Photo - Startup 54180


Market: Blockchain
Project stage: Prototype or product is ready
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Idea or High Level Concept

It is a user-owned decentralized social network that lets you follow content from conventional social media and turns any mainstream social account into a wallet you can send tips to.

Traction and Current Status

Pre-alpha testnet demo - current users N/A
Telegram Group: 1300 members.
Twitter account: 988 followers
Investment: USD400k ++

Problem or Opportunity

Large social media organizations are called social, while they actually hold a pretty tight control over what users can see, share, say, and how they can monetize their content. Users do not get to own, nor to decide much.


Myriad proposes a DAO-driven social platform to integrate social data in a federated way, while transactions are managed on-chain. Myriad aims to be extensible (chat and metaverse modules on the way), user-modifiable, and the base of a user-managed ecosystem of communities. Its first iteration offers crypto tipping for Myriad-native and off-myriad social posts. Soon to come: mintable content and DAO driven communities.

Business Model, Chanells, Metrics

Fair transaction percentage (DAO decided) on tips. (Future application to NFT trades and marketplace features for maintainers).