Photo - Media Gazelle

Media Gazelle

Storifying Data Into Narratives

USA, California
Market: Information and media, Entertainment
Stage of the project: Prototype or product is ready

Date of last change: 05.08.2019
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Media Gazelle operates a content creation and discovery platform that generates content automatically and on demand for our customers.

We have developed our own Natural Language Generation (NLG) engine which analyzes and converts raw data points, turning them into compelling narratives (from scratch). The content includes full text articles and media (i.e. charts, diagrams, videos, images), all of which is created by our system on the fly.

The content is publish-ready and can be used as news-articles, on social media, in newsletters, product descriptions, or anywhere content is needed.

Current Status

Currently our product is live and we generate about 3-500 articles per day. We are in the process of generating content for a couple of niches after which we will start signing up customers (none yet).

Our product is live, and our back-end is fully functional.


Our immediate goal is creating content for a few verticals; finance and eSports, which are both very data-rich. This allows us to focus and build a solid foundation to scale into other verticals later.

Customers include bloggers, news organizations, small and medium businesses as well as Enterprises. The reality is, everyone needs more quality content, be it for their websites, newsletters, product descriptions, or what have you.

Problem or Opportunity

Creating content is hard, you need ideas, creativity, expertise, time and then skills creating or locating media. Outsourcing this can cost $25-$250 per article (Depending on quality).

The market is obviously huge, every website and newsletter, status update, in-app notification is content, and everyone is hungry for more.

There are over 1B active websites in the world, and 430 million in the US alone. Automating content creation provides an avenue to add relevant content at a faster pace, and a lower price.

We think of ourselves as having built a large 'engine' to create content, and engine that can be applied to multiple markets once we grow and scale.

Solution (product or service)

We provide content ideas and publish-ready content at a fraction of the price. This includes custom content created in a couple of minutes by our automated system.

Our content includes media where applicable and can currently be accessed via our wire-service portal for instant use.

Long term: Think about where you would go get content for your site today, and you will probably realize that no specific place comes to mind. Our long term goal is to make people think 'Media Gazelle' every time they think of content. Not to sound too cliché, but we will become the Amazon of content across verticals.


When we consider competitors, we have to consider not just companies but also the many other ways content can be created.

- Content Farms: Price varies from $25-%250 for one article without media. The process is slow (5-10 days), time consuming, and quality varies.

- In-house: Direct hires are great, but after salaries and benefits still costs upwards of $25-200 per article.

- Automated Insights: Direct competitor, working mainly with enterprises and charging as pay-per-view. Large upfront cost to engage

- AP/Reuters: News content only, expensive ($100+ per article), very high quality.

Advantages or differentiators

- Content is ready-to-publish, but can easily be edited.
- Access to pre-generated content
- Platform to create custom content with a few simple inputs.
- Media (numerous formats) are included
- Affordable price.

Note: Content is not mutually exclusive. A company may choose to get different content from multiple sources at the same time.


We sell SAAS at several price points:
- Free Trial
- Basic : $12/month
- Professional: $29/month
- Business: $99/month
- Enterprise: Custom

All B2B deals and deals involving custom user data falls in the enterprise category.

Until we ramp up our customer base, our projections are pure speculation, but we aim to scale to $63M yearly revenue by 2023.

Business model

Our basic service is a SAAS model which scales up to an Enterprise account supporting custom B2B content creation.

The lower tiers in the SAAS model require no custom work, whereas the Enterprise tier is a B2B sale, usually involving custom work to create content for internal data sources.

There is a wide range of partnership opportunities as we scale, for example reselling stock images, or affiliate accounts to sell tickets to events (just to name two obvious ones). These can be 'baked' into our content automatically.

Money will be spent on

We need the investment to scale our our content including text and supported charts and diagrams. We will also be adding more feeds which will improve the content across the board, and finally we will be spending it on sales and marketing for our new content portfolio.

- Payroll: 65%
- Benefits: 10%
- Marketing: 9%
- Equipment: 4%
- Offices: 3%
- Legal/insurance/consultants/other: 9%

Salary Breakdown:
- Technical (Including founders): 43%
- Content Creation team: 30%
- S&M: 13%
- Sales Support: 12%
- Legal: 2%

Offer for investor

Convertible note, terms TBD

Team or Management


- Our technology might become obsolete due to AI (We expect to move towards AI as AI matures, and after Series A)

- A race to the bottom may occur for content creation, eroding profits

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

We have not participated in any incubation or acceleration programs.

Won the competition and other awards

- Made the top 5 coolest startup lists from Collision Conference in Canada:


Method and System for Semantically Generating and Digitally Publishing Articles - U.S. Patent Application No. 15/981,344
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