AI-Detection & recognition of lung cancer from CT images
Market: Medicine, Artificial Intelligence
Project stage: Prototype or product is ready
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Idea or High Level Concept
“Automatic and Real-Time System (S/W package) for detection & recognition of potentially problematic growths (such as cancer) from CT images, providing real-time alerts to inform decisions of medical experts.
Territory of the product or service implementation
Global (world)
Traction and Current Status
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Problem or Opportunity
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“Automatic and Real-Time System (S/W package) for detection & recognition of potentially problematic growths (such as cancer) from CT images, providing real-time alerts to inform decisions of medical experts.
Customer Segments and Market
Growing use & Growing number of CT devices in the world (today are more then 60,000) – due to efficiency of coverage data and extremely reduction of radiation (today, most of the CT devices are with similar and less radiation level than the X-Ray devices!!!)
CT & technology vendors invest 100’s of Millions in S/W for Medical diagnostics
Now Days- No existing of reliable working solution for detection & identification of Lung Cancer from CT images that is trusted by physicians
The exiting solutions provide very high rate of False Positive!
Our Customer are: Hospital and Clinics, Health Care Service Providers, PACS companies (PACS - Picture Archiving and Communication System), CT vendors, Individual Customer (Second opinion) by the Internet.
Revenue Streams and Cost Structure
The Potential Market for Lung CT images is more than 3B$ a year.
(60,000 CT Machine exists (Today), About 50 CT Scans per Machine per day, 3,000,000 CT Scans per day)
Business Model, Chanells, Metrics
Example: 1$ - 3$ per Case (detection) >> 3,000,000$ - 90,000,000$ per day!!!
Assumption of 1% from the potential market is: 30,000$ - 90,000$ per day!!!
Lung CT is about 40%, .the next big portion is the Colon Detection capability
Competitors and Existing Alternatives
Advantages or differentiators
The ability to detect lung cancer -93%, False Positive – 0.4 on a case. It is better than any exist system in the world!!!
Presence of invention or patent
Money will be spent on
Complete the short procedure for FDA & CE (about 1 year) and In parallel, Finishing packaging the System.
Continue developing the Colon Detection capability - Start marketing the System