Photo - Startup 57528

EX Zero Carbon Inc.

Market: Power Engineering
Project stage: Idea or something is already done
Also this project:
- Find investments
- Participate in the Unicorn Battle

Idea or High Level Concept

Small Scale Waste to Hydrogen Technology chosen by the Region of Paris to turn Municipal Solid Waste into Pipeline Gas.

Traction and Current Status

The Company receives about 2 Mil. EUR in German Government Funding, plus just raised a 350k USD Crowdfunding Round on WeFunder from over 400 individual investors.
A major project in Paris has just been awarded to the company making it cash flow positive on a small level. While the team has received lots of media attention over the last years, this is the time to bring the technology to global markets.

Problem or Opportunity

The Technology makes waste to energy possible on a micro-scale, on islands, and on manufacturing sites. It is perfect for treating ocean plastics in Bali, the same as Farm Waste in India.


Zero X has been developing a high-temperature thermochemical reactor for the last 15 years, that is hot enough to convert solid waste to gas, but is also small, easy to operate, and economical. A Solution that can be installed anywhere.

Business Model, Chanells, Metrics

While initial projects are sold and customized to individual customers, ultimately Zero X will operate the units for customers charging a portion of the savings generated. Like a Hardware SAAS Model.

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