Photo - Startup 54626

Baanx Group Ltd.

United Kingdom
Market: Financial services, Blockchain, Crypto currency
Project stage: Operating business
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Idea or High Level Concept

B2B provider of infrastructure for crypto and digital asset companies.

Traction and Current Status

500,000+ cards sold
Rolling out Tezos Crypto Life app in Oct. 2021
via our 20+ clients we have access to 15% of the worlds Bitcoin

Problem or Opportunity

1) No good bridges between digital and fiat world.
2) Not enough digital friendly infrastructure available to new digital companies, fintechs, financial institutions wanting to get into digital assets.
3) Compliance, regulation is hard to navigate


1) physical + virtual crypto friendly debit cards (Mastercard, Visa)
2) crypto friendly corporate bank accounts (USD, EUR, GDB, settle in 20+ currencies, virtual IBANs
3) Fiat on/off ramps (acquiring)
4) Textbit- remittance, send funds/crypto to anyone in your mobile address book
5) 100% managed service - we take all the KYC/AML risk.
6) We pioneered 'free' lending against your digital assets- as a service.

Business Model, Chanells, Metrics

we make a small % on all transactions