Photo - Monitoring Children undergoing cancer treatment

Luckie Tech

Monitoring Children undergoing cancer treatment

Market: Medicine, Services, Gadgets, Artificial Intelligence, Mobile applications
Project stage: Prototype or product is ready
Also this project:
- Find investments
- Participate in the Unicorn Battle

Idea or High Level Concept

We developed technologies to reduce the mortality rate of children undergoing cancer treatment, and reduce the costs on treatment.

Territory of the product or service implementation

South America

Traction and Current Status

We are on a POC (Proof of Concept) on the biggest Cancer hospital in Latin America - "Hospital de Amor de Barretos"

Problem or Opportunity

All patients that are on cancer treatment has a condition call neutropenia - that is the low immunity causing vulnerabity to any other opportunity disease and this can kill the person if is not taken fast actions on it.
In children this is even worst because they dont know what is going on.
We create a wearable that is prepare to measure 5 parameters on line that will advise if something is wrong (a fever for example) to medical staff, hospital and parents - taking actions faster and saving lives.


We developed a dedicated wearable that stick on armpit of the child and send the vital signs to a mobile app to parents, anothe app to doctor and nurses and a webtool on a dashboard at the hospital that shows all vital signs and all locations of each child.
If there is any problem a fever for example all are alarmed and actions are done to medicate as soon as possible the patient

Customer Segments and Market

There will be 12000 new cases of children diagnosed per year only in Brazil
In the World this number is about 362000 per year
Our service is to hospitals and health insurance - it is not to parents.
Today there are some thermometers that send to mobile some data - but there is no integrated system that is an auxiliary to the treatment.

Revenue Streams and Cost Structure

Our service is about US$50,00/ month per child
Minimum of 50 children in each hospital
The cost structure is basically development (90% done) , system maintenance, wearable production and adesives.

Business Model, Chanells, Metrics

It is a SaaS model - B2B
It is about US$70,00 per child per month

Competitors and Existing Alternatives

There is no companies working with this niche or doing something similar to childhood cancer.
We developed a entire system that as business plan cheap to hospitals and prepared to machine learning and artificial inteligence
Some wearables are only showing the temperature to one device close by it is been sold in markets the battery is limited and not rechargeable.

Advantages or differentiators

Many high technological systems to a unic goal: reduce the mortality rate on children underging cancer treatment
Wearable - very small to be confortable to child; rechardable battery; battery now for 25 days using; water proof
Dedicated mobile app developed to be helpfull to parents and hospital
Dedicated Cloud System similar to Embraer´s model that monitore up to 5000 airplanes with 6000 parameters in each airplane.


To long to get Anvisa approval in Brazil

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

Participation on Nexus program in Parque Tecnológico in São José dos Campos/SP - Brazil
BNDES Garagem
Barretos - Hospital do Amor

Won the competition and other awards

Many interviews and presentation in Universities :

Others in You Tube - Luckie Tech

Presence of invention or patent



PROTOCOLO 870200100695 DE 11/08/2020

PROCESSO PI BR 10 2020 016344 2

Money will be spent on

Developing more the system

Offer for investor

We are open to listen proposals
5% for 1,250,000

Team or Management

Mentors & Advisors


Photo 1 - Monitoring Children undergoing cancer treatment

Personal video message from the author

Product Video
