Market: Trade, Financial services, Mobile applications
Project stage: Prototype or product is ready
Also this project:
Find investments
- Participate in the Unicorn Battle
Idea or High Level Concept
With Proximity marketing and payments solution SmartPay, Customers will not pass by Merchant’s store! We are connecting digital and physical worlds to make the best offer in right time. In fact, we are able to convert every offline Merchant into future of retail as “Amazon Go” store adding on top location based marketing opportunities.
Territory of the product or service implementation
Global (world)
Traction and Current Status
We are alumni of Incubation program in Netherland, have initial funding and working MVP, as well as Partners and Merchants ready to launch on Russian market. Now we are thinking about next steps and growth strategy. We realize how expensive could be direct acquisition and actively discussing partnership growth strategies with players already had End Customers base, like Banks, Telecom operators, Retail & Gas station chains in order to provide our functionality in their mobile apps or promote our services within product offerings of Payments Service Providers and Banks with existing offline Merchants base.
Problem or Opportunity
We closely worked with payment services and found that typical challenges most offline Merchants are facing today pretty similar: • How to attract new Clients and convert a passer-by into Customer? • How to retain them by providing lasting impression due to Customer experience?
Just imagine, that in the morning you are passing coffee house and getting push notification that you might have 20% discount on coffee to go. You are coming in, getting your coffee and able to pay even more convenient than with “ApplePay”: simply continue your way and you’ll be charged automatically, like after “Uber” ride.
Focus on Merchants in retail industry (unlike conichiwa & favendo, who are ficusing on corporate clients) & opportunity to work not only in Moscow (unlike MT_City)
Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment
Brightland Innovation Factory, Blockchain & AI, Spring 2018, Netherland YCombinator Online School, Autumn 2018, USA
Won the competition and other awards
Startup Battle #97, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 3rd place Startup Battle #100, Almati, Kazakhstan, 3rd place Startup Battle #102, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 3rd place Startup Battle #105, Minsk, Belorussia, 1st place