Photo - Cathund Research and Educational Consultant LTD

Cathund Research and Educational Consultant LTD

Cathund School Software Application

Market: Internet and IT, Education, training, Mobile applications
Stage of the project: Idea or something is already done

Date of last change: 14.07.2020
Min amount of loan
$  250.000
Estimated yield
10 % a year
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Total required
$ 500.000
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The Projects is a software application meant for school programme. The first phase for primary and secondary. Afterwards, it would be extended to all higher institutions Africa. The goal of this project is to;
• Enhance efficiency and competence among teachers, students and the school administration.
• Embrace technology and to apply it in the learning and teaching process, especially in Africa.
• Reduce truancy among students and teachers.
• Provide a wide range of books to be available to students.
• Continue learning via the application classroom provision despite shutdown of schools.

Current Status

This project is in an idea stage and is a startup business. The project is definitely going to scale. We have been working hard to get clients on ground and we have gotten some in the Northern part of Nigeria and we are in communication with them.


Our beneficiary are pupil and students in all primary, secondary and tertiary institutions. The tutors, head of schools and educational regulatory bodies are beneficiaries of this technological development. Students would not have pay so much money to gain access to quality education.
Children in rural areas in Africa who most likely live under $2 PPP a day would have access to standard education. For government owned schools, the government would subscribe for a special library on the app for the school. Hence, its free access to teachers and students from the school.

Our target audience are millions of school children, teachers and head of schools in Nigeria, and Africa at large.
The pilot stage will begin with all secondary and tertiary institution under Kaduna State government in Northern Nigeria. The teachers/ lecturers and students that would have access to the application in the pilot stage would be ten thousand (10,000).
Within a year, after the application use must have been perfected, we would extend our boundaries to the whole of Nigeria. Both private and government organization/Schools would be involved in this pilot stage. Minimum of thirty-thousand (30,000) individuals would have been able to download and use this application.
In 5 years, about one hundred and fifty million (150 million) around Africa would use this application efficiently. At scale, various government and private own institution of learning must have imbibed this application in their regular school teaching and communication processes.
We wish to achieve these impact goals through collaborations and partnership with government agencies, Nongovernmental organizations, Universities, ministries, parastatals, companies such as coca cola, Dangote groups etc to make adverts on the software application. Government would be glad to utilize this opportunity because they are currently seeking ways/methods to prevent further breakage or standstill in the learning process of school children.
We would also get support from government and its agencies that would help subsidize the subscription bills for schools and students in order to aid the poor.

Problem or Opportunity

Our innovation is an improvement on existing technology of mobile App such as online library, zoom, school planner, teachers kit, school's curriculum etc. All this and more will be combined in one App- Cathund School Software Application. This will achieve more success for the following reasons:
1.The combination of this various technology will bring about competency and efficiency among teachers and students, teachers can give assignments, quiz, test or examinations to the students and assess them concurrently with the grading system made available. The students can get their results immediately or later, depending on how the teacher wants it. This would put to an end examination malpractice by students and manipulation by teachers.
2. It would solve problem of truancy among students and teachers.
3. Students will have access to a comprehensive library with up to date syllabuses and curriculum.
4. Development of this App will aid the regulatory bodies to monitor the school from the headquarters.
5. It would prevent breakage or standstill in school activities even in extreme situations because learning is continuous here.
6. The teachers can prepare their lesson note/ lesson plan on the App. The head of school or supervisor can assess and review the note/plan on the App and give their recommendations and suggestions immediately.
Cathund School Software Application will have 3 phases combined in one App. That of primary, secondary and tertiary level of education. Any who wishes to download the App will be asked at the point of download of the type he/she wants.


There are online alternatives to application now, but ours is going to be in downloadable application on Mac, Windows, Tablets and Androids.

The following are the websites of our competitors:

Advantages or differentiators

Right now there is no application as complex as the one we want to create. Most of the ones available are online learning and are non downloadable.


It is going to be a contract to government, the will purchase it and make it free to students, teachers, and head of schools.
it would be sold to private entities per user at a very affordable price.

Loan terms

12 months

Interest rate, %


Pledge and assets

I am willing to Pledge about 200 square kilometre of land in a very good location worth a total $800,000.

Business model

We intend to tract progress by using the following metrics:
1. Input and Output Metrics: We would adequately measure, evaluate and monitor what comes in and goes out of the business (innovation). Some of these metrics we would measure includes; R&D spend as a percentage of sales, the number of innovation projects started, number of new employees in R&D, Number of new projects launched in a particular amount of time, actual Vs. targeted break even time for new products, etc. 2. Leadership and strategy metrics: The highly qualified management team would carefully and strategically make decisions that would contribute to the growth and success of the business. 3. Structural Metrics: We will be able to measure our organization structure, process and resource which would enable us use the right tool to support the innovation. 4. Culture: We would use this metrics to measure the impart of our innovation on our targets, which are poor people living below $2 PPP in Africa. 5. Capability: Competent and skilled individuals with unique insight and technical know-how would be brought into the system in order to achieve or get an outstanding output.

Solution (product or service)

The Projects is a software application meant for school programmes. The first phase for secondary and primary schools in Nigeria and Africa. Afterwards, as the Projects scales, second phase would be extended to all higher institutions in Africa.
During the outbreak of Covid 19, learning stopped for most African children, if not all. The creation of this application will prevent further standstill and breakage in the academic calendar and learning process of students especially in the time of outbreak of a pandemic like corona virus, thereby solving this development challenge.
Library Problem: Students in Nigeria and Africa face a big challenge when it comes to accessibility and affordability of qualitative and comprehensive library. Hence, the development of this Application would help tutors and learners to gain easy access to all recommended textbooks, journals etc at their fingertips, customized specially for the subscribing schools.
Truancy: In Nigeria, Olley (2006) found from his study that 46% of young people who lack parental supervision reported history of truancy. About 18% of teachers don't go to the classroom. The application will aid close monitoring and evaluation of teachers and students, prevent truancy and examination manipulation and malpractices.
Meeting, Training and Workshop Problem: Teachers Profession development training is lacking in most schools in Africa. This could be because of the risk of traveling, cost of logistics, unavailability of materials etc. This application will be used for conducting online video teaching, classroom and workshop for more than a thousand participants at a time to save cost.
According to UNESCO, in 2018, 258.4 million children were out of school, representing one-sixth of the global population of this age group. Hence, it will help poor people especially those living under $2 PPP a day to gain access to quality education.

Team or Management


Unavailability of funds to carry out some necessary marketing procedures and creation of the application. Due to our financial barrier, we are seeking this grant from your organization in other to achieve and build this life transforming application.
In addition to this, we would need lots of technical experts due to the intensity of the innovation. We would need experts in the area of test and measurements, education technology, ICT in education, artificial intelligence, Application developer, and more. We would need to travel round the world to get the best. Once we’ve gotten all these in place, we won’t face any key challenges.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

We have alliances with son many universities in Nigeria. Presently, we collaborate with the University of Abuja, Nigeria to hold training workshops for teachers and lecturers in the country.
We also partnering with Veritas University, Abuja to hold Public Health Programmes for Advanced and Post graduate Students in Nigeria.

Won the competition and other awards

Our company has a received an award for Educational Promotion.


Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria Registration Number--> 1351211


Photo 1 - Cathund School Software Application
Photo 2 - Cathund School Software Application
Photo 3 - Cathund School Software Application
Photo 4 - Cathund School Software Application
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