer allows producing a competitive product with high consumer qualities.

Solution (product or service)

Using our lamps and special lighting technologies, people will become less sick, get rid of depression.
In livestock, poultry, fish farming, the use of our technologies will increase the live weight by 15-20% over the same period of time, improving the quality of meat.
In greenhouses you can grow vegetables without access to sunlight. At the same time growth will be accelerated by 30%, and the quality will improve.
The use of our technologies will significantly save energy resources and get rid of mercury lamps that poison the planet.


In the near future, until 2025, the appearance of competitors in this direction is possible, but unlikely. In 2015, Toshiba announced full-spectrum LEDs, but according to the results of their work they showed a low efficiency, that the released batches remained prototypes, and so far nothing of the kind appeared on the market.

Advantages or differentiators

The main advantage is the absence of competitors and analogues of this product.
The second advantage is that we sell not only lamps. Together with the lamps we sell technology, service and warranty service and support of all projects.


Financing details - Pessimistic forecast
Necessary funds - $ 1.5 million.
Potential market rating = 0.1%
After four years period
Net Present Value: NPV = Euro 5,43 million
Internal Rate of Return: IRR = 718%
Pay-Back Period: PBP = 9 mount
Financial analysis showed the stability of the project with 50% deviation from all parameters.

Business model

We offer a business model - Refusal of intermediaries.
The specifics of the luminaires produced are such that they are a unique product, with a large specific application.
In addition to the specifics of the product (real sunlight), we offer technologies that will significantly improve the quality of human life and increase the profitability of farms.
To increase the quality and quantity of the manufactured product without increasing capital investment.
All of the above implies the creation of its own extensive sales network, service support and warranty service, which will make it possible to gain additional profit and dependence on the Company.
In our business model, we plan to use 3 key development strategies:
- strategy of intensive growth,
Focuses on expanding operations, increasing market share, increasing sales, increasing profits.
- Development of primary demand
Influencing global demand to increase market size.
- Territorial expansion.
Implementation in other regions.

Money will be spent on

Organization of production in the Czech Republic, the city of Brno.
Rental of production space.
Purchase of equipment and components.
Current assets and annual budget of the Company.

Offer for investor

50% profit sharing


Uncontrolled risks:
- Significant growth in the exchange rate;
- Significant drop in effective demand;
- Stopping the activity of technology partners;
- Deterioration of relations with all countries where products are planned to be sold.
Controlled risks
- High percentage of marriage
- Lagging performance of technology partners from the planned level;
- Failure of technological equipment;
- Shortage of working capital;
- Lack of qualified personnel;
- Dismissal of key employees.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

No programs passed.
The content of the Company - own funds.
All research, development of prototypes, testing and serial production was carried out at their own expense.

Won the competition and other awards

Since the key product was released in August 2018 did not participate in contests and exhibitions.
Synthetic polymer was not patented due to the fact that the patent is not a serious protection of intellectual rights. The composition of the polymer and its technology are protected by commercial secrets.


Photo 1 - Creation of LED lamps with a solar spectrum of light
Photo 2 - Creation of LED lamps with a solar spectrum of light
Photo 3 - Creation of LED lamps with a solar spectrum of light
Photo 4 - Creation of LED lamps with a solar spectrum of light

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