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Idea or High Level Concept
Nawah is a core hub of advanced research equipment specialized in natural and medical sciences that offers its services online and on demand. Nawah's online platform receives experiments requests, Nawah's scientists carry them out and return results online. Nawah’s business model is revolutionizing the scientific research ecosystem since scientists can now carry world class level of research regardless of the equipment available in their labs.
Territory of the product or service implementation
Traction and Current Status
Nawah is in the growth phase. Over 5 years of operation, Nawah has analyzed over 30K samples coming from 9 countries. We are the biggest private research center in Egypt currently.
Problem or Opportunity
Cutting edge research is available exclusively to those with high tech equipment in their labs. Only very few universities in Africa have access to such equipment. Scientists and companies outsource their research tasks to Europe or the US at higher costs. This leads to low-quality research projects barely scratching the surface, African scientists potential kept captivated, and research converting to marketed products is very minimal.
Nawah is a core hub of advanced research equipment specialized in natural and medical sciences that offers its services online and on demand. Nawah's online platform receives experiments requests, Nawah's scientists carry them out and return results online. Scientists can now carry world class level of research regardless of the equipment available in their labs.
Customer Segments and Market
We operate in the market of outsourcing scientific services. We serve industries in need of product development and analysis (Pharmaceuticals, Petro/Oil, chemicals, agriculture,...) as well as academics at universities in disciplines of life sciences (Biology, chem, pharma,…).
Global market size is 24B USD, Africa market is about 2B USD and Egypt alone is 70M USD. Demand is huge, we broke even in 18 months and has been cash flow positive ever since.
Revenue Streams and Cost Structure
-Gross margin % is 60%
-Average growth over 5 years is 2.2X year-over-year
-We expect an inflection point as we achieved international accreditation leading to 3X growth in 2020 (despite the COVID pandeminc) and for the coming three years
-2019 sales were 250K USD, expected to reach 750K in 2020
-Sales expected to hit 20M USD annual revenue by 2024
Business Model, Chanells, Metrics
Nawah receives tasks online, automatically sends the courier to collect them, Nawah scientists carry the experiments and finally results are sent back online.
Nawah has 2 main revenue streams:
- Sample analysis: Customer pays a fixed fee per test type per sample
- Scientific projects; Full projects are carried and priced on a case-by-case basis
Competitors and Existing Alternatives
No private competitors in Africa, we compete with labs based in public universities, where clients would request a university professor to carry the research tasks for them
Advantages or differentiators
1. We offer much better technology and research facilities compared to competitors
2. We pick up samples from clients and revert results online, no need to travel to different cities to chase equipment here and there
3. At least 3X faster delivery of results than competitors (days compared to weeks)
4. Competitors are labs in public universities tied in routine that hurdles critical operations, like purchases and maintenance. No growth mindset, not marketing activities. We have all this is Nawah.
-Risk of new entrants (Low, due to deep know how required and high amount of CAPEX)
-Risk of slow investment (Medium, due to current COVID pandemic, but we have good runway)
Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment
We graduated from the 500 DOJO Accelerator (May 2018)
Won the competition and other awards
2nd position in Africa Business Heroes by Jack Ma foundation (Nov 2019)
1st position in Rise Up summit (Dec 2017)
Presence of invention or patent
Money will be spent on
Extension of services portfolio to cover other marts of the scientific market
Offer for investor
We are raising 1M USD at pre-money valuation of 7M USD using SAFE convertible notes. Terms are investor / founder balanced.