Photo - DNA Precision Therapeutics

DNA Precision Therapeutics

Market: Medicine
Project stage: Prototype or product is ready
Also this project:
- Find investments
- Participate in the Unicorn Battle

Idea or High Level Concept

We develop linear DNA based precision therapeutics as Vaccines for Infectious Diseases and Cancer and Gene Therapies for genetic disorders

Territory of the product or service implementation

Global (world)

Traction and Current Status

We are a pre-clinical stage company that develops DNA based therapeutics for several diseases. We have develped SARS-CoV-2 and Dengue DNA based vaccine candidates with promising in-vitro and in-vivo proof of concept results. As well we have also developed a novel approach to Melanoma Treatment with great in-vivo canine and feline case reports.

Problem or Opportunity

We do not use viral systems for gene delivery. We only use DNA + Liposomes for gene delivery and therapeutic effects for Infectious Diseases such as Dengue Virus and Cancer such as melanoma that are neglected diseases with no preventive or treatment therapeutics


We develop linear DNA based therapeutics for Infectious diseases such as COVID-19 and Dengue and for Oncology, specifically for Melanoma and Squamous Cell Carinoma. We have performed several proof of concept assays for our candidates with very promising results.

Competitors and Existing Alternatives

There are competitors that produce DNA based therapeutics as INOVIO but the main difference is that they use plasmidic circular DNA and we use linear DNA devoided of bacterial genetic elements

Advantages or differentiators

We differenciate from our competitors because we use non viral genetic sequences for vaccine and gene therapy development.
As well these types of molecules are produced in bacteria at lower prices than viral systems and are more efficient as well

Won the competition and other awards

We have won several competitions and prices:

2018 - ALL-TEC Competition - Argentina Biotechnology Innovation Award US$ 13.000 Funded

2019 - YPFtec - Argentina Science Ministry Biotechnology Innovation Award

2020 - Argenitna Science Ministry and Spain Fomento San Sebastian
Biotechnology Innovation Award US$ 3.000 Funded

Presence of invention or patent



We are currently filling the patent paperwork

Money will be spent on

The money will be spent on FDA guided pre-clinical trials, patenting, salaries and Phase I small clinical trial

Offer for investor

We are open for discussing an offer for the investor

Team or Management


Photo 1 - DNA Precision Therapeutics